New Resources for CESA 5 IMC
Purchased With 2010-11 Gifted and Talented Grant
Assouline, Susan. Academic Acceleration for Advanced Learners: Practical Issues. Bellin-Blank, 2011.Webinar on DVD.
Assouline, Susan. Iowa acceleration scale: a guide for whole-grade acceleration k-8. Scottsdale: Great Potential Press, 2009. Print.
Cash, Richard M..Advancing differentiation: thinking and learning for the 21st century. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub., 2011. Print.
Heacox, Diane. Making differentiation a habit: how to ensure success in academically diverse classrooms. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub., 2009. Print.
Healy, Dennis. Becoming a master teacher: a guide to a successful career in the classroom. Bellevue, Iowa: Hickory Grove Press, 2008. Print.
Roberts, Julia L., and Tracy F. Inman.Strategies for differentiating instruction: best practices for the classroom. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press, 2007. Print.
Roberts, Julia L., and Tracy F. Inman.Assessing differentiated student products: a protocol for development and evaluation. Waco, TX.:Prufrock Press, 2009. Print.
Roets, Lois. How to survive and thrive as educator of gifted and talented . Des Moines, Iowa: Leadership Publishers, 1990. Print.
Roets, Lois. Leadership: A Skills Training Program, Ages 8-18 . Des Moines, Iowa: Leadership Publishers, 1997-98. Print.
Roets, Lois. Gifted & Standard Education: Issues of Mutual Concern. Des Moines, Iowa: Leadership Publishers, 2001. Print.
Roets, Lois. Modifying Standard Curriculum & Instruction Strategies for High Ability Students, K-12. Des Moines, Iowa: Leadership Publishers, 2001. Print.
Roets, Lois. Staff Development In-service Manual for Talented and Gifted. Des Moines, Iowa: Leadership Publishers, 2001. Print.
Roets, Lois. Serving High School Gifted and Talented – 100+ Suggestions. Des Moines, Iowa: Leadership Publishers, 2001. Print.
Roets, Lois. Standards & Benchmarks for Education of Gifted and Talented High-Ability Students, K-12 Standards. Des Moines, Iowa: Leadership Publishers, 2001. Print.
Rogers, Karen B..Re-forming gifted education: matching the program to the child. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press, 2002. Print.
Schlemmer, Phil, DoriSchlemmer, and Meg Bratsch.Teaching beyond the test: differentiated project-based learning in a standards-based age for grades 6 & up. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub., 2008. Print.
Stuecker, Ric. Inspiring leadership in teens: group activities to foster integrity, responsibility, and compassion. Champaign, Ill.: Research Press, 2010. Print.
Whitten, Elizabeth, Kelli J. Esteves, and Alice Woodrow.RTI success: proven tools and strategies for schools and classrooms. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub., 2009. Print.
Winebrenner, Susan, and Dina Brulles.The cluster grouping handbook: a schoolwidemodel : how to challenge gifted students and improve achievement for all. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub., 2008. Print.
Zaccaro, Edward, and Luke Zaccaro.25 real life math investigations that will astound teachers and students .Belview, Iowa: Hickory Grove Press, 2007. Print.
Zaccaro, Edward. Becoming a problem solving genius: a handbook of math strategies. Bellevue, Iowa: Hickory Grove Press, 2006. Print.
Zaccaro, Edward. Challenge math: for the elementary and middle school student. Bellevue, Iowa: Hickory Grove Press, 2000. Print.
Zaccaro, Edward. Primary grade challenge math . Bellevue, Iowa: Hickory Grove Press, 2000. Print.
Zaccaro, Edward. Real world algebra: understanding the power of mathematics. Bellevue, Iowa: Hickory Grove Press, 2001. Print.
Zaccaro, Edward, and Daniel Zaccaro.Scammed by statistics: how we are lied to, cheated and manipulated by statistics-- and why you should care. Bellevue, Iowa: Hickory Grove Press, 2010. Print.
Zaccaro, Edward. The 10 things all future mathematicians and scientists must know (but are rarely taught) . Bellevue, Iowa: Hickory Grove Press, 2003. Print.