2000 Page 1


Introduced by Committee on Appropriations


Subject: Omnibus appropriations act

Statement of purpose: This bill proposes to make appropriations in support of government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000.


It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:


This bill may be referred to as the BIG BILL - Fiscal Year 2001 Appropriations Act.


The purpose of this act is to provide appropriations for the operations of state government during fiscal year 2001. It is the express intent of the legislature that activities of the various agencies, departments, divisions, boards, and commissions be limited to those which can be supported by funds appropriated in this act or other acts passed prior to June 30, 2000. Agency and department heads are directed to implement staffing and service levels at the beginning of fiscal year 2001 so as to meet this condition unless otherwise directed by specific language in this act.


The sums herein stated are appropriated for the purposes specified in the following sections of this act. When no time is expressly stated during which any of the appropriations are to continue, the appropriations are declared to be single-year appropriations, and only for the purpose indicated. These appropriations shall be the only appropriations available, notwithstanding any other acts or laws. If in this act there is an error in either addition or subtraction, the totals shall be adjusted accordingly. Apparent errors in referring to section numbers of statutory titles within this act may be disregarded by the commissioner of finance and management.


The sums appropriated in this act, unless otherwise designated, shall be available only during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001. The balance of any appropriations made in this act remaining unexpended and unencumbered at the end of the fiscal year shall revert to the appropriate fund balance unless otherwise specified in this act. Refunds of expenditures and reimbursements, except liability insurance premiums, which have been paid from the appropriations of a prior year, shall be credited to the appropriate fund and not to appropriation accounts in the current fiscal year unless those refunds or reimbursements were previously paid from federal grants-in-aid or from appropriations whose unexpended balances are reappropriated by law. Refunds of liability insurance premiums paid in prior fiscal years are hereby available to reduce subsequent liability insurance premiums. Nothing contained in this act shall limit the time within which an appropriation to be raised by the issue of bonds may be expended.


For the purposes of this act:

(1) "Personal services" means wages and salaries, consulting services, personnel benefits, personal injury benefits under section 636 of Title 21 and similar items.

(2) "Operating expenses" means supplies - food, medical, clothing, educational, fuel, highway materials and similar items; contractual services - postage, telephone, travel expenses, light, heat and power, rentals, insurance and other similar items; equipment articles of substantial value which have a long period of usefulness - desks, computers, typewriters, furniture, motor vehicles and similar items.

(3) "Land, structures, improvements" means expenditures for the purchase of land, construction of new buildings and permanent improvements, highway construction and similar items.

(4) "Grants" means subsidies, aid or payments to local governments, to community and quasi-public agencies for providing local services, and to persons who are not wards of the state for services or supplies, and cash or other direct assistance, including pension contributions.

(5) "Other" means a lump sum appropriation not differentiated by object of expenditure.

(6) "Encumbrances" means a portion of an appropriation reserved for the subsequent payment of existing purchase orders or contracts. The commissioner of finance and management shall make final decisions on the appropriateness of encumbrances.


The appropriations made in this act are made for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 except as provided in this act, and are to be paid from funds shown as the source of funds.

Sec. 7. Secretary of administration - secretary's office

Personal services 589,217

Operating expenses 52,826


Total 642,043

Source of funds

General fund 376,009

Transportation fund 61,034

Interdepartmental transfer 205,000


Total 642,043

Sec. 8. Secretary of administration - GOVNet

Personal services 370,732

Operating expenses 1,229,268


Total 1,600,000

Source of funds

Internal service funds 1,600,000

Sec. 9. Finance and management - budget and management

Personal services 681,944

Operating expenses 54,908


Total 736,852

Source of funds

General fund 597,042

Transportation fund 129,810

Interdepartmental transfer 10,000


Total 736,852

Sec. 10. Finance and management - financial operations

Personal services 890,023

Operating expenses 156,554


Total 1,046,577

Source of funds

General fund 643,553

Transportation fund 350,080

Federal fund 5,000

Special funds 47,944


Total 1,046,577

Sec. 11. Personnel - operations

Personal services 2,144,305

Operating expenses 448,806


Total 2,593,111

Source of funds

General fund 1,831,020

Transportation fund 636,891

Special funds 48,000

Internal service funds 70,000

Interdepartmental transfer 7,200


Total 2,593,111

Sec. 12. Personnel - employee benefits

Personal services 705,091

Operating expenses 304,935


Total 1,010,026

Source of funds

Internal service funds 1,010,026

(a) The establishment of one (1) new classified position - Medical Supervisor - is authorized in fiscal year 2001.

Sec. 13. Buildings and general services - administrative

Personal services 731,557

Operating expenses 137,900


Total 869,457

Source of funds

General fund 430,428

Transportation fund 65,203

Interdepartmental transfer 373,826


Total 869,457

Sec. 14. Buildings and general services - facilities operations

Personal services 5,780,547

Operating expenses 6,460,482


Total 12,241,029

Source of funds

General fund 9,135,731

Transportation fund 1,805,298

Special funds 1,000,000

Interdepartmental transfer 300,000


Total 12,241,029

(a) The establishment of four (4) new classified positions - one (1) Plant Maintenance Supervisor A, two (2) Buildings Custodian A, and one (1) Buildings Custodian B - is authorized in fiscal year 2001.

Sec. 15. Buildings and general services - engineering

Personal services 1,378,291

Operating expenses 184,750


Total 1,563,041

Source of funds

General fund 1,404,165

Transportation fund 93,876

Interdepartmental transfer 65,000


Total 1,563,041

Sec. 16. Buildings and general services - property management

Personal services 501,929

Operating expenses 3,795,431


Total 4,297,360

Source of funds

Internal service funds 4,297,360

(a) The establishment of two (2) new classified positions - one (1) Data Base Administrator and one (1) Maintenance Mechanic B - is authorized in fiscal year 2001.

Sec. 17. Buildings and general services - postal

Personal services 501,086

Operating expenses 358,438


Total 859,524

Source of funds

General fund 77,114

Transportation fund 65,291

Internal service funds 717,119


Total 859,524

Sec. 18. Buildings and general services - supply center

Personal services 214,971

Operating expenses 196,781


Total 411,752

Source of funds

Internal service funds 411,752

Sec. 19. Buildings and general services - copy center

Personal services 585,470

Operating expenses 833,263


Total 1,418,733

Source of funds

Internal service funds 1,418,733

Sec. 20. Buildings and general services - purchasing

Personal services 637,068

Operating expenses 135,062


Total 772,130

Source of funds

General fund 512,066

Transportation fund 260,064


Total 772,130

Sec. 21. Buildings and general services - public records

Personal services 654,583

Operating expenses 197,633


Total 852,216

Source of funds

General fund 594,014

Transportation fund 87,992

Special funds 170,210


Total 852,216

Sec. 22. Buildings and general services - communications & information technology

Personal services 2,456,311

Operating expenses 3,341,100


Total 5,797,411

Source of funds

Internal service funds 5,797,411

Sec. 23. Buildings and general services - state surplus property

Personal services 40,628

Operating expenses 29,908


Total 70,536

Source of funds

Internal service funds 70,536

Sec. 24. Buildings and general services - federal surplus property

Personal services 37,860

Operating expenses 62,755


Total 100,615

Source of funds

Enterprise funds 100,615

Sec. 25. Buildings and general services - workers' compensation insurance

Personal services 727,418

Operating expenses 192,698


Total 920,116

Source of funds

Internal service funds 920,116

Sec. 26. Buildings and general services - general liability insurance

Personal services 285,133

Operating expenses 397,250


Total 682,383

Source of funds

Internal service funds 682,383

(a) The establishment of two (2) new classified positions - one (1) Industrial Hygienist and one (1) Administrative Assistant - is authorized in fiscal year 2001.

Sec. 27. Buildings and general services - all other insurance

Personal services 27,614

Operating expenses 14,807


Total 42,421

Source of funds

Internal service funds 42,421

Sec. 28. Buildings and general services - information centers

Personal services 2,262,163

Operating expenses 655,302

Grants 175,000


Total 3,092,465

Source of funds

General fund 313,729

Transportation fund 2,726,736

Special funds 52,000


Total 3,092,465

Sec. 29. Tax - administration/collection

Personal services 8,832,220

Operating expenses 2,289,571


Total 11,121,791

Source of funds

General fund 10,496,404

Transportation fund 258,427

Special funds 281,960

Interdepartmental transfer 85,000


Total 11,121,791

(a) The establishment of three (3) new classified positions - one (1) Tax Examiner III, one (1) Tax Examiner II, and one (1) Research & Statistics Analyst - is authorized in fiscal year 2001.

(b) The establishment of one (1) new exempt position - Research Economist - is authorized in fiscal year 2001.

Sec. 30. Libraries

Personal services 1,584,301

Operating expenses 1,076,230

Grants 91,300


Total 2,751,831

Source of funds

General fund 1,932,931

Federal funds 688,700

Special funds 64,200

Interdepartmental transfer 66,000


Total 2,751,831

(a) The department of libraries shall close the Southeast regional library by the end of fiscal year 2000 as directed in Sec. 180 of No. 178 of the Acts of 1996. Services shall be provided by the state department of libraries to local libraries statewide with emphasis on those areas where regional libraries have closed.

Sec. 31. Geographic information system

Grants 385,900

Source of funds

Special funds 385,900

Sec. 32. Auditor of accounts

Personal services 1,375,000

Operating expenses 80,193


Total 1,455,193

Source of funds

General fund 435,718

Transportation fund 69,490

Special funds 49,173

Internal service fund 900,812


Total 1,455,193

(a) The auditor of accounts shall review the department of health’s AIDS services program. The review shall consist of:

(1) an evaluation of the criteria used to distribute state and federal service and prevention funds to community-based programs serving people living with HIV and AIDS;

(2) an examination of the use of funds retained by the department of health to administer and provide services to the HIV and AIDS population;

(3) an evaluation of the use of federal and other grant funds as to how they meet grant criteria, and the extent that the funds are being provided to program grantees versus their utilization to supplant state funds within the department.

(b) The auditor shall complete this review and make recommendations to the legislature on or before December 15, 2000.

Sec. 33. State treasurer

Personal services 1,845,825

Operating expenses 330,865


Total 2,176,690

Source of funds

General fund 494,001

Transportation fund 121,214

Special funds 963,545

Expendable trust 597,930


Total 2,176,690

(a) The establishment of one (1) new classified position - Education and Communications Specialist - is authorized in fiscal year 2001.

Sec. 34. Vermont state retirement system

Personal services 9,662,141

Operating expenses 97,597


Total 9,759,738

Source of funds

Special funds 9,759,738

Sec. 35. Municipal employees' retirement system

Personal services 773,965

Operating expenses 35,368


Total 809,333

Source of funds

Special funds 809,333

Sec. 36. State labor relations board

Personal services 145,744

Operating expenses 23,540


Total 169,284

Source of funds

General fund 158,663

Transportation fund 5,412

Special funds 5,209


Total 169,284

Sec. 37. Executive office

Personal services 998,504

Operating expenses 222,576

Grants 51,978

Unrestricted fund 13,000


Total 1,286,058

Source of funds

General fund 990,249

Transportation fund 183,709

Special funds 3,100

Interdepartmental transfer 109,000


Total 1,286,058

Sec. 38. Executive office - national and community service

Personal services 177,159

Operating expenses 86,335

Grants 1,272,320


Total 1,535,814

Source of funds

General fund 56,069

Federal funds 1,460,847

Interdepartmental transfer 18,898


Total 1,535,814

Sec. 39. VOSHA review board

Personal services 26,000

Operating expenses 3,000


Total 29,000

Source of funds

General fund 11,645

Federal funds 17,355


Total 29,000

Sec. 40. Use tax reimbursement fund - municipal current use

Other 4,260,000

Source of funds

General fund 2,096,250

Transportation fund 2,163,750


Total 4,260,000

Sec. 41. Lieutenant governor

Personal services 100,321

Operating expenses 7,414


Total 107,735

Source of funds

General fund 85,691

Transportation fund 22,044


Total 107,735

Sec. 42. Legislature

Other 4,179,758

Source of funds

General fund 3,322,821

Transportation fund 856,937


Total 4,179,758

Sec. 43. Legislative council

Personal services 1,574,611

Operating expenses 12,000


Total 1,586,611

Source of funds

General fund 1,316,558

Transportation fund 270,053


Total 1,586,611

Sec. 44. Sergeant at arms

Personal services 209,267

Operating expenses 44,942


Total 254,209

Source of funds

General fund 206,366

Transportation fund 47,843


Total 254,209

Sec. 45. Joint fiscal committee

Personal services 649,376

Operating expenses 31,676


Total 681,052

Source of funds

General fund 522,681

Transportation fund 158,371


Total 681,052

Sec. 46. Lottery commission

Personal services 946,690

Operating expenses 707,800


Total 1,654,490

Source of funds

Enterprise funds 1,654,490

(a) $25,000.00 of enterprise funds shall be transferred to the general fund.

Sec. 47. Payments in lieu of taxes

Grants 500,000

Source of funds

General fund 250,000

Special funds 250,000


Total 500,000

(a) The above appropriation is for state payments in lieu of property taxes under subchapter 4 of chapter 123 of Title 32.

Sec. 48. Payments in lieu of taxes - Montpelier services

Grants 184,000

Source of funds

General fund 184,000

Sec. 49. Payments in lieu of taxes - correctional facilities

Grants 40,000

Source of funds

General fund 40,000

Sec. 50. Total general government 86,548,285

Source of funds

General fund 38,514,918

Transportation fund 10,439,525

Federal funds 2,171,902

Special funds 13,890,312

Enterprise funds 1,755,105

Expendable trust 597,930

Internal service funds 17,938,669

Interdepartmental transfer 1,239,924