St. Albert Referees – Information 2012 / 2013 Season
Referee In Chief: Joe Becigneul, (780) 242-0854
Welcome to the 2012 - 2013 hockey season.Every new and returning official in Alberta must be registered with the North Zone as having completed a recertification clinic by December 15, 2012.There will be approximately 45 to 50 scheduled clinics in the North Zone this season over 12 different weekends starting in mid September, 2012.
This season, the one-day clinics are being offered againat Grant McEwen University. The requirements to attend all clinics are listed below. All clinics have on-line pre-registration for attendance.As space fills quickly, it is suggested that you contact the listed clinic contact person as soon as possible.The minimum age for new officials is 13 years of age before December 31, 2012.
Requirements to attend a One Day Clinic (NEW AGE REQUIREMENT – LOWERED TO 16)
-Must be registering as a level 2 or higher official this season (16 yrs or older before Jan 1, 2013)
-Must have been a registered official with Hockey Alberta or another branch of Hockey Canada in the 2011/2012 season. Instructors will verify this.
-Must attend the complete 8-hour classroom session at one of the scheduled one-day clinics as listed on the clinic schedule.These clinics are completely separate from the regular 2-day clinics so you may not just take one day at a regular clinic. The one-day clinics have no on-ice session.
Two-Day Clinics
-Attended by officials who will be 13 to 16 yrs old before Jan 1, 2013 and any level two official and above who does not have continuous service with Hockey Alberta or another branch of Hockey Canada.
-Also attended by all officials who were not registered in the 2011/2012 season including officials who may have taken a year or two off and did not register last season.
-The clinic will be 12 hours of classroom instruction along with a ninety-minute on-ice session on the Sunday morning.
Please note: You must attend the entire two day clinic and cannot attend a single day only and expect to be registered as if you had attended a one-day clinic.
The St. Albert two day clinics for the 2012/2013 season arenot yet scheduled. The times will be 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on both days. No half days or half clinics will be permitted under any circumstances. If you do not attend the full two-day clinic, you will not be able to referee hockey. Rule/casebooks are available for purchase at the clinic for a cost of $15.00. The on-ice session for the clinic is scheduled for the Sunday morning. Your instructors will inform you of your class’ ice time at your clinic. You are required to have your CSA Helmet and half visor, whistle and your skatesfor the on-ice session.
Hockey games for the first year officials begin in mid-October. With the start of the regular season fast approaching, you are all requested to abide by the guidelines and expectations as listed under “Rules and Expectations”.
The CHA has a MANDATORY INSURANCE FEE of $37.00. This fee must be paid and the only exception will be for officials who will be playing on a CHA / Hockey Alberta registered hockey team, in which case the team will be paying the insurance fees for you. All minor hockey teams fall into this category, however, many old timers and commercial teams do not.
As this is a rule change year (every two years), everyone will have to purchase a rulebook (casebook) at $15.00. Other requirements for first year officials include; a Hockey Alberta sweater crest ($5.00), a shoulder patchfor a cost of $2.00. You will also need a red armband. These can also be purchased at the clinic for $8.00 but they are optional as they are also available at sporting good stores that sell referee jerseys. You can buy specific referee jerseys that have a snap-on arm band which eliminates the need to purchase one of these. Please ensure you have the appropriate funds with you on Sunday in order to complete your registration. Cheques for your clinic supplies are accepted. They must be made out to: Referee's Committee
There is a fee for your instructional clinic. This year it is $45.00. The fee for the referee clinic is to cover the costs of operating the clinic, including room rentals, ice rental and instructor fees. This fee is non-refundable.Cheques for the instructional clinic only, are payable to St. Albert Referees Association.
Level / Registration Fee / Insurance / TotalLevel 1 / $16 / $37.00 / $53
Level 2 / $24 / $37.00 / $61
Level 3 / $34 / $37.00 / $71
Remember, there is also your rule/casebook fee of $15, your uniform crest of $5, your shoulder patch of $2 and the optional $8 red arm band.
The following individuals are our assignors for the 2012 - 2013 Hockey season:
Assignor and Categories of Hockey:
Gerald Wood– Junior B, C, Raider Club Hockey, & Rep Hockey
Lacey Senuk– All female Hockey, Peewee AA, A; Atom AA, A
Kurtis Eyklebosh– Bantam Federation, Midget Federation
Richard Ridgway– PeeweeFederation
Mark Enright– Novice Federation & Atom Federation
Mark Enright– Novice Developmental and Atom Developmental Leagues
Arron Best– Ratt Program Director,
Shelley Knowlton– Supervision & Junior Mentorship & Shadow Programs
Contact Information:
Telephone Numbers:E-mail:
Joe Becigneul, RIC Cell(780)
Gerald WoodCell(780)
Lacey SenukCell(780) 919-2159
Kurtis EykleboshCell(780) 995-1223
Home(780) 973-5447
Richard RidgwayCell(780)
Mark EnrightCell(780)
Home(780) 418-0974
Arron BestCell(780)
Shelley KnowltonCell(780)