The Christian Family Movement in Sweden will host the “VIII European Family Congress” on behalf of the International Confederation of Christian Family Movements (ICCFM).
“The Christian Family Movements Respond to the Challenges Described in the Apostolic Exhortation “AmorisLaetitia”
Study the reality of families in Europe in the light of the Apostolic Exhortation "AmorisLaetitia", thus enabling Christian Family Movements to act accordingly as members of ICCFM.
Location and Date of the Congress:
“Marielund” Retreat House of the Diocese of Stockholm, Sweden, from 11thto 14th August, 2017.
The following topics will be discussed at the Congress:
- Describe the serious challenges confronting many married couples and families in the European context: Couples cohabitating without marrying, separated couples, divorced and remarried couples, etc., who strive to live their faith at home and pass it on to their children.
Speaker: Msgr.Anders Arborelius, Bishop of Stockholm, Sweden, newly named Cardinal by Pope Francis.
- Reflect on the analysis and proposals offered by Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation "AmorisLaetitia" regarding the significant challenges facing married couples and families today, as well as the important role of Christian Family Movements as effective agents of family evangelization.
Speaker: Rev. SaúlRagoitia Vega, ICCFM International Chaplain
WORKSHOP QUESTION: ¿What role does the Christian Family Movement in our country, as a member of ICCFM, play in implementing the proposals contained in theApostolic Exhortation “AmorisLaetitia”?
- Proposal of practical solutions to the serious obstacles posed by an increasingly secularized, materialistic and relativistic society that induces many young people and married couples to abandon the Catholic faith and Church.
Speakers: Robert and María Carmen Kimball, ICCFM European Continental Presidents.
- Underline the role of the Christian Family Movement and its members in finding effective responses to these situations by fostering Christian values and evangelizing European society. Formative workshops with a specific methodology and pedagogy.
Speakers: Rosalinda Campos and Jorge Carrillo, ICCFM World Presidents
- Organization and Leadership. Encouraging CFM members to practice the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church and acquire a sense of Communion and Mission with other countries.
Speakers: Rev. Fredrik Emanuelson OMI, Diocesan Vicar for Evangelization in the Diocese of Stockholm
Programme of the VIIIICCFM European Family Congress
11th August, 2017, Friday, first day of the Congress
Registration of the Congress participants:16: 00-17:00
Mass:17:00 – 18:00
Opening Ceremony:18:00 -18:30
First talk on “OBSERVE”18: 30-19:30
Social event: Official welcoming with a cultural programme20:30
12th August, 2017, Saturday, second day of the Congress
Mass at the Marielund chapel07:30 -08:30
Talk on “JUDGE”09:30-10: 30
Coffee Break10:30 – 11:00
WORKSHOP11:00 – 12:00
First Talk on “ACT”12:00 – 12:40
Lunch Break13:00 - 14:00
Second Talk on “ACT”14:30 – 15:10
Third Talk on “ACT”15:20 – 16:00
Coffee Break16:00 – 16:30
WORKSHOPS by Country16:30 – 17:15
Evaluation of the Contributions to the Discussion17:20 – 18:30
Dinner18:30 – 19:30
Cultural ProgrammeOrganized by the Participating Countries20:00 -
13th August, 2017, Sunday, third day of the Congress
Breakfast08:00- 09:00
Discussion of “ICCFM European General Assembly” issues09:00-11:30
Lunch Break12:00 -13:00
Bus Trip to the Stockholm Cathedral13:00-14:00
Mass at the Stockholm Cathedral (in Spanish)14:00-15:15
Tourist Excursion of Stockholm15:15 -18:00
Return Trip to Marielund18:00 -19:00
Dinner atMarielund19:00 -
14th August, 2017, Monday, the fourth day of the Congress
Departure for the participants’ countries of origin
Registration form
The VIII ICCFM European Congress of Families
Organized by the Confederation of Christian Family Movements (ICCFM)
11th-14th August, 2017
Retreat House Marielund
Diocese of Stockholm
Personal Information
Name (s) and Surname (s) of the spouses:
Postal Code: Country:
Phone: (+)
Date and time of arrival at Arlanda airport:
I want to be included in the language group: English () or Spanish ( )
The registration fee will be US $ 250.00 (or Euros 225.00) per person which includes lodging and meals, simultaneous translation, Congress materials and a tour of Stockholm on 13thAugust, 2017.
1)Lodging and meals
Rooms have been booked at the "Marielund"retreat house of the Diocese of Stockholm, situated 18 kms. from the center of Stockholm. Marielundis located in an area of natural beauty on the island of Ekeröin a scenic lake surrounded by a beautiful forest just outside Stockholm. It also has a small rustic chapel for Eucharistic celebrations and adoration. It is owned by the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm, which embraces the whole of Sweden and is a meeting place for the Catholics of all ages in Sweden.Marielund has been a retreat site for the members of the local Marriage Encounter Movement (MEC) for 15 years.
Lodging will be available from the afternoon of 11 thAugust to the morning of 14thAugust inMarielund. Meals include dinner on August 11thto breakfast on14 thAugust.
Transport from Arlanda Airport to Marielund will be made available to foreign participants at the most convenient time for the majority of the these participants arriving at Arlanda airport.
2) Simultaneous translation
Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish and vice versa, as well as the translation devices, will be provided.
3)Sightseeing tour of Stockholm on 13th August 2017
Foreign participants will be offered a guided tour of Stockholm.
All inquiries and registrations should be addressed to the ICCFM European Presidents, Robert and María Carmen Kimball, at the following e-mail:
The registration fee must be paid byJuly 15thto ensure that Congress registration has been completed. The registration fee should be deposited in the following bank account:
To the name of: Ana María Silva
Account Number: 83279147573828
IBAN: SE15 8000 0832 7901 4757 3828