Assessment Team Minutes

April 7, 2016

Assessment Project Presentation:

“Exploring Strategies that Enhance Assessment in Student Affairs” presented by Kathy Evans

Present: Pat Devendorf, Jerri Drummond, Kathy Evans, Kathy Flaherty, Christy Huynh, Rick Kolenda, Michele May,

Jerry Oberst, JJ O’Connell, Sara Rebeor. Barbara St.Michel

2016-2017 Assessment Process

·  Reviewed and discussed Part I: Mission Vision Goals, Outcomes, Objectives & Assessment Plan

o  Helpful to look at this through the lens of the Tomorrow Plan

o  Don’t “overthink” the process

o  Do not make changes to the format of the document

·  Reviewed Assessment Proposal Request, which ONLY needs to be completed if Institutional Research approval is necessary:

o  Needs assessments to non-users of services or intended to determine student perceptions of services provided (out side of point of service)

o  Electronic surveys administered to more than 75 students

o  Surveys conducted for purpose of research (for professional development or publication)

·  Reviewed and discussed Part II form, which consists of departmental three-year assessment planning efforts.

Training & Development Subcommittee

·  Events:

o  Yesterday’s “working” workshop on completing the Three-Year Assessment Part II form for 2016-2017 was well received. Attendees indicated that it provided clarity and direction

§  Orientation’s Three Year plan was showcased as an example

§  Since all departments will be completing a Part II, discussion included whether to host another workshop or having department’s work directly with their liaison

§  Attendees received chapter 5 of Henning and Roberts, Student Affairs Assessment: Theory to Practice, that helped define “types” of assessment

o  April 19th – “Removing Analysis Paralysis” webinar

o  June 9th – Assessment Retreat, 9:00am – noon; Keynote speaker: Michael Christakis, Vice President for Student Affairs at the University at Albany

·  Assessment Digest – Sara is looking for feedback on the digest

o  Do your co-workers read it?

o  Feedback on what has been sent so far?

o  Forward assessment articles/tips/tricks that you think would be helpful to Sara

Marketing & Communication Subcommittee

·  SAEM Assessment webpage:

o  JJ & Rick have done a GREAT job on the Assessment webpage! Check it out!

§  Each department has their own section with department logo so that related assessment information can be shared. Departments will work with liaisons to decide what to include in their section

§  Christy & Kathy will work on an updated Glossary to include

o  We Heard Your Voice PDF’s will be added to the website

o  Team & Subcommittee minutes have been added

·  “We Heard Your Voice” campaigns will be deployed through digital signage & flyers. A different department will be featured each month:

Spring 2016:

End of April: Intramurals/Recreation

Fall 2016:

September: Auxiliary Services

October: Lifestyles Center

November: Disability Support Services

December: Counseling Services Center

Progress Updates

·  Residence Life: Spring Rubric is currently being deployed; working on finishing up Part III’s

·  Campus Life: Conducting NASPA Campus Activities Benchmarking this semester – survey has recently been deployed

·  Admissions: Tracking/monitoring visits and applications to the college. Admitted Student Days are in full swing. Student attending Admitted Student Days tend to be those who have already paid their deposits.

·  Career Services: Working on programmatic assessments: What did student’s learn at program and did they get out of the program what Career Services intended for them to learn?

·  Athletics: Working on Part III’s for Athlete Satisfaction Assessments & Competitiveness of Athletic Teams

·  Orientation: David Runge will be the Assistant Orientation Coordinator for the summer.

·  Financial Aid: Navigating their way through the assessment process; found the Three-Year Assessment workshop very helpful – provided new way for the department to look at the process