THE Spanish association's STATUTESDAR ESSAALAM
Chapter I
Denomination, INTENTIONS, DOMICILE And space
I articulate 1.- Denomination.
DAR ES SALAAM with the denomination 1/2002, of March 22 and complementary standards, with juristic person and full capacity to act, lacking temper of profit constitutes a nongovernmental Association itself, under the cover of Constitutional Law.
I articulate 2.- temporary space.
This association constitutes itself indefinitely.
I articulate 3.- geographic space of acting.
The geographic space of acting will be state-owned.
I articulate 4.- Intentions.
This association's existence will have like intentions to search, creating and fomenting all type of actings that they enable covering up the needs of the homeless children of Tanzania in all of the spaces, for the better his quality of life, procuring his human development, intellectual and social.
Enter the intentions pursued, described of enunciative form, they are :
to) Promoting than Institutions and Entidades public and private collaborate in the creation of an Infantile Home at Dar's city he is Salaam ( Tanzania ), for the purpose of getting a quality from worthy life for the children.
b) Promoting and collaborating with the projects of education for the orphan children of Tanzania.
c) Maintaining contacts to national and international ladder to cover up the needs of the infantile population of the space of acting.
d) Developing actings of mutual collaboration with public and reserved organisms, to national and international scale.
and) Fomenting the development and the homeless children' improvement of the quality of life.
I articulate 5.- Activities.
The following activities will come true for the fulfillment of these intentions:
1 ) Accomplishing public acts on themes of their own of his social objective.
2 ) Collecting the necessary funds for these intentions, to whose object the association will be able to accomplish how many bona fide activities be convenient.
3 ) In General, accomplishing all those activities led to promote and to propagate his objectives.
I articulate 6.- Domicile.
The Association establishes his social domicile in Madrid ( Spain ), c Sierra of Llerena, n 6, 1 To. C.P. 28038.
Chapter II
Organ OF performance
I articulate 7.- The Board Of Directors.
The Association will be tried to obtain and represented by a formed Board Of Directors for: A President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Vocal.Todos the fees that fix the Board of Directors will be free.
The Board of Directors will meet provided that you consider him necessary for the Association's good parade and, to the less, once a year.
I articulate 8.- election and mandate of the members of the Board of Directors.
Board of Directors's members will be designated and revoked for the General Meeting and his mandate will have a duration of three years.
These will be able to cause low for voluntary resignation communicated in writing to the Board of Directors, for failure to meet obligations that they have commissioned and for expiration of the mandate.
The members of the Board of Directors in that the approval they substitute them of be produced that would have depleted the term which they were elected for, will continue for showing off his fees until now.
I articulate 9.- Board of Directors's Faculties.
Board of Directors's faculties will stretch out, across-the-board to all of the acts of their own of the purposes of the association, provided that they not require, according to these Statutes, express authority of the General Meeting.
Particular faculties come from the Board of Directors:
to) Directing the social activities and taking the cost-reducing step and white-collar worker of the Association, agreeing to accomplish the opportune contracts and acts.
b) Enforcing the agreements of the General Meeting.
c) Formulating and submitting of the General Meeting the Balances and annual accounts to the approval.
d) Resolving on new associates' admission.
and) Naming delegates for the Association's any determined activity.
f) Any other faculty that not be of the exclusive competition of associates's General Meeting.
g) Opening, maintaining and canceling ordinary accounts in benches and establishments of credit.
h) Solving all of the subjects than, even being my own of the General Meeting, have that to be approached urgently, even though there will be to submit to the ratification of the next General Meeting.
i) To convoke General Meetings, so much uncouth persons I eat extraordinary, arranging for the proposals of decisions that have to agree on themselves, in his case,.
I articulate 10.- President.
The President will have the following attributions: Acting legally for the Association elk all public or reserved organisms' classroom; Convoking, taking the chair and suspending the sessions that you celebrate the General Meeting and the Board of Directors, as well as directing the deliberations of one and other; Ordering payments and authorizing with his signature documents, minutes and mail; Embracing any urgent measure that the Association's good parade suggest or in the development of his activities work out necessary or convenient, without prejudice to give account the Board of Directors at a later time to.
I articulate 11.- Vice-President.
The Vice-President will take the place of the President in the absence of this, motivated for disease or any other cause, and he will have the same attributions than he.
I articulate 12.- Secretary.
The Secretary will be responsible for the direction of the purely administrative works of the Association, will issue certifications, will take the books of the association legally established and the filing cabinet of associates, and will watch the entity's documentation, doing that they take a course in the communications on designation of Juntas Directive and besides social registrable agreements to the correspondent Records, as well as the fulfillment of the documentary obligations in the terms that legally they correspond .
I articulate 13.- Treasurer.
The Treasurer will collect taxes and will watch funds pertenecientes to the Association and will give fulfillment to the orders to pay that the President send, will take the books of bookkeeping in order and he will take responsibility for the fulfillment of the tax liabilities, you would pay tribute and, in his case, of social security, you will prepare the economic balances and budgets of the Association for his approval in the General Meeting.
I articulate 14.- Vowels.
The Vowels will have the own obligations of their position as a member of the Board of Directors, and as well as the ones that grow from the delegations or commissions of work that the own Meeting commission them.
I articulate 15.- Board of Directors's Vacancies.
The vacancies that may be produced during the mandate of anyone of the members of the Board of Directors will be covered up provisionally between the aforementioned members to the definite election by the convoked General Meeting for the purpose.
Chapter III
I articulate 16.- Of Associates's General Meeting.
The General Meeting is Government's supreme organ of the Association Dar he is Saalam, and he will be integrated for all of the associates.
The agreements taken in the General Meetings will consist of in a Minutes Book with the signatures the President and the Secretary Bird of the Board of Directors.
The General Meeting's meetings will be ordinary and extraordinary. The uncouth person will formalize within the four months following the closing of exercise herself once a year; The extraordinary will celebrate themselves when circumstances suggest it, to the President's judgment, when Board of Directors agree on it or when a tenth part of the associates propose it in writing.
They will sell off the citations of the General Meetings in writing expressing the space, day and hour of the meeting as well as the order of the day with concrete _expression of the subjects to try. Enter the examination session and they will have the appointed day for the celebration of the Assembly House in first citation of mediating at least fiftheen days, caning likewise to be done to be evident if you proceed the date and hour the Assembly House in second citation, unless you enter one and other will meet in may mediate an inferior term to an hour.
General meetings, so much uncouth persons like extraordinary, they will get validly constituted in first citation when concur to her a third part of the associates with the right for vote, and in second citation whichever it be associates' number with the right for vote.
The agreements will take themselves by majority simple of the present or represented people when ayes prove better than the minus signs, no being computable to these effects null ballot papers, blank, neither abstentions.
Majority attributed qualities to of the present or represented people will be necessary, that it will work out when these surpass the ayes half, stops :
to) The entity's dissolution.
b) Modification of Statutes.
c) Disposition or sale of goods integrating of the lockup.
d) Remuneration of the members of the organ of performance.
and) Nomination of the components of the Board of Directors.
f) Federation's constitution of associations or integration in the same.
I articulate 17.- Faculties of the General Meeting.
Faculties are of the General Meeting:
to) Passing, Board of Directors's step.
b) Examining and approving annual accounts.
c) Electing Board of Directors's members.
d) Fixing the social ordinary or extraordinary quotas.
and) The association's dissolution.
f) Amendment of bylaws.
g) Disposition or alienation of the goods
h) Agreeing on the remuneration of the members of the organs of performance, in his case,.
i) Any other that competition once another social organ was attributed not be .
I articulate 18.- Extraordinary General Meeting.
They require agreement of the Extraordinary convoked General Meeting for the purpose:
To ) Amendment Of Bylaws.
B ) Fusión of the Association.
C ) Disolución of the Association.
Chapter IV
I articulate 19.- associates's classrooms.
Those people with capability to act will be able to belong to the Association that they be interested in the development of the intentions of the Association.
Associates's following classrooms will exist within the Association:
to) Charter members, that will be those that take part in in the act of constitution Association.
b) Associates of number, that they will be the ones that enter after the Association's constitution.
c) Associates of honor, them than for his prestige or to have contributed to of relevant mode the dignification and the Association's development, become creditors to such distinction. The nomination of the associates of honor will correspond to the Board of Directors.
d) Sponsors, Entidades ó Instituciones that they collaborate in the development of the intentions of the Association.
I articulate 20.- reduce of the associates.
The associates will cause fall for any one of the causes following:
To ) For voluntary resignation, communicated in writing to the Board of Directors.
B ) For failure to meet obligations economic, if you stop fulfilling the periodic correspondent quotas to a year.
C ) For grave unfulfillment of the obligations of the associate.
In the suppositions b ) and c ) the agreement of exclusion will have to be adopted, in his case, ratified, for the General Meeting.
I articulate 21.- the associates's rights.
The associates of number and founders will have the following rights:
to) Participating in how many activities, organize the Association in fulfillment of your intentions.
b) Enjoying all of advantages and benefits that the Association may obtain.
c) Cutting in on the Assembly Houses with a right to vote.
d) Being voters and eligible for the directive fees.
and) Receiving information on the agreements embraced by the Association's organs.
f) Doing the best fulfillment of the intentions of the Association suggestions to Board of Directors's in order members.
The associates of honor will have the same rights that they represent in the posts office box c with the exception of ) and d ), could have helped the assemblies without right to vote.
I articulate 22.- the associates's duties.
The founding and number associates will have the following obligations:
To ) Obeying present Statutes and the agreements been worth of the Assembly Houses and the Board of Directors.
B ) Fertilizing the quotas that be fixed.
C ) Helping the Assembly Houses and besides acts that get organized .
D ) Performing, in his case, the inherent obligations to the position that they occupy .
The associates of honor will have the same obligations than founders and of number, with the exception of the foreseen in the posts office box b ) and d ).
Chapter V
I articulate 23.- Financing.
The financial resources foreseen for the development of intentions and the Association's activities will be the following:
To ) associates's quotas, periodic or extraordinary.
B ) Aportaciones voluntary of collaborators of the Association.
C ) gratuitous Donaciones.
D ) The Subventions, helps and agreement of collaboration with public or private institutions.
And ) Ingresos obtained of the product of activities or campaigns accomplished by the Association.
F ) Any other licit resource
I articulate 24.- the Association's Patrimony.
The Association lacks initial patrimony or social bottom.
I articulate 25.- financial regimen.
The associative and cost-reducing exercise will be yearly and his closing will take place the December 31 every year.
I SAW chapter
I articulate 26.- the Association's Dissolution.
The Association will dissolve voluntarily when that way agree on it the Extraordinary, convoked General Meeting for the purpose, in accordance with what's disposed in the article 16 of present Statutes.
In case of dissolution, a liquidating commission, which will be named, once once the debts were extinguished, and if liquid surplus, the fact that they not distort his non-profit nature will destine it for intentions, exist concretely when Giving Infantile Home he is Saalam.
ADDITIONAL disposition
In whatever it not be foreseen in present Statutes 1/2002, of March 22 regulating of the right of Asociación will apply the in use Constitutional Law itself, and the complementary dispositions.
In Madrid to twenty one of June 2005
Dña. Ana Bethlehem GONZÁLEZ ARDURA