CASC ON Council – Minutes – Feb. 5, 2016
Present: Ciaran McKenna (Vice Chair, OSW), Peggy Moore (OCN), Ana Vincent (ONE),
Marvin Shanks (OSW), Kathy Edmison (OCN), Karen Fox (OCN)
Regrets: Daina Colbourne (OCN), Sylvia Poetschke (ONE), Vivian Stang (ONE)
- Approval of Agenda; moved by Marvin; seconded by Karen; Carried.
- Nomination of Incoming CASC ON Chair. Ciaran nominated Peggy Moore for CASC ON Chair; Peggy to talk to Ciaran off line after meeting. Seconded by Kathy; Carried.
- Ciaran will continue as chair of this meeting.
- Approval of Minutes from Jan. 8, 2016 – Ciaran moved; Kathy seconded. Carried.
- Financial Report. Kathy made some minor changes. Kathy moved document be received for information; seconded by Marvin. Carried.
Second document that Kathy did shows how money is spent. We are in deficit budget and will run out soon. This should be on website so members are advised. Moved by Kathy; seconded by Karen.
- CASC ON Communique … Peggy will update and circulate again. Thanks Peggy and Marvin. Circulate and respond by email ASAP. Move.
- Vancouver National Caucus – Marc Doucet. Historically, Ciaran has been present at National Conference but this does not need to happen this year. CASC ON Council is moving towards a change in leadership and reworking the TOR.
- Ciaran, Kathy and Peggy will be going to the National Conference (Peggy for commission meetings and preconference day only).
- CASC ON Terms of Reference (TOR). The draft TOR is complete and discussion ensued about how to advise membership and pass it. Marvin suggested two steps: information and action. The TOR in draft form can be distributed to membership for information with the proviso that it will be an action item at the next assembly of members in Fall(networking Day on Oct. 28/16) because changes to the TOR must be voted on by membership.
Distribution to membership for feedback can happen in one of several ways:
a)The Draft TOR could be sent alongside the CASC ON Letter requesting $20 donation at time of renewal of membership.
b)The Draft TOR could be sent to regional members by regional executives on spring Communique; feedback would be sent to regional secretaries and fed back to CASC ON Council.
c)The Draft TOR could be sent to Ontario-wide members in a CASC ON Council communique in the spring (the national office would send it to Ontario members). Feedback given through regional representatives.
Discussion of the target for approval by membership raised the fact that at the Ontario Caucus meeting at the National Conference in Hamilton 25% of the provincial members were present to vote (88/400). A target for approval should be set prior to distributing the TOR.
- Education Standards (Kosu Boudreau)
Kosu is chairing the Ontario Curriculum Working Group (see notes attached).
a)Priorities at National Conference: Create a Community of Practice and Develop Standardized Curriculum.
b)Supervisors across the country in PCE and CPE could share curriculum materials and resources. The CASC board is looking at new guidelines about what can be put on the website (Tim Frymire is acting webmaster).
c)Ontario is in a unique position because of relationship with CRPO. A suggestion is to have an area on the CASC website where Ontario supervisors could share resources.
Motion by Marvin: That CASC ON Council supports the Ontario ESC in launching a web page listing for curriculum resources. Seconded by Ana. Carried.
d)The TOR for OESC was set up for 2 years specifically to look at CRPO and CASC competencies and develop curriculum. The TOR needs to be reviewed now so the committee knows exactly what they are supposed to do.
e)A question about who will actually write the curriculum was raised. Where is there money to hire a curriculum writer? What are some options other than CASC ON Council funds (that is not currently sustainable)? Perhaps OESC could approach the national curriculum working group for financial support. In Ontario seminaries are developing CRPO approved programs, so there is a concern about credibility of SPE curriculum. A suggestion for the OESC to partner with TST and WLS to create curriculum collaboratively? Some concern among membership about how “in bed” CASC should be with theological schools. However, seminaries have the academic background and skill of working with curriculum, even though there is a sense that seminaries are not able to meet all the needs of CASC curriculum. Kathy will prepare a proposal of cost for curriculum writing.
f)Who liaises with CRPO? Who is qualified in CASC to supervise psychotherapists? There is currently no answer to those questions. Angela Schmidt works with CRPO as one of the reviewers of the education program. She might be able to help navigate through the system to find out who and how that process could happen. Tom O’Connor and Angela Schmidt are the best ones to approach.
- The CASC ON Networking Day is scheduled for October 28, 2016 in ONE. Vivian Stang has sent ideas to Ciaran.
- Strategic Plans and Priorities of CASC ON Council:
a)Incoming Chair
b)TOR (draw on feedback from last October and spend an hour to discuss at next meeting)
c)CRPO Information
d)Relationship to Ontario Government (or lack thereof). Marvin is concerned that CASC ON is missing opportunities to create jobs in spiritual care. E.g., Ministry of Health and Long Term Care recently proposed a new way of doing primary care, and CASC should have “jumped in” to provide feedback. He feels we are “dropping the ball” on an Ontario-wide issue. Marvin will provide some bullets/direction as to how to proceed at next meeting.
Kathy moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:43 p.m.; seconded by Ana. Carried.
Next meeting: March 4, 2016 at 1 p.m.
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