Eco-Schools USA

Action Grants

For New Hampshire Schools

2015 Proposal Packet

This program is sponsored by a joint partnership between New Hampshire Audubon and the National Wildlife Federation, with underwriting from private foundations.

Eco-Schools USAAction Grants

National Wildlife Federation’s (NWF) Eco-SchoolsUSAprogram, uses school-based “Eco-Action” teams of students, administrators, educators, and community volunteers to implement “green” management of the school grounds, facilities and curriculum. As the state affiliate for NWF, New Hampshire Audubon will be managing the Eco-Schools USA program throughout the state.

This free program, proven to reduce energy costs and enhance existing curricula, guides registered schools through Seven Steps for incorporating environmental practices in their school and community. These steps are designed to involve students, educators and community volunteers in planning and implementing sustainable environmental practices and policies. For more information on the Seven Steps, (and on how to register your school), visit National Wildlife Federation’s website at:

NWF has identified 10 environmental “Pathways” to become an Eco-School. These are: climate change, biodiversity, energy, consumption and waste, sustainable food, healthy living, water, school grounds, healthy schoolsand transportation. An Eco-Action Team can select one or several of these pathways to implement in their school.

The Eco-Schools USA structure is flexible, making it easy to implement in a variety of school settings. The program, which is intended to be integrated within an entire school, provides a framework to recognize, celebrate, and expand existing and new sustainability/environmental education activities throughout the entire school, rather than creating additional work for teachers and administrators. Eco-Schools USA provides extensive resources to link program elements to science education standards (National Science Education Standards, the Next Generation Science Standards, and the Common Core State Standards) to assist educators in weaving the Eco-Schools USA program into existing curriculum and requirements.

The NWF Eco-Schools USA program offers three levels of awards for registered schools to pursue. The first two levels are Bronze and Silver awards which the school self-assesses based on its accomplishments. The top level, the Green Flag Award, is evaluated by Eco-Schools USA and is awarded based on achieving significant progress in implementing the Seven Steps. The school is reassessed every two years to ensure it has retained its Green Flag status. A school is considered a permanent Eco-School once it has gained its fourth Green Flag.

Grant funds are available to assist a school in registering to become an Eco-School. These funds can be used to implement the first three steps of the Eco-Schools USA Program which are: 1.) Establish an Eco-Action Team, 2.) Perform an Environmental Review/Audit and, 3.) Develop an Eco-Action Plan.

Application Procedure

Grants are available to:

NH schools, public or private, grades K-12.

Grant Purpose:

Grant awards are to be used for teacher/staff stipends to complete Steps 1-3 of the Seven Steps Program: 1.)Establish an Eco-Action Team, 2.)Perform an Environmental Review/Audit and 3.)Develop an Eco-Action Plan. (visit for additional information).

Grant amount and period:

A maximum of $500 per school will be awarded for the grant period of January 2016 through June 2016. Four awards will be granted.

Application deadline:

Action grant proposals must be received by December 31, 2015.

Review of proposals:

Completed application forms will be reviewed by a team of education professionals fromNew Hampshire Audubon.

Notification of grant awards:

Recipients will be notified by January 15, 2016. Grant funds will be disbursed as soon as possible.

Evaluation of Action Grant award:

Grant recipients will need to evaluate the progress of their work toward implementing the Eco-Schools USA program in their school community. A reportform that details the criteria for written evaluation, both at the mid-point and conclusion of the grant, will be included with the grant award notification letter. These forms should be submitted to the NH Audubon Eco-Schools USA Coordinator by the date indicated on the form.

How to apply:

  • Fill in the attached application form, include 3 copies
  • Send completed application to:

Kelly Dwyer, NH Audubon Eco-Schools USA Coordinator

84 Silk Farm Rd

Concord, NH 03301

603-224-9909 x 400

Please direct any Action Grant questions to Kelly Dwyer at

Eco-Schools USANH Action Grants

Name of School:______

Grades Served:______

School Address:______

Name of School Contact:______


  1. Are you a registered Eco-School USA: ( )yes ( )no
  1. Have you applied for an Eco-Schools USA Award?: ( )yes ( )no ( ) not yet
  1. Which Eco-Schools Pathways are you currently pursuing or plan to pursue?:

Currently pursuing: Plan to pursue:

( ) Biodiversity( ) Biodiversity

( ) Climate Change( ) Climate Change

( ) Energy ( ) Energy

( ) School Grounds( ) School Grounds

( ) Sustainable Foods( ) Sustainable Foods

( ) Water( ) Water

( ) Consumption and Waste( ) Consumption and Waste

( ) Healthy Living( ) Healthy Living

( ) Transportation( ) Transportation

( ) Healthy Schools( ) Healthy Schools

  1. A key component of the Eco-Schools USA program is student involvement. How is or how will your Eco-Schools project be student-driven?
  1. How will you use the grant award to 1.) Establish an Eco-Action Team, 2.) Perform an Environmental Review/Audit and 3.)Develop an Eco-Action Plan?
  1. How will you publicize and inform the school community about the Eco-Schools USA program and the Eco-Action Team’s work?
  1. Please provide any additional information you feel is important for us to know about your school or plan for an Eco-Schools USA program.