Other Secrets (Mysteries)
The knowledges of initiation cannot be passed on by word of mouth within the initiate ranks, for they are not communicated in speech or by letters. Only those who possess certain transcendental senses can take initiation and should they try to communicate the secrets and mysteries of initiation in symbol or form, you would fail to react to or to understand their meaning. IHS 34
It is not possible here to publish the details of the next stage, beyond using the description as embodied in the words "fire descends from heaven." Through the utterance of certain words and phrases, which are one of the secrets of initiation, and which vary with each initiation, the electrical force to be employed descends upon the Rod, passing through the heart and the hand of the Initiator to the Three Who stand in triangular relation to the throne of office. IHS 133
...the real use of the Word is one of the secrets of initiation and may not therefore be divulged, and that what little can be indicated is of small value to the student apart from the wise attempt to experiment, which experiment must be carried on under the guidance of one who knows. LOM 84
Mantrams that directly call the attention of one of the deva lords of a subplane, or the mighty Deva Lord of a plane. They are known to very few and are only used by those who have taken high initiation. LOM 179
These [ray] mantrams are one of the secrets of the last three initiations and may not be sounded by the pupil before that time without permission, though he may participate at times in the chanting of the mantram under the Master's direction. LOM 165
The aspirant is aiming at something different; he seeks to merge himself with his higher Self and with all that is entailed when we use that term. The stages beyond that, in all their intricacies, are the secrets of Initiation and with them we have naught to do. LOM 144
Perhaps we might reverse the idea and state that it is only when third subplane matter of a certain percentage (which percentage is one of the secrets of Initiation) is contained in the vehicles, that the Personality as a conscious whole recognizes and obeys that Higher Self. LOM 3
Then and only then can the conscious soul appropriate the "body of light and of splendor, the expression of the glory of the One" which, when once assumed, makes all future incarnations in the three worlds impossible, except as an act of the spiritual will. The significance of the above may be found difficult of comprehension for it is one of the mysteries of a higher initiation. EP2 332-333
When I here use the word "soul" I refer not only to the individual soul of man but to the soul also of the planetary Logos, both of which are the result of the union of spirit and matter, of the Father aspect and the Mother aspect. This is a great mystery which only initiation can reveal. EH 158
Spirit and matter are never dissociated during manifestation; they are the duality lying back of all that is objective. Yet some factor is responsible for them--that which is neither Spirit nor matter, that which will be regarded as nonexistent by anyone except the initiate. At the third Initiation some glimmering light upon this Abstraction is sensed by the initiate, and by the time the fifth Initiation is reached enough is apprehended by him to enable him to set forth with ardor on the search for its secret. CF 1244
This brings the disciple to the period wherein the third initiation can be taken; then still higher forces can be brought into play and the Technique of Duality can be considered, mastered and used. It will be obvious to you that I cannot give you the rules of this technique, as they constitute part of the veiled secrets of initiation. EP2 391
The final period of those under discussion can have but little submitted about it. It covers the period when a man is mastering the final stages of the Path and is entering into closer and closer touch with his group and with the Hierarchy. He is not only vibrating in tune with his group and with his Master, but is beginning now to gather out his own people, and form a group himself. This group will be at first only on emotional and physical levels and on the lower mental. After the fifth initiation he will enclose within his aura these groups and those on egoic levels who are his own. This in no way prevents his being one with his Master and group, but the method of interblending is one of the secrets of initiation. LOM 273
This is accomplished by a gradual raising of the vibration at few and stated intervals, and later more frequently, until the pupil can vibrate with greater ease and comfort to the vibration of his Master, and can hold the vibration for an ever increasing length of time. When he can hold it for this period (the length of which is of course one of the secrets of the first initiation) he is subjected to the application of a still higher vibration which--when held--will enable him to stand before the Great Lord for a length of time sufficient to permit of the initiation ceremony. LOM 275-276
The soul or solar angel might be regarded as gazing in three directions.
1. Towards the Light Supernal, towards that central Life or Energy which holds hid within Itself the purpose and plan towards which all Being tends. I know not how to express this more clearly. What that directive force may be, what is the secret of Being Itself is only revealed during the more advanced initiations, and is only finally grasped when the causal body itself, the karana sarira, disintegrates and the final limitation slips away. With this direction of the solar Angel's vision we need not concern ourselves. WM 211
The transmutative process. Transmutation is a subject that from the earliest ages has occupied the attention of students, scientists and alchemists. The power to change, through the application of heat, is of course universally recognized, but the key to the mystery, or the secret of the systemic formula is advisedly guarded from all searchers, and is only gradually revealed after the second Initiation. CF 475
The word "moment" is used here in its occult significance to specify a period of time, and must be considered as a period relative to a day or year of Brahma. One of the secrets of initiation is concerned with the apprehension of cycles, and with their duration.... CF 792
The length of time in which a ray appears, manifests and does its work and finally disappears is one of the secrets of initiation.... DN 32
These [root race and egoic] cycles are one of the mysteries of initiation, though one of the earlier mysteries, and are revealed at the second initiation as they enable the initiate to comprehend his position, to see somewhat the nature of the karmic impulse, and to read his own record in the astral light. CF 738
There is a secret anent each of the five kingdoms in nature. These secrets concern the relation of the human evolution to the whole, and they are revealed to the initiate at the five initiations. At each initiation one of the five secrets is explained to the initiate.... EP1 238
We shall see more clearly the existent synthesis of:
1. The divine plan as it manifests in time.
2. The basic relations as they manifest in space.
3. The developing effects as they demonstrate in groups.
4. The evolving understanding as intellect merges into the intuition.
5. The fivefold nature of the logoic expression as it unfolds itself through the five kingdoms.
and this, when correctly intuited, will produce a revelation, and a presentation of this abstruse theme beyond anything at this time sensed by man. It is one of the secrets of the first initiation and these secrets are today in process of externalization. EA 325-326
Considering the same subject from below upwards it is the animal in the third kingdom which individualizes. Viewing it from above downwards it is the fifth kingdom, the spiritual, which ensouls the third and produces the fourth, or self-conscious human kingdom. These figures should be studied for they hold the mystery hid, and though the true occult meaning will not be revealed until the third major Initiation, nor fully comprehended until the fifth, yet light may stream in on a difficult point. CF 687-688
The objectives and processes of the two highest kingdoms are too advanced for the average student to grasp, and constitute likewise two of the secrets of the higher initiation. EP1 222
Certain correspondences in the petals of the egoic lotus of the different units of the human family, and (on cosmic levels) in the solar and planetary egoic bodies become apparent. It should also be borne in mind that these basic centers, wherein the kundalini fire lies hidden, are found in the following Existences, as They function in physical bodies:
...6. Certain Beings Who form the life of specific groups. They are esoteric, and Their function is one of the secrets of initiation. CF 647-648
There is a difference in this arrangement in the subtle bodies of the probationary disciple and of the accepting disciple, and of the accepted disciple and for each grade upon the path of initiation. This arrangement is brought about in three ways or is subject to three forms of developing influences.
a. Through the life of aspiration, as registered in the physical brain consciousness.
b. Through the spontaneous awakening of the centers and in their right geometrical progression. This I have referred to in some of my books, but more cannot be given as it is one of the secrets of the first initiation. The rearranging and the readjustment proceeds during the whole period of the Path, technically understood. EH 344
When the radiant light of the soul is blended with the magnetic light of the vital body, it stimulates the atoms of the physical body to such an extent that each atom becomes in turn a tiny radiant center. This only becomes possible when the head, heart, the solar plexus and the center at the base of the spine are connected in a peculiar fashion, which is one of the secrets of the first initiation. WM 106
It would repay the student to contemplate the interesting succession of triangles that are to be found and the way in which they must be linked by the progression of the fire before that fire can perfectly vivify them, and thence pass on to other transmutations. We might enumerate some of these triangles, bearing always in mind that according to the ray so will proceed the geometric rising of the fire, and according to the ray so will the points be touched in ordered sequence. Herein lies one of the secrets of initiation, and herein is found some of the dangers entailed in a too quick publication of information concerning the rays. CF 169
The arrangement of the spirillae within the permanent atoms varies on each plane and the ones most frequently described are those of the physical plane. The arrangement of these tiny force vortices and their internal economy on each plane is one of the secrets of initiation and may not be revealed. CF 531
Heat. Herein lies the distinction between the permanent atoms on all planes, and the atomic matter of which they form a part. It is not easy to make this distinction clear, nor is it desirable at this time; the true facts of the case are one of the guarded secrets of initiation.... CF 516
The Specific Gravity and Content of the Causal Body.
This subject, anent the causal body, opens up for the thinker much food for speculation. The literal figures and the dimensional lines cannot be given. They form one of the secrets of initiation but certain ideas may be suggested and submitted to the consideration of all interested. LOM 29
This should be carefully considered, along with the very interesting fact that on the fourth plane of our system (the fourth cosmic ether, or buddhic plane) we have the sphere of certain occult happenings which cannot be more than hinted at, because their true significance is one of the secrets of initiation. They are an aspect of the plan of the Logos which can be contacted direct by those who have expanded their consciousness adequately. CF 626
It is not easy for me to give more information concerning the moon and its phases, as it constitutes one of the major mysteries to be revealed at the third initiation. EH 342
In Aquarius, the initiate consummates all that has been achieved in Leo through the influence of the Sun, for in Leo there is an almost unique condition where humanity is concerned as the Sun governs all expressions--exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical. It rules the personality, the soul and the fourth Creative Hierarchy. Hence the Sun (the physical Sun) is lessened in its power in Aquarius. The third initiation has been undergone and the light of the personality has been "put out" or dimmed by the light of the subjective Sun, influencing the soul. There is much to think out here but little more can be directly indicated, as the curious fact of this triple control by a planet constitutes one of the mysteries of initiation. EA 147
Three signs are also closely connected with initiation. The hidden secret of Aries, Taurus and Gemini is revealed at three successive initiations:
1. The secret of Aries is the secret of beginnings, of cycles and of emerging opportunity. At the third initiation, the initiate begins to understand the life of the spirit or the highest aspect....
2. The secret of Taurus is revealed at the second initiation by the sudden removal or disappearance of world glamour in the blinding energy of light....
3. The secret of Gemini has to be grasped at the first initiation because it is the mystery of the relation of Father, Mother and Child.... EA 387-388
In Sagittarius the same condition is found. No planet is exalted and no planet falls. Mercury is, however, in detriment or its influence is lessened. In Gemini, the above is true of Jupiter. Why this is so, is, esoterically speaking, one of the secrets of initiation. EA 369