O&G Notes
Gynaecological History
- Name, Age, Occupation
- PC
- Details, time-scale, previous Rx
- Focus on main complaint
- Pattern of menstrual bleeding – cycle length, regularity, bleeding time, IMB, amount inc.
- Menarche & menopause
- PV Discharge
- Pelvic / abdominal pain
- Continence if applicable
- Sexual problems & contraception
- Prolapse (bowel Sx)
- Past Gynaecological History
- Dates, smears, surgery &c.
- Past Obstetric History
- Children, age, problems, abortions
- Past medical History (unlikely to be much in PACES)
- Drug History and allergies
- Social History
- Smoker? Drinker?
- Family History
- Breast/ovarian ca, Heart disease
Gynaecological Examination
General: appearance, anaemia, LN, BP, pulse
Breast/axillae: inspect and palpate
Abdomen: inspect, palpate (suprapubic), percuss, ascultate
Vaginal: inspect Vulva, digital exam (bimanual). Cuscos’s speculum, Sims (if prolapse)
Obstetric History
- General enquiry about progress of pregnancy. Ice breaker.
- Patient age,
- Pregnancy No?
- Date from 1st day of LMP. Median duration is 40 weeks from LMP assuming 28 day cycle & ovulation on day 14.
- Date of LMP + 9 months + 7 days.
- Term = 37 - 42/40!
- Enquire about scans – dating ~12/40 and Abnormality ~20/40
- Past Obstetric History
- Children, age, gestation, complications, mode of delivery, abortions (recurrent?), BP
- Gravida – total No of pregnancies
- Parity – No of live births + stillbirths + terminations
- Past Gynaecological History
- Dates, smears, surgery &c.
- Social History
- Very important: marriage & consent, social class and maternal mortality, domestic violence, child protection, smoking, EtOH, drugs, occupation, support.
- Important esp DM, HT, Epliepsy, Renal disease, Venous thromboembolism (VTE).
- FH
Obstetric examination
- BP & urine dip
- Abdominal Examination – comfort of the mother.
- Inspection: scars, foetal mvt, striae gravidarum, linea nigra
- Palpation: Symphisis-fundal height (SFH) in cm.
- Stage of pregnancy? What next?
- Macrosomia, multiples, polyhydramnios
- IUGR, oligohydramnios
- Foetal poles
- Lie – after 34/40. Longitudinal, transverse, oblique.
- Presentation – after 34/40.
- Engagement – 5ths palpable.
- Ausculatation – Pinard stechoscope or dopper sonicaid
Cervical screening
Cervical screening is not a test for cancer. It is a method of preventing cancer by detecting and treating early abnormalities
25 – 49 screened 3 yearly
50 – 64 screened 5 yearly
65+ screened only if recent abnormalities or no tests since aged 50
Liquid based Cytology (LBC)
A sample of cells is taken from the cervix for analysis.
Antenatal screening
Basic Screening
- Rhesus incompatibility
- Rubella susceptibility
- Haemoglobinopathies
- Diabetes
- Foetal Abnormality
- Down’s Syndrome
- Open neural tube defect
- Other structural defects
- Infections
- Hepatitis B & C
- Bacterial
- Pre-eclampsia
- Foetal Growth
Additional Screening
- Amniocentesis (>35yrs/ In addition to serum screening)
- Genetic screening (FHx)
- TaySachs (Ashkenazy Jews etc)
- Toxoplasmosis
- Alcohol/Drug Misuse questioning/testing
- DV/ CP issues
- Mental health
GDM Screening
- Mini-GTT done at 27/0
- 50g glucose (263mls Lucozade)
- Blood glucose assessment 1hr later
- >13mmol/L = GDM
- 7.9-13mmol/L = refer for GTT
Down’s Syndrome Screening
The Integrated Test
- 11-13/40: “Stage 1”
- Nuchal Translucency measurement
- Blood Sample (PAPP-A)
- 2nd Stage appointment given for 3-4/40
- 15-16/40: “Stage 2”
- Blood Sample (AFP, Ue3, free BhCG)
- Calculation of risk
- Measurements of the five markers are used together with the women’s age to calculate her risk
About 1:100 fall into the screen +ve group and about 1:10 of these have an affected pregnancy
Triple Test
- 14-20/40
- Take blood sample (AGE + AFP + uE3 + free BhCG)
Type / Women / Failure / Benefits / Side effects / ContraindicationsCOCP / Most popular method for
under 30’s / 0.2 / Good control, Well accepted, Women in control, Reduction in menstrual blood loss and dysmennorhoea (therapeutic) / Nausea, headache,
bleeding, breast
Hirsuitism/acne, weight gain, vaginal dryness, facial skin pigmentation / Migraines, IHD, CVA HTN, Oestrogen dep. Neoplasia, Liver disease, Smoking, Age >35yrs, Breast feeding, Obesity, Type II diabetes
POP (mini-pill) / Any COCP contraindication
Good motivation / 1.0 / Few CI, No interference with breast feeding, broad spectrum antibiotics / Irregular bleeding and amenorrhoea in up to 50%, Weight gain, breast tenderness, headache and acne
Injectables (Depot Progesterone) / Poor compliant
Travel/ away from
pharmacy / <2 / IM injections can last 8‐12 weeks, SC implants can last 3‐5 years, Reduced menstrual blood loss / Amenorrhoea and breakthrough bleeding / Injectables are irreversible until effects worn off, Normal cycle and fertility may take 6 months after stopping, Protection again STDs is minimal
IUD (Copper Coil) / Older, Multips / 1‐ 1.5 / High reliability, Easy insertion and removal, Changed every 5 years / Pelvic infections, Perforation, Menstrual disturbances, Falls out, Pain / Pregnancy, Undiagnosed irregular genial tract bleeding, PID, Previous ectopic
IUD (Hormone) / Menorrhagia Rx, woman with CI to the OCP / 0.2‐0.5
Condoms, caps, diaphragms / Casual sex / 5.0 / Insertion before sex, STD protection, Non hormonal / Only if used incorrectly / High user motivation
Sterilisation / Finished families / 0.02/
0.13 / Permanent / Post OP complications / Permanent
Natural / Religious? / 20‐30 / No treatments / STD and Pregnancy
Emergency Contraception
- Post coital Pill:
- 100μg of ethinyloestradiol and 500μg of levonorgestrel repeated after 12 hours
- Must be given within 72hrs of unprotected intercourse to delay ovulation and inhibit implantation
- Emergency IUCD:
- Inserted within 5 days of unprotected intercourse to prevent implantation
- Follow up is essential after EC to exclude ongoing pregnancy and give advice regarding future contraceptive methods.
Gynae Cancers
Features / Investigation / TreatmentCervical / 40-44 yrs and 70-74 yrs, Abnormal bleeding (intermenstrual and post-coital), asymptomatic with abnormal smear, Risk Factors include: Early intercourse, high number of partners, HPV, lower socioeconomic group, smoking, partner with protate or penile ca.
CIN – premalignant condition. / Biopsy and staging / 1a- Cone Biopsy
1b-2a- Radical abdo hysterectomy, Radical trachlectomy (preserve fertility)
2b+ radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Ovarian / 45-65 yrs, Vague Sx, Pain on ovarian torsion or bleeding, Abdo distension, urinary frequency, GI Sx / USS
Raised Ca 125 / Laparotomy debulking, TAH & BSO & Omentum, Chemo- if epithelial
Endometrial / Mean age 61yrs, commonly intermenstrual or post-menopausal bleeding, Risk factors include: Obesity, Nulliparity, late menopause, PCOS, Oestrogen therapy, tamoxifen Tx, DM, FHx of breast or colon Ca. / Biopsy, EUA, CXR / TAH & BSO, Add radiotherapy, Palliative Chemotherapy
Vulval / 63-65 yrs, Pruritus, Lump/ulcer, Bleeding, Pain, Risk factors include: Smoking, immunosuppression, vulval maturation disorders, Hx of VIN, CIN or HPV
VIN – premalignant condition. / WLE, Groin lymphadenopathy
Vaginal / Abnormal bleeding, / Biopsy, EUA, MRI, CXR / External beam radiotherapy and intravaginal radiotherapy
- Primary
- Menstruation has never occurred
- Secondary
- No menstruation for > 6 months
Primary / Secondary
Hypothalamous / Kallmann’s syndrome, tumour, trauma, stress, low BMI / Kallmann’s syndrome, tumour, trauma, stress, low BMI
Pituitary / Hyperprolactinaemia / Hyperprolactinaemia, Sheehan’s syndrome
Gonads / PCOS, Streak Gonads, Ovarian tumour, hermaphroditism / PCOS, Streak Gonads, Ovarian tumour, ovarian failure/removal
Uterus / Pregnancy, congenital absence / Pregnancy, hysterectomy, Ashermann’s syndrome
Cervix / Post-surgical stenosis
Vagina / Congenital absence, imperforate hymen
Endocrine / DM, Thyroid disease, adrenal disease, androgen insensitivity / DM, Thyroid disease, adrenal disease,
Drugs / Phenothiazines, chemotherapy, radiotherapy / Phenothiazines, chemotherapy, radiotherapy
- Chromosomal analysis
- Hormone profile
- βhCG
- Prolcatin
- T3/T4
- > 80ml of menstrual blood loss per period
- Often associated with dysmenorrhoea
Systemic Disorders / Thyroid disease, clotting disorders
Local causes / Fibroids, Endometrial Polyps, endometrial ca, endometriosis, PID, dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Iatrogenic causes / IUCD, oral anti-coagulants
- Hysteroscopy
- Blood tests
- Medical
- Prostaglandin inhibitors (mefenamic acid)
- Anti-fibrinolytics and haemostatics (tranexamic acid)
- Progestogens
- IUCD’s
- Surgical
- Endometrial ablation
- Hysterectomy
- Primary
- Dysmenorrhoea from menarche
- Secondary
- Dysmenorrhoea in women with previously painless periods caused by patholog
- Often described as cramping pain, radiates to back/upper thighs
Cervical / PID
Uterine / Fibroids, endometrial polyps, Ashermann’s syndrome, infection, adenomyosis, stenosis
Pelvic / Endometriosis
- Microbial swabs for infection
- Pelvic USS
- Hysteroscopy
- Laparoscopy
Postmenopausal bleeding
- Bleeding more than 12 months after the menopause
Ovary / Ovarian ca, oestrogen secreting tumour
Uterus / Submucosal fibrid, atrophic changes, polyps, hyperplasia, carcinoma
Cervix / Atrophic changes, malignancy
Vagina / Atrophic changes
Urethra / Urethral caruncle, heamaturia
Vulva / Vulvitis, dystrophy, malignancy
- Pelvic USS
- Hysteroscopy
- Endometrial biopsy
- Benign tumours of the myometrium
Risk Factors
- Age
- Nulligravidity
- Obesity
- Afro-carribean ethnicity
- Smoking, COCP and pregnancy are protective
- Asymptomatic
- Menstrual abnormalities (increased bleeding)
- Abdominopelvic mass
- Pain
- Subfertility
- Pressure Sx
- Urinary frequency
- Nocturia
- Urgency
- Rectal pressure
- Pregnancy complications
- Firm irregular uterus
- Fibroid moves with uterus on bimanual examination
- Hysteroscopy
- Laparotomy
- GnRH
- Decrease size prior to surgery
- Hysterectomy
- Myomectomy
- Presence of functional endometrium outside of uterine cavity
- Endometriosis of the myometrium is adenomyosis
- Secondary dysmenorrhoea
- Deep dyspareunia
- Pelvic pain
- Infertility
- Tender retroverted, retroflexed fixed uterus
- Pain on moving cervix anteriorly
- Laparoscopy
- Medical
- Progestogens
- GnRH analogues
- Gestrinone
- Danazol
- Surgical
- Conservative excisision and adhesion dissection
- Radical hysterectomy + bilateral salpingo-oophrectomy
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Clinical syndrome associated with ascending spread of microorganisms from vagina/cervix to endometrium, fallopian tubes and contiguous structures
- Most common causes are :
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- Nisseria Gonorrhoeae
Risk factors
- < 25 yrs of age
- Single
- Multiple sexual partners
- Young at first intercourse
- High frequency of sex
- Hx f STD’s
- Hx of PID
- Recent instrumentation of uterus
- Pelvic/lower abdo pain
- Deep dyspareunia
- Dysmenorrhoea
- Abnormal/increased vaginal d/c
- Fever
- Tachycardia
- Abdo tenderness
- Cervical excitation
- Adnexal swelling & tenderness
- Blood cultures
- STD screen
- Pregnancy test
- Laparoscopy
- Antibiotic Therapy
- Contact tracing
- Surgery (rare)
- Pelvic abscess
- Septicaemia
- Septic shock
- Infertility
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Dyspareunia
- Menstrual disturbance
- Psychological effects
Causes / Features / Investigations / TreatmentStress Incontinence / Neurological injury, urethral injury, pelvic trauma
Risk Factors: Childbirth, Chronic coughing, age, Obesity, Smoking / Involuntary loss of urine during physical activity / Rule out UTI, Urodynamic testing, Cystoscopy, Urogram / Lifestyle changes, pelvic floor exercises, TVT, Colposuspension, sling procedure
Urge Incontinence / Inflammatory disorders, bladder stones, neuro disorders, bladder cancer / Strong, sudden need to urinate followed by urine leakage, abdo discomfort, frequent urination / Lifestyle changes, bladder training, Anticholinergic agents, Electrical stimulation reflex inhibition of detrusor, Cystoplasty augmentation
Prolapse / Congenital connective tissues disorders, prolonged or difficult labour, postmenopausal atrophy, chronically raised intra-abdo pressure, hysterectomy, colposuspension / Local discomfort, feeling of descent, ?d/c, ? backache, GU sx, GI sx, / Examination / Pelvic floor exercises, HRT, vaginal pessaries, surgical repair
- Retrospective dx made after >12mths of ammenorhea
- 45 – 55 yrs
- Climacteric endocrine changes:
- Hypothalamic-pituitary hyperactivity (↑FSH/LH)
- ↓ progesterone
- Unopposed oestrogen secretion
- Vasomotor symptoms
- Hot flushes
- Night sweats
- End-organ atrophy
- Vaginal dryness
- Increased susceptibility to infection
- Prolapse
- Urinary sx
- Psychological Symptoms
- Depression
- ↓ libido
- Irritability
- Poor memory
- Long-term effects
- Osteoporosis
- Cardiovascular disease
- Hormone profile
- Oestrogen
- Cervical smear
- Mammogram
- Pelvic USS
- Endometrial sampling
- Bone mineral density scan
- Lifestyle changes
- Tx of co-morbid conditions
- Psychological support
- Oseteoporosis prophylaxis
Ante Partum Haemorrhage
Risk factors / Features / Complications / ManagmentPlacenta Praevia (Placenta is wholly or partially attached to lower uterine segment) / Age, Higher parity, Multiple pregnancy, Previous C/S, Succenturiate placental lobe, Smoking / Third trimester unprovoked PV bleeding, Soft non-tender uterus, Cephalic presentation is not engaged / PPH, Placenta Accreta, / USS scan at 20 weeks – follow up in third trimester if low placenta, Cross-match blood, Immediate C/S
Abruption (placental attachment is disrupted by haemorrhage) / Pre-eclampsia, Abdominal trauma, smoking, cocaine use, lower socioeconomic group, external cephalic version / Bleeding and constant abdo pain, Uterus is hard and tender, / Renal failure, disseminated intravascular coagulaton, PPH, / HB, Cross-match blood, clotting screen, Urinalysis, Depending on severity delivery of fetus as life saving procedure for mother
Vasa Praevia (velamentous insertion of cord and vessels lie over internal os) / Kelihauer test on PV blood, Fetus must be delivered urgently to avoid exsanguination,
Post –Partum Haemorrhage
Risk factors
- Multiple Pregnancy
- Grand Multip
- Polyhydramnios
- Fibroid uterus
- Prolonged labour
- Previous PPH
- Uterine Atony
- Failure of contraction of uterus after delivery
- Genital Tract Trauma
- From trauma to:
- Preineum
- Vagina
- Cervix
- Uterus
- Retained products
- Coagulation disorders
- Uterine Inversion
- Uterine Rupture
- Endometritis
- Persistent Molar pregnancy
- Treatment of anaemia in pregnancy
- Clotting screen
- Anticipation of possible PPH
- Active mx of third stage of labour
- Oxytocic drugs
- Controlled cord traction for placental delivery
- Clamping and cutting umbilical cord
- IV access
- Hb, platelets, clotting and cross-match
- Surgical Mx
Hypertension in Pregnancy
Pre-existing HTN
Women with known HTN before pregnancy and those diagnosed with HTN in 1st trimester
- Risk factors
- Age
- FHx
- Medical disorders
- DM
- Renal disease
- Ethnic group
Pregnancy induced HTN
- Non-proteinuric HTN diagnosed in second half of pregnancy
- Typically resolves within 6 weeks of delivery
Complications of HTN
- Increased risk of cerebral haemorrhage
- Increased susceptibility to IUGR
- Increased risk of developing pre-eclampsia
Management of HTN
- Pre-pregnancy counselling
- Identify cause
- Warned about pre-eclampsia
- Uterine artery dopplers
- Drug treatment to decrease risk of cerebral haemorrhage
- Regular BP & urinalysis
- Regular fetal growth scans
Multisystem disorder of the endothelium causing
- Peripheral haemorrhagic necrosis
- ↑Cerbral vascular resistance
- Leaky glomerular capillaries
- Proteinuria
- High resistance vessels
- Oligohydramnios
Risk factors
- Primip
- 35 + yrs
- Multiple pregnancy
- Previous pre-eclampsia
- FHx
- BP ≥ 160/110 + proteinuria ≥ 2+
- BP ≥ 140/90 + proteinuria ≥2+ and at least one of
- Oliguria
- Visual disturbance, headaches, RUQ pain
- Platelts < 100, ALT > 50
- Creatinine > 100
- 3+ beats of clonus
- Deliver baby if at term (IoL)
- Continuous CTG in labour
- Fluid restriction if severe
- Eclampsia
- Renal Failure
- Hepatic Rupture
- Cerebral Haemorrhage
- Pulmonary Oedema
- Increased perinatal mortality
Fitting/seizure secondary to pre-eclampsia
- Abruption
- Pulmonary oedema
- Cerebral haemorrhage
- Liver rupture
- Retinal detachment
- Maternal death
- Basic resus
- IV magnesium sulphate
- IV diazepam
- BP controlled with IV hydralazine or labetolol
- Observe for 24 hrs
Ectopic Pregnancy
- Pregnancy implanted outside of uterine cavity
- Presents with Abdo pain and bleeding
Risk factors
- Tubal Surgery
- Peritonitis or pelvic surgery
- Endometriosis
- Mini-pill
- Surgical
- Salpingectomy
- Salpinotomy
- Medical
- Methotrexate (IM or Local)
Diabetes in pregnancy
Pre-existing Diabetes
- Need increased insulin doses
- Increased risk of hypos
- Acceleration of DM complications
- Increased risk of DKA
- Miscarrage – poor control
- Fetal congenital abnormality – if poor control at conception
- Proteinuric hypertension – increased risk if pre-existent HTN or nephropathy
- Macrosomia – increased insulin (anabolic)
- Soulder dystocia – due to macrosomia
- Polyhydramnios, IUD, still birth – fetal polyuria
- UTI or candida – glycosuria
- Dietary advice
- Folic acid preconception
- HbA1c monitoring
- Increased insulin dose
- Regular fundoscopy
- Anomaly screening
- Growth scans
Gestational Diabetes
- Increased insulin resistance due to anti-insulin hormaones (glucagons, cortisol, human placenta lactogen)
- Usually in second or early third trimester
Risk Factors
- Hx of GDM
- Previous macrosmic baby
- FHx of DM
- Ethnicity
- At screening
- Maternal signs and symptoms
- Retrospective HbA1c testing
- Dietary advice
- BM monitoring
- Regular scans
Obstetric Cholestasis
- Late second early third trimester
- Severe pruritis of soles and palms
- No rash
- Pale fatty stools
- Dark urine
- Decreased appetite
- ↑ bilirubin
- USS for gallstones etc
- Cholestyramine or antihistamine (reduce itching)
- Early vitamin K (prevent haemorrhage)
- Featl monitoring
- Deliver fetus if mature
- Counselling
- Preterm labour
- Fetal distress in labour
- Fetal or neonatal intracranial haemorrhage