Phil Hoffmann Travel
Phone: 8179 9666 (general)
Fax: 8179 9696or
Contact your preferred consultant by direct phone or email
- Obtain quote from Phil Hoffmann Travel
- Include FBT liability for any private travel
- Obtain appropriate authorisation for travel (Section B)
- Obtain appropriate authorisation for payment
- Fax form to Phil Hoffmann Travel and AOU Office
Domestic Travel2001
Domestic Accommodation2005
International Travel2010
International Accommodation2013
SECTION A – to be completed by the Booking Officer. Please print clearly.
Name of Booking Officer (contact person):Date:School/ Faculty:Wk ph:Fax:
Comment on booking/travel:
Passenger name:Frequent flyer?Y / NF/F no:After hours contact:Wk ph:Fax:
Reason for travel:Destination:Flight from:Date:Time: Flight no:
Flight from:Date:Time:Flight no:
Flight from:Date:Time:Flight no:
Car hire: Y / NCompanyEstimated cost:
Travel Diary must be completed under following circumstances:Any private component: Y / N
1)All overseas travel irrespective of durationDetails to be attached, not to be sent to
2)Travel within Australia when combining business and private travel (ie, non business days)Phil Hoffmann Travel
Completed Travel Diaries should be forwarded to faculty/school office for checking.Employee/Student: Y / N
Hotel:Ph:Fax:Government room rate:Date in:Date out:
SECTION B – Approval/Authority/Payment. Please print clearly.
Estimated cost (GST exclusive) : $______(Travel) $______(Accommodation) $ ______(Est private travel)
Debit the following Account No:
Completion of coding required prior to submission to Phil Hoffmann
I certify the travel is for University business and (where applicable) complies with grant conditions. I also certify that I will reimburse the University
for the private travel component costs arising from any non incidental private travel associated with this trip.
Signature of Staff Member travelling, Grantholder and date
/Print Name
Signature of Supervisor and date
/Name of Supervisor
Signature of Authorised Person (as defined in the Travel Policy) / Print NameRefer Point 1 of the policy – link below.
Note: FBT can arise where employees combine private travel with business travel even where there is no additional cost to the University. Employees are required to reimburse any private component costs, other than incidental amounts, to avoid any FBT liability. Refer Travel, Accommodation and Subsistence Policy -
If travelling to a DFAT Level 4 country this is to be approved by the C.C. Head.
Name of Phil Hoffmann Consultant: ……………………………………………………………………….(Phil Hoffmann use only)
Form No: TVL1-2Last Updated:26/3/12