CheppingViewPrimary Academy SCITT

Trainee Termly Action Plan

Action plan guidance for School Based Mentors/Teacher Tutors

Target setting and achieving targets (NASBTT: Training and Assessment Toolkit (March 2016))

Central to the trainees’ progress is the achievement of developmental targets.

Developmental targets need to be agreed and:

  • specifically address improving the quality of the trainees’ teaching and pupils’ learning over time;
  • include clear statements of:
  • what the trainee needs to do to improve and make progress;
  • what support is required to help them achieve the target, this could include co-planning, team teaching, etc.;
  • a workable time frame.
  • have success criteria explicitly stating what achieving the target will mean in terms of pupils’ learning, well-being, behaviour, etc., and the quality of the trainees’ teaching;
  • be numbered with the relevant Teachers’ Standards (or sub-headings thereof).
  • Targets can be short or long term.

Targets for trainees can arise from:

  • lesson observations and weekly review meetings and evidence of pupils’ progress and learning
  • formal summative report completed at the end of the placement.
  • end of programme assessment: NQT targets to be forwarded to and shared with the employing school/setting.

Targets should be recorded with reference to the well-established SMART guidance below.

Targets / Specific (precise), Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-constrained targets will enable the trainee to:
  • build on his/her identified strengths;
  • support his/her impact on pupil progress and learning over time;
  • achieve the Teachers’ Standards.
Targets should be subject-specific where appropriate.
Targets should be written using the language of the Teachers’ Standards and the grade descriptors.
Success criteria / What will be demonstrated and how when the target is achieved? What will be the difference in terms of pupil learning or progress?
Target specific training and actions / Actions that the trainee and others need to take in order for the trainee to achieve the target.
Actions must be realistic and achievable within the resources available. Consideration must be given to the level of available support.
Resources / Resources required to support the trainee, including the time that will be allocated for development opportunities. For example, teacher modelling, focussed observations, visits/targeted support from lead practitioners, etc.
Target dates / Target dates for achieving the target which are realistic and manageable.
Target dates can relate to the trainee’s current school, an alternative school placement or, possibly, the employing school for NQT induction depending on the timing of the target.
Review of dates / When progress will next be evaluated; this is usually the date of the next weekly review meeting.

Things to consider when setting targets

Specific (precise) / Beclear about what you want the trainee to achieve and why; for example, impact on pupil progress and learning over time, subject knowledge development, etc. (linked to the relevant Teachers’ Standards and grade descriptors).
Achievable / Pitched at an achievable (realistic) level and modelled so that the trainee can understand how to achieve the target. Appropriate levels of challenge and support should be provided which link to clearly identified success criteria.
Realistic / In terms of the context, is there the time, the opportunity and the resources available to achieve the target? Can this target be met alongside other targets that the trainee may already be working towards?
Time-constrained / Targets should be achievable within a stated time period, with explicit steps for successful achievement.
Action plan for placement: / MP1

These are example long term targets for this term. They can be adapted or modified to suit the trainee’s situation. Please review and add or delete targets as appropriate. Upload a copy of your signed action plan on to your e-portfolio by Friday 22nd September.

Targets for further development from Teaching Standards – Use the language/no of the teaching standards and the grade descriptors / How the target can be achieved?
SMART targetsto include success criteria / Target Date
Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment / The trainee acts as a positive role model for courteous and respectful behaviour in class and around school.
The trainee uses school discipline and reward procedures correctly.
The trainee is able to manage behaviour effectively within lessonswith a known class, to ensure a positive and safe learning environment, with the support of additional resources for exceptionally challenging situations.
The trainee understandsthe school’s anti-bullying policy and issues around bullying, including social media related issues. The trainee can recognise different possible bullying situations and work with others to manage and resolve issues arising. / End of term
Plan and teach well-structured lessons. / The trainee is able to plan lessons which are structured and include a clear learning objective, success criteria, starter and plenary so that all children are able to make progress.
The trainee is able to plan a range of different activities which engage and motivate children
The trainee is able to differentiate the tasks or the support provided to enable all children to make progress.
The trainee is able to teach a sequence of lessons in a core subject, reflect on pupil progress and adapt planning accordingly, based on the outcomes and needs of the pupils.
The trainee is able to use and find resources which are appropriate to the needs of the children.
The trainee is able to plan homework in a core subject which extends or consolidates the learning which has taken place during the class as part of a sequence of lessons which they have planned and taught.
The trainee demonstrates a professional approach and a manner which inspires learning and engages the children in their learning activities. / End of term
Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge
TS3(c) Demonstrate an understanding of and take responsibility for promoting high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use of standard English, whatever the teacher’s specialist subject
Have as secure knowledge of the relevant subject and curriculum areas, foster and maintain pupils’ interest in the subject and address misunderstandings.
TS3(d) If teaching early reading, demonstrate a clear understanding of systematic synthetic phonics / (Choose Maths, English or phonics)
English focus:
The trainee reads and becomes familiar with the National Curriculum in English for their year group as demonstrated through lesson planning and observations.
Read and complete statutory tests for KS1 and KS2 in reading and SPAG.
Read and be knowledgeable of Interim teacher assessment frameworks at the end of key stage 1 or at the end of key stage 2 for reading and writing
The correct use of Standard English is used in all marking and writing on the board, demonstrated through lesson observations and pupils’ books.
The trainee is able to show through a sequence of lessons that they can use a variety of resources and strategies to promote pupil progress in guided reading and writing. In KS2, this should include modelled and shared writing.
The trainee is able to show through a sequence of lessons that they are able to use a variety of opportunities and strategies which enable pupils to improve their communication skills.
OR, maths focus:
The trainee reads and becomes familiar with the National Curriculum in maths for their year group as demonstrated through lesson planning and observations.
Read and complete statutory tests for KS1 and KS2 in maths
Read and be knowledgeable of Interim teacher assessment frameworks at the end of key stage 1 or at the end of key stage 2 for maths
The trainee is able to show through a sequence of lessons that they can use a variety of resources and strategies to promote pupil progress
The trainee is able to show through a sequence of lessons that they can address misunderstandings through questioning, plenaries and by adapting their planning.
Through lesson observations, it is clear that pupils are engaged and motivated in their maths lessons.
Phonics focus if placed in KS1 or combined school
Read, research and learn what is required in phases 4 – 6 in phonics teaching.
Carry out at least 2 observations of other experienced teachers for each phonics phase 3 - 6
Teach at least 2 observed lessons for each phonics phase 3-6, which are at least good. / End of term
Make accurate and productive use of assessment
(b) make use of formative and summative assessment to secure pupils’ progress
(d) give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking, and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback. / The trainee can use formative, continuous assessment and summative tests to secure progress through a sequence of lessons over time.
The trainee gives accurate and regular marking plus oral feedback to contribute to pupil progress over a series of lessons.The trainee’s marking comments are clear to children and have a positive impact on children’s understanding and progress.The trainee has established routines to provide timely opportunities for children to respond to marking. / End of term
Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils
(a)Know when and how to differentiate appropriately, using approaches which enable pupils to be taught effectively
(d) Have a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils, including those with SEN, those of high ability, those with EAL, those with disabilities; and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them. / Identify the school’s strategy on differentiation with reference to grouping of children for teaching and learning, such as working in mixed-ability classes, sets or small focus groups. Ask teachers and support staff for their opinions about the benefits and challenges of the school’s chosen approach.
In your lesson planning , identify clearly different groups of children, which need different levels of challenge and support in order to progress. Plan specific strategies for allowing these different groups of children to make progress and make these clear on your lesson plan. Reflect on what worked well and which children made progress.
Find out if what strategies your school has in place for nurturing gifted and talented pupils. Identify any children in your first placement class who are gifted and talented. Find out what steps your teacher tutor takes to support gifted and talented children.
For your lessons, create resources which show an awareness of the need for differentiation, so that your lesson in inclusive. Reflect on pupil progress as a result of using these resources. / End of term
TS8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities
(b) develop effective professional relationshipswith colleagues, knowing how and when to draw on advice and specialist support
(d)take responsibility for improving teaching through appropriate professionaldevelopment, responding to advice and feedback from colleagues
(c)deploy support staff effectively
(a) make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school / The trainee is developing positive professional relationships with colleagues, children and parents.
The trainee consults with colleagues and is learning when and how to draw on their advice and specialist support. The trainee respects and responds to the advice and guidance offered by colleagues.
The trainee is taking responsibility for improving their own teaching through reflection and by participating in the school’s professional development sessions (Insets).
The trainee is developing different ways to deploy support staff effectively to support the learning of pupils.
The trainee is starting to make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school. / By half term
By end of term

Signed: (at current placement)

School based Mentor Teacher Tutor Trainee ______