Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held at Reedness primary school, Reedness on Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllrs Sargeantson, Oldridge ,King and Jones.
Public present: None
Declarations of interest; Cllr King declared a none pecuniary interest in the item entitled “Kingdom Lane” due to being a neighbour to the lane.
1212 Apologies for absence
None received.
1213 To confirm the minutes of the council meetings held on 14/03/17
Minutes circulated to all councillors and approved and signed by the chairperson.
1214 Matters arising from the minutes.
Water concern-An area identified that still causes concern is a part of road that is constantly wet suggesting a leak of some sort running from the school east end entrance up to The Hollies. The clerk has reported that ERYC have still not performed a chlorine test and that an ordered chlorine strip supply has still not arrived. ERYC officer Dave Sach has sent a rather abrupt email reply suggesting that he is rather busy and that the parish council stops chasing this matter and when he has an update he will let them know. This email was read out by the clerk causing shock and anger at the content. It was resolved that the clerk will report this employee to the ERYC chief executive and the line manager Paul Tripp.
Footpath closure-Following on from a site visit with RPC,ERYC and IDB representatives to decide what can be done to make good the dyke and maintain the path to allow it to be re-opened ,ERYC have contacted the owners with the suggestion to match fund the project of piping the dyke and re constructing the footpath. The clerk has chased up this matter to ERYC Carl Skelton and Richard Alderson but has still not received a reply. It was resolved that the clerk approaches ERYC to ask what this project is expected to cost with an suggestion that RPC may possibly agree to help part fund this project.
Councillor vacancy- unfortunately the newly co opted Mr Dixon did not attend the meeting and has not completed and returned any of the acceptance forms and so as yet is unable to become a parish councillor. It was resolved that the clerk contacts Mr Dixon to establish if he still wishes to become a parish councillor or not.
Land sale- The clerk has been instructed to approach Towned, Clegg & Co estate agents to provide a valuation on a piece of land owned by RPC situated in Swinefleet and to establish exact acreage with a view to selling this land if the price is agreeable to all concerned. The clerk has received a written valuation with associated expected sale costs and it was resolved that this land will be sold if the suggested price is agreeable to the tenant Mr Cowling. The clerk will now instruct Charles Clegg to negotiate and arrange with appointed solicitors to sell both pieces of land currently owned by RPC.
Kingdom Lane- the clerk has written to EA Robert Sanderson asking him to maintain the path to a suitable standard. This has been agreed to by EA and the work will start as soon as the lane has dried up. It was resolved that the clerk contacts EA and requests that work begins shortly as due to the recent dry weather the lane is now completely dry.
River bank walkway- the clerk has tried to establish exact river bank ownership but has been told by HM land Registry and land agent Charles Clegg that this type of information has a price and needs to be obtained via a solicitor. Mr Clegg has indicated he may be able to obtain certain relevant ownership information from his EA contacts and so it was resolved to instruct him to do this for RPC before instructing a solicitor.
1215 Correspondence.
Twin Rivers PC consultation event-noted as 20th May 2017. RPC invited and made aware of the date.
Radio Humberside request-journalist Hayley Ritchie has asked for any information on residents who were unhappy with the insurance re decoration/maintenance work completed on homes following on from the 2013 floods. RPC are not aware of any unhappy residents and have not heard of any problems with workmanship and so the clerk will report this back to Ms Ritchie with this information.
ERYC transport champion-ERYC are wanting an RPC transport champion to attend meetings and discuss future transport issues or concerns. It was resolved that Cllr King be appointed as the RPC representative.
1216 Planning matters.
Application for change of use of paddock to ménage and fencing ref 17/00116/PLF for C.Mainprize at Brentwood House, Reedness- noted as approved by ERYC.
Application for erection of building to store straw at Midland Piggeries, Old Lane, Reedness ref 17/00577/PLF for R.Tucker-noted as approved by ERYC.
ERYC Chris Hodgson has agreed to attend the September PC meeting and provide planning information, as requested, to the parish council.
1217 Financial matters.
£341.20 VAT rebate received and noted.
£500 rent received from R.L.Tucker and noted.
£1500 precept received and noted.
£810.00 transparency grant application noted as claimed for by the clerk on 2/5/17
Cheques approved for payment are;
Cq no 100281 £165.00 Came & Co
Cq no 100282 £258.90 Ernllca
Cq no 100283 £452.59 ERYC
Cq no 100284 £30.00 J.Walker
Cq no 100285 Clerk salary.
A The annual governance statement for 2016/2017 was read out by the clerk, approved by the councillors and signed by the chairperson and clerk
B The annual accounting statement for 2016/2017 was approved and signed by the chairperson and clerk. The clerk has previously provided a full bank reconciliation to all councillors which was signed as a true and correct record by the chairperson.
The clerk will now send the completed audit to PFK Littlejohn and place this on the website along with all appropriate audit notices.
C Private & confidential section.
The clerk was awarded a suitable annual payrise which was accepted.
1218 Any other business.
No ward councillors report as not present at the meeting.
Village seats-it was reported these two wooden seats outside Old Hill cottages have still not been repaired and maintained. It was resolved that the clerk contacts DT Walker to remind him about the agreed work project.
Twin Rivers windfarm fund-it was noted that this fund is now closed but concerns were raised about the lack of publicity for this money by ERYC. It was resolved that Cllr Jones speaks to ERYC David Farnsworth and Ward Cllr John Barrett to request better advertisements and obtain further information on opening/closing dates etc
1219 Date of next meeting-
Confirmed as 5TH July 2017
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