Mecetti Spy’s
(650 men and women)
Background:Highly trained and very skilled at what they do from an early age. All of them are handpicked.
Capsule:They spy on other houses and nobles within House Mecetti. They answer to Lord Leobund and his Captain of the Guard only.
However, there are at least to on every inhabited planet throughout the sector already.
Type: Professional Bodyguard; 1st Level Master Thief; 1st Level Master Con Artist;
Gender: Male or Female
Species: Human
Age: Varies, but generally 21-35
Height: 1.73 meters
Weight: 77.33kg
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 2
Character Points: 11
Extra Character Points: 0
Move: 10
DEXTERITY 3D+2: Archaic guns: 4D+2; blaster: 6D; Blind Fighting: 4D+2; bows: 5D; dodge: 6D; melee combat: 4D; (S) melee combat: swords 5D;
PERCEPTION 3D: Bargain: 4D; command: 4D; con: 4D; gambling: 4D; investigation: 5D; persuasion: 5D; sneak: 5D;
STRENGTH 3D: Brawling combat: 6D; climbing/jumping: 5D; Stamina: 4D; swimming: 5D; (AS) Sith Bare-Handed Keldaeris Martial Arts: 1D;
(Known MA moves: Back flip ;)
KNOWLEDGE 3D: Alien species: 4D; (S) bureaucracy: Tapani Sector: 5D; cultures: 5D; intimidation: 7D; languages: 5D; (S) law enforcement: Tapani Sector: 6D; planetary systems: 6D; (S) planetary systems: Tapani Sector: 7D; streetwise: 6D; tactics: 5D; (S) tactics: small unit: 6D;Technology: 4D; willpower: 5D+2
MECHANICAL 3D: Astrogation: 4D+2; Computer Operations: 4D; Repulsorlift ops: 5D+2; space transports: 5D; starship shields: 4D+2;
TECHNICAL 3D: Computer programming/repair: 4D+2; Demolition: 4D; First Aid: 4D; Security: 6D;
Prestige Class Specials: Exceptional Resources;
Biotech fastflesh med Pac: see full stats below;
Proton Sniper Rifle: see full stats below;
Order of the Paw M-321 "Overkill" Mk. IV (standard issue rifle): see full stats below;
Mezzak's Droids TLX-15 Assault Droid (1 per company): see full stats below;
Dyseki Missile Blaster (3 per company): see full stats below;
TerexComm Gauntlet-Computer (only to medics, spec ops, and engineers): see full stats below;
GS1 Sentry Blaster (2 per company): see full stats below;
Standard Gear
Proton Sniper Laser
Model: Terranon Blaster Technologies 12-D Proton Sniper Laser Rifle
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Blaster: Sniper
Ammo: 5
Cost: 4000
Availability: 4,X
Range: 50-300/800/1.5km
Damage: 5D
Mezzak's Droids Special Assault Droid
Type: Mezzak's Droids TLX-15 Assault Droid
Dexterity 3D: blaster: medium repeating blaster 9D+2, dodge 7D, melee combat 7D, missile weapons: missile launcher 9D+2
Perception 2D: search 7D, sneak 6D
Strength 3D (+2D/+2D): stamina 7D
Knowledge 0D:
Mechanical 0D:
Technical 2D: security 8D
-Mini Concussion Missile Launcher: 7D (Ammo: 15, Range: 4-75/250/500, Blast Radius: 0-1/2/4)
-Medium Repeating Blaster Rifle: 7D (Range: 3-75/200/400; fires three shots with no penalty)
-Four auto-balance legs (one leg can be used as a close-quarters melee combat weapon, Damage: Str+2D)
-Retractable fine manipulator arm
-Retractable heavy grappling arm (+1D lifting)
-Acoustic signaler
-Energy Shield Generator (+2D vs. Energy Weapons)
Move: 12
Size: 1.2 meters
Cost: 33,000
Order of the Paw M-321 "Overkill" Mk. IV
Type: Tactical Beam Generator
Ammo: 15
Range: 3-75/250/500
Blast Radius: 0-1/2/4
Damage: 6D+2
Cost: 28,000
Biotech Fastflesh Medpac
Model: Fastflesh Medpac
Type: Advanced Medpac
Cost: 500 each
Weight: 1.5 kg
Description: Reduces difficulties for First Aid to minimums for difficulty level (Wounded difficulty is 5, Incapacitated 10, Mortally Wounded 15); Can not be used on a character more than once per day, but normal medpacs can be used in combination with this type.
Dyseki Missile Blaster
Type: Disposable Missile Launcher
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Missile Weapons
Ammo: 2
Weight: 5kg
Cost: 8000
Availability: 3,R
Fire Control: 1D (laser guided)
Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5km
Damage: 5D
Description: Awesome damage with a fair range, this missile launcher from Dyseki is impressive. Just aim, shoot one or both missiles, and toss. A bit on the expensive side, this weapon has great stopping power and comes with a laser guided sight; Designed for fire-and-fade missions.
TerexComm Gauntlet-Computer
Type: Portable computer workstation
Scale: Character
Skill: Depends on model, see Game Notes
Weight: 1-3 kg
Cost: 75-250 credits, depending on model
Availability: 1 (can differ depending on model's resources)
Description: Originally developed by the Amtech Consortium shortly before its collapse, Gauntlet-Comps were designed to replace the dataslate and datapad as the primary means of computing. Worn over the forearm and hands, all gauntlets feature touch-pads on the upper forearm and on the palm, a thin screen on the back of the hand, holographic projection technology, and various jacks for connecting the gauntlet to a computer interface mechanism much in the same manner as utilized by R2 units. Unfortunately, the gauntlets were disliked for a variety of reasons, many of which were founded on rumor; the most popular misconception of the time was that the concentrated radiation often led to cancer of the arm - this was later proved to be a rumor planted by one of Amtech's most prominent competitors.
Although Amtech dissolved decades ago, the Gauntlet-Comp has made a recent reappearance with the purchase of the license by TerexComm. Hoping to create a new market for the Gauntlet-Comp, TerexComm has unleashed a marketing blitz unseen in modern times, focusing on the younger generation. It is curious to note that the best market so far is suspected slicers.
Game Notes: Gauntlet-Comps come in a variety of different models, each with a different role. Below are some examples; GM should be final arbiter about whether a Gauntlet-Comp can or cannot accomplish a goal.
Select Variations:
Standard Gauntlet: Is a standard datapad with holographic projection capability, minimal computer interface, and communications link-up. Combines best elements of a comlink, holonet capable computer, and digital holocam.
Science-Gauntlet: The favored gauntlet of scouts and explorers, this item is specifically designed to scan local environments for hostile radiations, odd combinations in the atmosphere, unusual geographic circumstances, and the like.
Medical-Gauntlet: An Easy sensors roll will provide basic readouts relating to the patient's overall physical status. A Moderate sensors roll is required to scan for specific injuries or ailments. Following this scan, the Med-Gauntlet will provide a recommendation for treatment that grants a +1D to any First Aid rolls. GM may adjust sensor difficulties depending on injury, ailment or other unusual condition.
Slicer-Gauntlet: Allows Slicer remote access to most standard computer systems. Generally grants a +1D to computer programming/repair rolls, although this can be modified by the actual system or hardware. This gauntlet is always illegal.
Shipboard-Gauntlet: A new type of Gauntlet-Comp, this item is beginning to appear on tramp freighters and naval ships alike. If the Ship-Gauntlet has remote access to the data core of a starship, it can be used to diagnose system malfunctions and damage. An Easy sensors roll will provide basic readouts relating to damage. A Moderate sensors roll is required to isolate specific malfunctions and/or damage. The Gauntlet will further provide a recommendation as to the repair that grants a +1D to Repair skills. Of course, if the ship has been radically upgraded or altered, the Gauntlet may actually provide a penalty to Repair rolls depending upon the GMs discretion. And of course, there are some Gauntlets that have been modified to remote-pilot ships...
GS1 Sentry Blaster
Type: Auto Blaster Cannon
Scale: Character
Skills: Computer Controlled
Blaster: GS1 8D
Sensors 6D
Alien Species 5D
Alien Species: Creatures 5D
Self-Repair 7D
Fire Arc: Turret
Fire Control: 4D
Body: 2D+2
Passive: 75/2D
Scan: 150/2D
Search: 300/3D
Focus: 3/4D
Range: 3-50/300/900m
Damage: 7D+1
Description: This little baby can take down a rancor from 300 meters and not run out of ammo or power. Specifically designed for guarding entrances or secure areas, the GS1 can handle any intruders automatically. Specific parameters can be set to include range, damage and sensor mode. It can even be programmed to ignore specific targets.