Attachment A
EGrAMS Agency Registration Information
a. Proposals must be submitted electronically via EGrAMS to be considered for award.
b. EGrAMS registration process can take up to one hour. Contact the EGrAMS help desk for technical assistance at 1-877-932-6424.
c. While using the EGrAMS system, the recommended web browser is Internet Explorer. Please note the following:
1) It is best to tab or use your mouse to navigate through the fields.
2) It is only necessary to complete the required fields which are asterisked.
3) If you are not sure of what you should enter in a field, check the “comment line” at the bottom of the screen. This may require scrolling down in some cases.
4) When available, use the look up buttons (with three dots)
5) There are several places where you must allow for a time interval. The directions indicate when this will happen.
d. Validate your workstation to determine the minimum system requirements for using EGrAMS
1) On the EGrAMS home page click “Validate Workstation” at the left hand side of the screen, a new screen will appear.
2) The top half of the screen describes the minimum system requirements for using EGrAMS (A scroll bar on that top portion allows the user to read its entire contents.
3) The bottom half of the screen is the utility that will check your system settings to determine if your system meets the requirements.
4) In the middle of the bottom half of the screen, click the validate button.
5) If the validation results boxes have a check in each of them, then your system is ready to use EGrAMS.
6) If the validation results boxes have a red strike through them, then you have settings that need to be changed in order to utilize all of the functionality of EGrAMS. If your workstation does not pass validation, please refer back to the minimum system requirements detailed in the top section of the validation page.
7) Rarely the validation may appear as though there is no issue even though the user can’t access the system properly. This situation will be a function of the individual’s computer and not the System. Contact your agency’s IT helpdesk for assistance.
e. Those currently not registered on the system need to complete Step 1 and Step 2:
f. Those whose agency is registered, but don’t have a Login ID can begin at Step 2 below:
g. If your agency is registered and you have a Login ID (and you will be acting as the Project Director), you can begin at Step 3 below:
Step 1 – Register Your Agency
Detailed instructions are located in the yellow book icon, below the EGrAMS Application Header.
To register your agency, use the following steps:
a. Click on “Register Your Agency” from the left side of screen.
1) Complete the requested information on the “General Information” tab. When entering your agency’s address, you must include your zip code and 4-digit routing number. This can be found by going to:
https://tools.usps.com/go/ZipLookupAction!input.action .
Please note: Your “Duns#” must be entered. Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) provides a D-U-N-S Number, a unique nine digit identification number, for each physical location of your business. D-U-N-S Number assignment is FREE for all businesses required to register with the US Federal government for contracts or grants. Click here to request your D-U-N-S Number via the Web: http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform If one does not exist for your business location, it can be created within one business day. For technical difficulties, contact
2) Enter the Federal ID number of your agency. The system will automatically check to see if your agency is already registered with EGrAMS. Please note this will take about 2 seconds, in this time the screen will blank out the Federal ID and refresh once it has completed the search.
3) If the agency is not registered with EGrAMS, continue filling in the required information for the Agency Profile.
If the agency is already registered with EGrAMS, and you don’t have a User ID, continue to Step 2.
4) Click the “Set relation with Grantor Agencies” link, select the Agency from the Look-up button, and select the Agency Class from the look-up button.
Note: Under Agency Class at all times, your agency will be a ‘Grantee Agency’.
5) Click the OK button. You will receive a pop-up message when your record is successfully added.
Step 2 – Create User Profile
After registering your agency, click on “Create User Profile”. Anyone who will be using EGrAMS will need to create a user profile.
Each user is required to have a profile in the system. This includes staff that will be completing the application process, signing the contract agreement, and completing and submitting progress reports. Each individual creates their own user profile using the following steps, starting with the Project Director:
a. Enter a Login Name. It is suggested that you use your last name and first initial.
b. Complete the information requested (The following critical steps are usually overlooked):
1) Your “Role Code” is ‘Grantee’
2) Your “Parent Agency” is the name of your agency
3) Your “County” is the county you agency is located in The “Agency Xref”. Select the link; a pop-up window will open, select using the look-up button the Grantor agencies you would like to be able to apply for grants using EGrAMS, also select using the look-up button your “Role” this should be ‘Grantee’.
4) Click “Show Security” and scroll down to choose a security question before you can complete the form.
c. Click the OK button. You will receive a pop up message that your user profile is created successfully with an inactive status.
Step 3 -- Project Director Request
After creating the user profile, the staff person who is identified as the Project Director will complete the Project Director Request for the competitive grant your agency would like to apply for. Make sure you are at the correct website http://www.egrams-mi.com/ctf/User/home.aspx.
The Project Director will complete the following steps:
a. Click on “Project Director Request” on the left side of screen.
b. Compete the information requested on this screen
1) Enter your EGrAMS Login Name and password.
c. When your agency has been filled in, complete the requested information. Check the grant category and grant program of your choice, using the look-up buttons. Click OK
d. You will receive a pop-up message that your Project Director Request was successfully submitted.
e. Click OK. You are done for now at this point. Please read the next box for further instructions.
Step 4 - Assign Agency Users
The Project Director will complete the following steps to assign agency users and activate staff records:
a. Go to http://egrams-mi.com/CTF.
b. Click EGrAMS login, on the left side of screen.
c. Enter the Project Director User ID and password and click OK.
d. On the welcome screen using the drop-down menus, select the first drop down menu, choose “Grantee”.
e. The second drop down menu, choose “Project Director”.
f. The third drop down menu, choose “Assign Agency Users” and click “Go”
g. Select the Grant Program (click the lookup button to select the grant program).
h. Click “Find” (scroll down to see the “Find” button).
i. Click the “Assign” button.
j. Check the “User Status” box.
Optional at this time:
1) Select the Perm Code (click the lookup button to select the users role on this grant program)
2) Check “Appl”
3) Click the Orange “Cat.” Lookup Box (Click each section of the grant application that you want your users to have access to read or write to the grant application).
4) Click OK.
k. Check “Perm Status” and click OK. You will receive a pop up message that records were successfully updated (an e-mail will be sent to activated users).
Where to Obtain Help
a. Pre-Bid Application Technical Assistance Session
1) Two Pre-Bid Application Webinar sessions that will include instruction on the ITB and electronic application process are available. These webinar sessions are not mandatory and will provide an overview of the ITB and application review process, as well as answer questions. The sessions will be held:
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
AM and PM Webinars
9:30 am – 12:00 p.m. https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7152435657312981506
1:30 pm – 4:00 p.m. https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2050778670246380290
b. For programmatic, technical assistance, general bid, and other questions, please contact your CTF Local Council (see list under Show Documents in EGrAMS or Attachment B in Buy4Michigan).
c. For bid questions please contact Scott Addison at by August 28, 2015 no later than 3:00 p.m. DHHS staff are not allowed to respond to questions regarding the content of the ITB that are telephoned in.
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