Please describe the book and the main changes to the proposed new edition in 250 words:
Please identify 3 key features of your book:
Please provide 10-20 keywords that relate to your book:
Author/Editor Details
Affiliation/ Present appointment:
ORCID Identifier: For more information on ORCID visit
Contact details (please include your address, email,Skype and telephone number):
Author/Editor Biography (max. 250 words)
Key Publications (up to 10; please include any authored or edited books)
Table of contents
Please provide a table of contents showing detail of new, updated or re-ordered chapters. If contributor information is available please provide this as well.
Title / Comment / New figure or photo?
1 / Introduction: an update of the field of apple growing / This chapter will overview the updates in the field since the previous edition. New references included. / 1 new photo
2 / Economics of apple growing
B.J. Smith / Previously chapter 7. New references added. / No
Contributor Details
Please provide a list of name, affiliation and country details of confirmed and tentative contributing authors, if available:
Book format
How long in words is your book likely to be?
Approximately how many illustrations (line drawings or photographs) would you wish to include?
Line drawings: / Photos:
What percentage of the above line drawings and photos are new to this edition or replacement figures?
Do you believe full colour line drawings and/or photos are essential in your book?
Should digital material be included in your book? If so please give detail of what this might include.
Are there are other features that you believe should be included?
Primary readership
Secondary readership
Will the readership be worldwide? If not, in which countries or regions will the main readership be, and why?
Please give details (author, title, publisher, date and price if known) of any competing resources of information that are currently available (include books and online resources including those that are free of charge):
How will your book differ from, or improve upon, these titles?
Please indicate an estimated delivery date of final manuscript to the publisher:
Please provide the name, affiliation and email address of 2-4 referees who we could ask to provide some feedback on your proposal (we may not necessarily approach them):
Further information
Please add any further information which you think may be helpful to us in evaluating this proposal:
Thank you for all the information you have provided. Answering these questions helps us, and the reviewers, evaluate your book for publication.