Borough Green Medical Practice

Minutes of the Patient Participation Group Meeting held on

27th September 2016

Present:John Potts (JP), Dr Paul Larchet (PL), Sue Howe (SH), Emma Miskin (EM), Sarah Grundy (SG), Julie Cross (JC), Roger Powell (RP), Rodney Chartres (RC), Alan Perkins (AP), Elaine Almond (EA), Jean Rodell (JR), Jane Pover (JPover), Roger Brown (RB)

  1. Apologies:

Sandra Pugh, Judy Dadswell

  1. Minutes of the last meeting

The Minutes were agreed as a true record.

  1. Chairman’s update to include CCG updates
  • Medicine Waste – PL works with the CCG on medicine waste. As JP showed interested he was invited onto a small working group at the CCG so has the opportunity to represent all PPG chairs.
  • Stroke Survey – CCG is asking for feedback. JP wondered if we could use the Practice to target patient’s for this survey. PL explained that most patients are dealt with in hospital and then the Community Rehab team so the surgery is not really involved. JP asked if we could identify patients to send the survey to. PL stated that this was the CCG’s responsibility and not within the Practice’s capabilities to first get the patient’s consent and then to send out the survey. We could, however, put a notice in the waiting room asking for patient’s to complete a survey available at Reception.
  • ChYps –there was a presentation at the last CCG meeting. In Kent there is a very disjointed approach to this and the CCG are looking for input from the PPG Chairs on the proposals. JP said one of the major issues in the past was getting all the players together. RC asked if there was a working model elsewhere in the country that could be used as an example. JP has information if anyone would like to know more.
  1. Practice Update
  • Admin and Secretarial staff almost up to full strength.
  • ENT – a new Hearing Aid Clinic is starting in the next few weeks which will take Borough Green patients but also patients from other practices who have been referred to ENT.
  • New Registrars – we have three new registrars. Dr Harker who is under Dr Larchet. Dr Channa who is under Dr Dibble and Dr Duggan who is under Dr Varma. Dr Harker and Dr Channa are with us for one year but Dr Duggan is only with us for four months.
  • The Checking-In Screen is now working.
  • The Influenza vaccinations are now in the Surgery.
  • Structural changes at the front of the building - new pathways and a new bus stop coming (bus no. 70).
  1. CQC Visit update
  • JP attended the opening meeting with the CQC who included a lead inspector, GP and practice manager.
  • SH mentioned that the full report can take up to 12 weeks. Headlines were:
  • they were impressed by our PPG, they said that they were “a credit to us” and “were both driven and a driving force”
  • overall the inspection went well
  • no hierarchy here and communication is good
  • they were made to feel welcome
  • Dispensary came out very well and Polly runs a tight ship.
  • Patient survey was good
  • Access was good.
  • Vision and strategy was good
  • IOS also came out well and they were happy with the plans for QOF and performance.
  • Issues with a couple of the policies/procedures.
  • Issues with carpets and curtains – infection control. Hospital standards apply to GP surgeries so ‘cold and clinical’ instead of ‘warm and welcoming’.
  • Issues with sinks - £2,000 to replace each one.
  • PPG asked if they could help with the last couple of issues. PL thanked them but said we had a plan in place. PL explained that as these areas come under the heading of infection control it could look very bad if the press decided to publish the information. AP suggested we anticipate any negative press and have a comment prepared.
  • PPG said thank you to PL and staff.
  1. Newsletter review
  • No feedback from the recent Newsletter which is viewed as positive. The aim is to produce 3-4 Newsletters a year. However, as there is lots going on at the moment maybe a Newsflash (mini newsletter) could be issued shortly. JP will meet with SH to discuss.
  • Urine samples can no longer be accepted in glass containers.
  • The deadline for the next Parish Magazine is the 12th October for the November magazine.
  • To be included in the next newsletter would be the new Hearing Aid Clinic at the surgery and the buses.
  • Hi Kent, a local charity working with the practice, want to put something in the newsletter regarding hearing services they provide.
  • District Nurses have been invited to the next meeting and asked to do a piece for the next newsletter.
  1. New models of Care

CCG is aiming to make general practices the focus of all services. JP was worried this would affect our patients who may have to travel elsewhere but also the possibility of taking services away from Borough Green.

CCG issued a survey of services. Was the survey sent to a cross-section of participants as some of the questions on the survey were not representative of our PPG? The survey would have had a more cross section of demographics if sent out with the Newsletter. AP stated that the survey appeared to be a rationing tool.

  1. Vision registration process

RC explained that he had a bad experience when trying to register and said that Reception staff were negative. SH and PL said this was something that could be worked on.

JC said she had no problems when registering at Reception.

  1. Date and time of the next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 16th November 2016.

  1. Any Other Business

A summary page from the patient participation survey was handed out and the full report will be emailed to the PPG members. There was a disappointing response to the survey. Perhaps sent out the next survey as an attachment with the Newsletter?

AP mentioned that patients were being taken off the list if they don’t use their GPs. EM explained that you would not just be taken off the list without notice. You would be sent two letters with a return envelope over a period of 6 months. If you failed to reply to either letter then you may be taken off the list. If, however, you can prove your address you can be re-registered.

A couple of pages from the Practice Information Pack were distributed. JP will send the full report to members ready for discussion at the next meeting. PL said the report showed excellent results for the surgery but warned that it was difficult to understand and it was easy to form erroneous conclusions. PL can answer any member’s questions at the next meeting.