Pymatuning Trail Blazers Snowmobile Club

PO Box 28

Jamestown, PA16134



Jay would like to thank everyone that helped and taught at the Safety Course. We only had 5 kids come to the course. Jay Richards, Jerald Leary, Denise Thomas, Arlene Puachar, & Ginny Eaton were the teachers. The kids were very attentive, asking questions all day long. They were all very smart too; they all passed the course with high scores on their tests at the end of the day. Although there were only 5 of them we all had a great time.

We are happy to report that the turkey did not get away this year. We had a good turn out for the Thanksgiving Dinner/Meeting.

Fletcher’s Sales & Service donated at 2008 Arctic Cat Panther 660, for us to raffle off and we will be keeping all of the proceeds. We will be selling only 200 tickets for $25.00 each. The drawing will be at Winter Fun Day at 9:00pm.


Christmas Party/Meeting will be December 19, 2009. This is a regular meeting night. Dinner will be at 6:00 pm; meeting will be at 7:00 pm with the party to follow. We will be having roast beef and mashed potatoes for dinner along with all dishes brought by others to share. We will be having a gift exchange again this year. The gift for the exchange should not cost more than $10.00. Your gift should also be gender appropriate, meaning that if you are a guy you bring a wrapped gift for a guy and if you are a woman you bring a wrapped gift for a woman. Children are also invited to attend this event; we will still have to get in contact with Santa to see if he will be able to attend this year. If you are bringing a child with you to the party/meeting please let Angie know before December 14,2009. We must know if you are bringing a child so please don’t forget to call ASAP. Angie 724-866-3343

Winter Fun Day will be February 6, 2010. Our chair team will be Jay Richards, outside area and Greg Chapin, inside/kitchen area. This event will be moved to the Marina. This is going to be a 1 (one) day event this year. The fun and excitement will continue into the evening hours. There has been discussion of some new & different goings on for this event, but nothing has been set in stone as of yet, except the bon fire, pumpkin canon, and ice skating (if we have ice). We will also be drawing a winner for the NASCAR ticket sales. Holding the drawing at this event will give the winner more time to plan for their trip. We will let you know in the next newsletter about all of the details for this event. Our placemats for this event will be in local restaurants in December, so keep your eyes open and let us know what you think.

Flying W Ranch Trip will be February 19, 20, & 21, 2010. We are hoping to have another great year on this trip. The cost for this trip will be $25.00 per night/per person and must be paid for by December 19, 2009. We will be going snow or NO snow. Checks may be made payable to Harry Costlow. We hope you will come join our annual fun!!!!!!

Reverse Raffle will be May 1, 2010. A place for this event has not been decided yet. The chair team for this event will be Jeff and Leanne McClimans & Dave Cook and Lisa LeMier. All of them are some of our newer members; we are greatly appreciative that they have volunteered to take on the responsibilities for this event. This is their second chairing experience, they are very talented people and we have no doubts that they will do a wonderful job, again. There will be more information on this event in future newsletters.


We are still posting signs on the trails. Snow should be flying soon so we are working as quickly as possible to get everything done. There has been a lot of brush hogging done in the past few months. The Tuttle Point Trail is now open, but it is very wet. All of our trails are open accept some of the Adamsville Trails that we did not get to this year. We are currently working on getting the Linesville trails that are blocked open with some help from our friends in Linesville. Scott Shapert, one of our members, donated 300 signs for our trail system. A big thank you goes out to him. Jay has groomer information. If you would like to know about any of our groomers please feel free to contact him.

Jay 440-344-6135


*****We have three new members to our club they are: Don Boleratz, Guy Depaulo, and James Fontaine.

*****Dennis in no longer our Treasurer, due to personal reasons. Andy has now taken over the job with help from everyone in the club.

*****We will be in need of a Secretary at our next election of officers, if not sooner, because Angie has started a new job and will be starting school for her job. We will also be in need of a Treasurer or a Vice President, which ever Andy has decided to give up.

*****Membership renewals are now due!!!!! Please fill out the membership form that was provided to you in your last newsletter. If you did not receive one please let me know and I will be happy to send you one.

*****Just a reminder that we now have an e-mail address and a website. The e-mail may be used to let us know of any information or questions you may have. Our website is a great way for you to find out all of the information that is in our newsletter (sometimes those things get misplaced).

e-mail address


We are wishing everyone a


Angie Unger
