Application form for STUDENT GRANts
Submission deadline: one month before the start of the project/courses.
Please check the guidelines on .
tHIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR(tick the appropriate box):Type of activity during your stay at the host institution(tick the appropriate box):
ULLA MSc grant
- MSc project or thesis ( ) (Title and project description, see page 3 for further specification)
- MSc courses ( ) (please provide a list of courses)
ULLA PhD traineeship ( )(Title andproject description, see page 3 for further specification)
ULLA PhD course grant ( ) ( name of the course)
Applicant’s name and full address:
Applicant’s e-mail address (please write clearly): / Male ( ) Female ( )
Applicant’s bank, including address of bank, post code, town, country
International Bank Account Number (IBAN) of your bank account
BIC (or SWIFT address) of your bank
In most cases these matters are printed on your reports from the bank, if not ask your bank
Application form for ULLA STUDENT GRANTS (continued)
Your home institution(tick the appropriate box):Uppsala ( ) Leiden ( ) London ( ) Amsterdam ( ) Copenhagen ( ) Paris ( ) Parma ( ) Leuven ( ) Helsinki ( )
I am enrolled in my home institution as (tick the appropriate box):
MSc student ( ) Doctoral/PhD student ( )
Your host institution(tick the appropriate box):
Uppsala ( ) Leiden ( ) London ( ) Amsterdam ( ) Copenhagen ( ) Paris ( ) Parma ( ) Leuven ( ) Helsinki ( )
Name of supervisor or institutional contact in your host institution:
Time period of stay at host institution (start and finishing date):
Estimated travel expenses in Euro
(only PhD traineeship/ PhD courses) / Estimated subsistence costs in Euro
(only PhD traineeship/ PhD courses)
Course fee in Euro
(only PhD courses) / I have previously received an ULLA grant
no ( ) yes ( )
host institution:
Publishing rights
I hereby accept that ULLA may use my final report, either fully or partially, in other contexts:
Yes: ______
No: ______
Supervisor or institutional contact’s signature(home institution):
Date: / Applicant’s signature:
Please attach the following documents to your ULLA grant application:
ULLA MSc grants
- a project description including a background section (≥ 1/2 page), aim/hypothesis and a project plan section (≥ 1/2 page)
- a confirmation/acceptance letter from your host institution stating that you are accepted for the exchange period
- acertified copy of your transcript of records (preferably in English) from your home university
PhD traineeship grant
- a description of the research project during your traineeship, including a background section (≥ 1/2 page), aim/hypothesis and a project plan section (≥ 1/2 page)
- a motivation letter in which you clarify the added value of the traineeship for your PhD project and the departments involved
- a description of costs and proposed financing arrangement
- a letter of invitation from the host department signed by the host supervisor
PhD course grant
- course information from the course organiser
- a motivation letter in which you clarify the added value of the course for your PhD project
- an acceptance letter from your host institution
Please send your application, including the requested documents, to:
Joachim Brouwers |
Submission deadline: 1 month before the start of the project/courses