Registered Charity No: 504535

Notes of informal open meeting with Kevin Cosgrove to discuss concerns re street furniture, bollards, dropped kerbs and indiscriminate car parking held on Wednesday 20 November 2013 at 2.00 pm in the United Reformed Church Hall, Whitehaven.

Present: Anne Bradshaw (Chairman); Linda Wilson (Vice Chairman); Bryan Wilson; Phillip Pattinson; Peter Steele; Ken Bradbury; IanMcConnell; Ossie Coyles; Norman Williams; Heather Morrison [Access Officer];and Eric Urquhart (Treasurer).

Apologies Cllr John Bowman [CBC]; Cllr Brian Crawford [CCC]; and Cllr Eileen Weir [CCC].

Prior to opening the meeting Anne distributed gas leaflets on the danger of carbon monoxide and menus were agreed for those attending the Christmas party at Howgate Hotel at 12.30pm on Wednesday 11 December.

Anne extended a very warm welcome to Kevin Cosgrove, Cumbria County Council’s Traffic Management Team Leader who, prior to the meeting, had been provided with a list and photographic evidence of our concerns. Anne pointed out that members were becoming frustrated by lack of progress, had spoken with the Council’s Health & Safety Officer and believed we needed a date for completion otherwise we would have to consider further action.

There was considerable discussion on the work needed on the Church Street/Duke Street and Queen Street/Duke Street junctions and Kevin advised he had been given assurances work will be done this financial year [ie by end of March 2014].

The next issue was the illegal parking by blue badge holders and others on Quay Street and the need for an additional 500 parking spaces for the development of Albion Square. There is a perception that police appear reluctant to ticket infringement of blue badge rules and there was a question as to whether the Transport Management Act of 2004 gave the same power to PCSO’s. It was suggested that Quay Street be restricted to allow only loading/unloading between 8am and 6pm. It was agreed to set up a joint meeting of representatives from CCC, Police, Allerdale Borough Council [who employ the Enforcement Officers] and CDF. Separately CDF will make a FOI request to clarify the number of blue badge applications refused by comparison with previous years.

On the question of A boards Kevin indicated they can only currently be licensed in Keswick and believed the number of staff needed to effectively monitor theboards would be prohibitive. Some members felt the solution would be for all A boards to be banned.

Peter enquired the rules regarding provision of adequate car and cycle parking spaces for new buildings and whether the requirement varied depending on the available level of public transport.

It was questioned why on-street disabled parking bays were not time limited as there was an awareness of particular individuals who abuse parking rules and felt these should be restricted the same as in off-street car parks.

The concluding comments questioned what is happening with future development of the town centre noting that Albion Square had started. There was concern about the future of the Civic Hall and the Market Place toilets. It was noted that the unsatisfactory road surface between Pelican Garage and Tesco was subject to contractual issues. On the possible bid for a grant towards improving the Market Place the unanimous view of members was a preference for decent shop fronts and the elimination of steps.

Anne thanked Kevin for his attendance and input and looked forward to hearing possible dates for the joint meeting requested. Kevin left at 3.25pm.

Other matters

  1. Anne reported a useful meeting with Rachel Oakley of Wild Ennerdale regarding plans to develop a level circular walk at Bleach Green and Linda had provided useful information on types and positioning of signage for the benefit of those with visual impairment.
  2. Linda and Anne have agreed to give a disability awareness presentation to GP’s and staff.
  3. Anne had attended a meeting with the Leader and Chief Executive of CBC, Dr Rogers and Liz Dover of the Copeland local Clinical Commissioning Group and was concerned that although ageing well had been agreed previously for future health plans, it had not been included in the papers being considered. Anne was also concerned that rather a large sum of health money was being handed over to Adult Social Care to be targeted on elderly people living in their own homes.
  4. It was noted that following a court case by five disabled people the closing of the Independent Living Fund was not approved.
  5. Heather mentioned that the AWG would be at 2pm on 4.12.13 in the Bainbridge Room.

Date of next meeting at 2pm on Wednesday 22 January 2014 in the United Reformed Church hall, Whitehaven.

Meeting closed at 3.55pm.