CLUSTERHuman Services

COURSEEssentials of Addiction and Prevention


Course Description:

This course is designed to provide an introduction to the essential components of addictions to substances, objects, behaviors and/or activities as well as programs for the prevention of addictions. The addictive process will be defined and the physical, psychological, social, emotional and spiritual characteristics of addiction will be described both individually and within the family system. Students will overview signs and symptoms of various addictions such as drugs, gambling, eating disorders, etc. and understand physical addiction and psychological dependence. Theories on addiction will be summarized. Prevention for addictions including an overview of risk and protective factors and program strategies will be examined. Students utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in hands-on activities to develop an understanding of course concepts. Teachers should provide each student with real world learning opportunities and instruction. Students are encouraged to become active members of the student organization FCCLA or HOSA. The West Virginia Standards for Global 21 Learning include the following components: Global 21 Content, Literacy and Numeracy, Entrepreneurship, and Technology Standards. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives.


Patient Education and Intervention Skills

Needs Assessment and Other Planning Strategies

Community Organization

Public and Organizational Policy
Essentials of Addiction and Prevention WVEIS 1060

This course aligns with domains, tasks and knowledge skills from The WV Certification Board for Addictions Prevention Professionals Certified Prevention Specialist Manual:

Skill Set / Patient Education and Intervention Skills
Knowledge Objectives
1060.1 / Students will demonstrate knowledge of
  • signs and symptoms of various addictions
  • theories on addiction
  • risk and protective factors
  • current ATOD theory and models.
  • accurate and timely ATOD content resources for instructional programming.
  • appropriate use of instructional materials.
  • adult learning styles, instructional strategies and presentation methods.
  • cultural diversity.
  • group processes.

Performance Objectives
1060.14 / Students will
  • examine signs and symptoms of various addictions
  • define the addictive process
  • analyze theories of addiction
  • discuss risk and protective factors
  • develop ATOD prevention education and skill development activities based on target audience analysis.
  • connect prevention theory and practice to implement effective prevention education and skill development activities.
  • maintain program fidelity when implementing evidence-based programs.
  • assure that ATOD education and skill activities are appropriate to the culture of the community being served.
  • use appropriate instructional strategies to meet the needs of the target audience.
  • ensure all ATOD prevention education and skill development programs provide accurate, relevant, timely, and appropriate content information.
  • identify, adapt, or develop instructor and participant materials for use when implementing ATOD prevention activities.
  • provide professionals in related fields with accurate, relevant, timely, and appropriate ATOD prevention information.
  • provide technical assistance to community members and organizations regarding ATOD prevention strategies and best practices.

Skill Set / Needs Assessment and Other Planning Strategies
Knowledge Objectives
1060.15 / Students will demonstrate knowledge of
  • information gathering techniques and data sources.
  • data collection, organization and interpretation methods.
  • strategic planning processes.
  • current Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) prevention program best practices, logic-models and the continuum of care.
  • financial and non-financial resources.
  • ATOD prevention program evaluation instruments/models.

Performance Objectives
1060.23 / Students will
  • use needs assessment strategies to gather relevant data for ATOD prevention planning.
  • identify gaps and prioritize needs based on the assessment of community conditions.
  • select prevention strategies, programs, and best practices to meet the identified needs of the community.
  • develop an ATOD prevention plan based on research and theory that addresses community needs and desired outcomes.
  • identify resources to sustain prevention activities.
  • identify appropriate ATOD prevention program evaluation strategies.
  • conduct evaluation activities to document program implementation and effectiveness.
  • use evaluation findings to determine whether and how to adapt ATOD prevention strategies.

Skill Set / Community Organization
Knowledge Objectives
1060.24 / Students will demonstrate knowledge of
  • group processes such as consensus building, conflict resolution, etc.
  • intercommunity organizational structures and patterns of communication.
  • informal and formal power systems.
  • capacity-building strategies.

Performance Objectives
1060.30 / Students will
  • identify the community’s demographic characteristics and core values.
  • identify key community leaders to ensure diverse representation in ATOD prevention programming activities.
  • build community ownership of ATOD prevention programs by collaborating with key community leaders/members when planning, implementing and evaluating prevention activities.
  • provide technical assistance to community members/leaders in implementing ATOD prevention activities.
  • develop capacity within the community by recruiting, training, and mentoring ATOD prevention-focused volunteers.
  • assist in creating and sustaining community-based coalitions.

Skill Set / Public and Organizational Policy
Knowledge Objectives
1060.31 / Students will demonstrate knowledge of
  • environmental change strategies.
  • local political systems and political processes.
  • social marketing strategies.

Performance Objectives
1060.36 / Students will
  • examine the community’s public policies and norms to determine environmental change needs.
  • make recommendations to policy makers/stakeholders that will positively influence the community’s public policies and norms.
  • provide technical assistance, training, and consultation that promote environmental change.
  • participate in public policy development and enforcement initiatives to affect environmental change.
  • use media strategies to enhance prevention efforts in the community.