St Bernadette’s Church, West Ivanhoe

Mary Immaculate Church, Ivanhoe

Mother of God Church, East Ivanhoe

No. 37 13 – 14 September 2008


First Eucharist Celebrations:

We congratulate and pray for the children from the three Parish Schools and the catechist children from the Parish who have received and celebrated their First Eucharist in The Catholic Parish of Ivanhoe. - Fr. John

Funeral Ministry:

One of the most important and significant ministries in our Parish is the Funeral Ministry. At present we have only one person active in this ministry. The celebration of a death in the family and the Parish is always important. It is one of the many ways we honour people and celebrate life. Do you think that you could help in this area?

Kath Thomas has written a wonderful resume of what is involved in this ministry which is included with this newsletter. We have scheduled another gathering for interested parishioners on Thursday 9th October at 7.30pm in Parish Office, 4 Waverley Ave Ivanhoe. – Fr. John


ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: We should glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, for he is our salvation, our life and our resurrection; through him we are saved and made free.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Do not forget the works of the Lord!

V. 1. Give heed, my people, to my teaching; turn your ear to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable and reveal hidden lessons of the past. R.

V. 2. When he slew them then they would seek him, return and seek him in earnest.

They would remember that God was their rock, God the Most High their redeemer. R.

V. 3. But the words they spoke were mere flattery; they lied to him with their lips.

For their hearts were not truly with him; they were not faithful to his covenant. R.

V. 4. Yet he who is full of compassion forgave their sin and spared them.

So often he held back his anger when he might have stirred up his rage. R.

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you, because by your cross you have redeemed the world. Alleluia!

PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL: Through your Cross and Resurrection: Lord, hear our prayer

COMMUNION ANTIPHON: When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to myself, says the Lord .


We remember all who are in need of prayer at this time including Dorothy Cummins and all those who provide care and support for them in any way.

We remember Peter Simeoni who has died recently. We also remember Giuseppe Biviano, Rita Owen, Bonnie Wise, Irma Pertile, Rena Marsiglio and Reg Grisotto whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace.

We welcome and thank Fr. Rom Murphy for celebrating Mass with us this weekend, as well as Fr. Jim Scannell who will celebrate Masses at 5pm whilst Fr. Len is away on leave for the next few weeks. We are blessed and grateful for the generous support and assistance given to us by the priests who come to our parish.


Sunday 14 Sept 10.30am First Eucharist – Mother of God School Mother of God

Monday 15 Sept 7.30pm St Bernadette’s School Parents & Friends St Bernadette’s School

Monday 15 Sept Outreach Group Meeting Parish Office

Wednesday 17 Sept 7.30pm Mother of God School Education Board Mother of God School

Thursday 18 Sept 12noon Garden Party at Ryder Cheshire See notice

Friday 19 September End of School Term 3

Sunday 21 September 2.30pm Confirmation Ceremony – Korean Community St Bernadette’s Church


Coffee and Catch Up:

Please join us in the Meeting Room at the Parish Office each Wednesday at 9.45am for coffee, tea and a catch up. Everyone is welcome. – Pat Jones, on behalf of Wellbeing / Outreach Group.

Exodus Quiz Night:

To support the January Family Camp - Friday, 17th October at Marcellin Functions Room, 160 Bulleen Rd Bulleen. 7pm for a 7.45 start. Cost: $15. Is anyone interested in making up a table? Merle

Garden Party:

Thursday 18th September at Ryder Cheshire, Donaldson Street, Ivanhoe. 12 Noon – 2.30pm. Finger food and drinks @ $20. All proceeds to Ryder Cheshire, East Timor.

Tickets and more details phone Sue Kelly 9499 1485, Eileen Mount 9499 7120,

Helen Healy 9499 7793, Kath Thomas 9499 7390

Coach Tour – Historic Maldon - Wednesday 15th October:

With Panorama Coaches, air-conditioned and seat belts. Depart at 9.15am from the Parish House, two-course lunch at Kangaroo Hotel, Maldon, followed by one-hour tour of historic Maldon with a local guide. Cost $38. Great Day Assured. Phone Kath Thomas 9499 7390 – Sue Kelly 9499 1485 – Eileen Mount 9499 7120

Let's Help Each Other!: It would be great if you could help us to keep you informed on significant developments and events in and around our Parish. To do this the Parish invites and urges every one of you with Internet access to register to receive periodic updates via email on our Website content. It's a free service from your Parish. All you need to do is to i) go to our website (, ii) go to the "subscribe" page, then iii) follow the simple prompts. It's that easy. It's also just as easy to unsubscribe at any stage should you wish to. Please help us to help you - by registering for periodic email updates on Parish events and developments.

World Youth Day Reunion:

WYD pilgrims, host, volunteers and interested persons are invited to gather on Sunday 5th October at St Patrick’s Cathedral for Mass at 3.30pm. Mass will be followed by refreshments and an opportunity to gather together to share thoughts and experiences. Further details are available on the Archdiocesan website: or on the Days in the Diocese website –

Father Len:

I wish Father Len well and hope that he has a good holiday over the next few weeks. I thank Len for his work and support within the Parish at a variety of levels. - Fr. John

Seafarers’ Sunday 21st September:

As advised by the Archdiocese of Melbourne, there will be leaving collections next weekend for Australian Apostleship of the Sea. The Apostleship of the Sea support seafarers who face a variety of issues including piracy and anxiety in unsafe waters such as Indonesia, off Africa around Somalia, and around South America.

Korean Community Confirmation Ceremony:

Archbishop Denis Hart will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for candidates from the Korean Community on Sunday 21st September at 2.30pm at St Bernadette’s Church. All are invited and all are welcome.

Parish surveys – a chance to have your say:

Parish Surveys were distributed last weekend and copies are available from the Parish Office for those who have not received a copy as yet. This survey has been launched by the Parish Leadership Team with the intention of capturing everyone’s views as input into the ongoing Strategic Planning Process and Parish Master Plan. This is your chance to have your say before final decisions are made. Completed copies need to be returned by Friday 19th September via one of the methods listed on the front. Returned Surveys will go in to the Draw to win Two Bottles of Wine.

Next Young People's Group Event:
This will be at the Don Bosco Activities Centre in Brunswick. Look out for details on the YPG page of the Parish Website and in an email to members this week. Note that as the Centre is fully booked out for the whole year the new timeslot for this particular event only will be on the morning of Sunday 19th October (no longer the 12th October) from 11:30am - Tom & Elly
Is Parish History boring? Not if you look at the photos on the Parish History Project page of the Parish Website ( Perhaps you can also assist with some interesting old photos? - Parish Communication Group (email: )

Safety for Children in our Families:

The National Committee for Professional Standards has released a leaflet “Safety for Children in Families’ this weekend which is available in each of the churches. The National Committee for Professional Standards is a Committee of the Australian Catholic Bishops and the Leaders of Religious Institutions in Australia.

Parish Leadership Team Meeting, Monday 1 September 2008

Parish Survey:

·  Sue invited feedback on the draft Strategic Planning Parish Questionnaire which will be used to ascertain parish views on the future parish. It is expected to be distributed to all parishioners by the end of Term 3


·  Fr John reported on Fr Frank O’Loughlin’s presentation to the School Community and also on a weekend meeting on Retirement in the Clergy.

·  Left to itself, unsupported, the Church as we currently know it may head towards obscurity.

·  Amongst other things this underlies the need for Liturgy to evolve in ways that young people better accept.

·  The Church / Parish community also needs to get together and embrace change.

·  There may be only one priest within the Ivanhoe Parish within the next year or two.

·  Survival as a Parish will require a huge mind change within our Parish community.


·  Merle reported that there has been emphasis on continuing the spirit of WYD.

·  Good content resources are available to support Children’s Liturgy. There are ongoing plans via the School and Parish Newsletters and Website to remind parents about this monthly opportunity on First Sundays.


·  The new Finance Committee is now operating smoothly and starting to streamline financial management.


·  Effort will continue toward encouraging every online Parishioner to register for periodic email updates on Parish issues and events via the (free) Website “subscriber” facility.

·  A new Census of the Parish community is being planned.

·  Consideration is to be given to potential use of technology to assist where there are serious priest shortages.


·  A very full programme of activities for the rest of this year with bus trips, fund-raising film events, social lunch and card games.

Korean Community:

·  Looking at facilities for running Sunday School classes.

·  Looking at greater participation in Parish events and commensurate financial contribution to the Parish.

School Community:

·  Mass and Blessing at St Bernadette’s and Fr O’Loughlin’s talk were well received. Parish Playgroup is thriving and has successfully attracted external funding of $2,500.

·  MOG has a waiting list for Preps in 2009. Students produced a great Website Banner and the meeting warmly thanked all involved for their work in this regard.

·  MI asked Leadership Group to consider changing meeting times to reduce the heavy load on Principals. PLT agreed to have two-monthly rather than monthly meetings, extended in time by half an hour.

·  MI Prep enrolments going very well and shortly to be finalised.

·  MI parents want to ensure their input into Parish Survey questionnaire design.


·  A new Parish “Wellbeing” Group has been developed and will be launched on October 5. A schedule of activities has been produced

·  The Wellbeing Group will launch “drop-in” coffee/chat at the Parish office on Wednesdays from 9:45am,

·  The group will rely on and is now seeking more volunteers (even ad hoc).


Parish Office: 4 Waverley Ave, Ivanhoe 3079 Phone: 9499 1515 Fax: 9499 9959

Website: Email:

Parish Staff: Parish Priest: Fr. John Cunningham 63 Wilfred Rd, East Ivanhoe 9499 5440

Priest in Residence: Fr. Len Thomas 89 Bond St, West Ivanhoe 9499 4062

Parish Secretary: Ruth Villani Parish Office: 9499 1515

Sacraments of Initiation:

Sacramental programs are available for children who live within Ivanhoe Parish, do not attend local Parish schools or have left Parish schools who wish to receive First Eucharist, Reconciliation, or Confirmation in order to complete the Sacraments of Initiation. Brochures are available in churches or contact Parish Office.

ROSTERS FOR WEEKEND 20 – 21 September 2008

ST. BERNADETTE’S: Lector Special Ministers

Saturday 6.30pm J. Murphy Brother Len, J. Giansiracusa

MARY IMMACULATE: Leader Reader Mass Coordinators Counters

Sunday 9.00am K. Bator F. Cullen S. & P. Kelly L. McInerney. M. Rocco

Sunday 5.00pm L. Dal Pozzo M. Blakeman P. Boutsakis

MOTHER OF GOD: Sacristan Lector Special Ministers

Sunday 10.30am E. Mount E. Mount E. Brownstein, I. Chiera, G. Reardon

Altar Society: I. Chiera, R. Burgess Choir Coordinator:

COLLECTIONS: Thanksgiving - $2,142.50 Presbytery - $1,157.85