Service / Description of Activities / Frequency / Staff
  1. Provide orientation sessions to noncredit students in English, Spanish and Armenian
/ Develop and present orientation sessions that cover the following information:
Noncredit ESL sequence;
Continuing Education certificates;
Steps for transitioning to credit courses; and
Student and academic support services available on campus. / Ongoing: at least once a week starting two weeks before the semester starts. / Hourly counselor to develop orientation sessions.
Bilingual Career Guidance Counseling Assistants to assist with delivering and facilitating orientation sessions.
  1. Provide orientation handbooks to noncredit students
/ Create a planning guide for noncredit students to track their success. Include information on college programs and resources for noncredit students. / Ongoing: provided to all noncredit students who attend an orientation session / Program Specialist to develop the handbook.
Office aide/classified.


Student Success and Support Program Plan

Noncredit Students


Service / Description of Activities / Frequency / Staff
  1. Evaluate the learning and study skills of noncredit students.
/ Conduct study skills workshops, address learning styles. / Ongoing, at least twice a month. / Dedicated faculty member to develop and conduct the workshops.

Service / Description of Activities / Frequency / Staff
  1. Provide academic and career counseling for noncredit students.
/ Schedule and carry out individual counseling appointments. / Ongoing / Hourly counselor
  1. Prepare a student educational plan for each designated noncredit student.
/ Conduct individual and small group Student Educational Plan preparing workshops / Ongoing / Hourly counselor
  1. Inform students of their CalWorks rights and responsibilities.
/ Include CalWorks/Gain information in the student handbook.
Include noncredit and CalWorks/Gain information at the welcome fair.
Take students on a guided tour to introduce them to the CalWorks/Gain office and the services they provide. / Ongoing / Office aide/classified to represent noncredit at the welcome fair and facilitate guided tours.
  1. Provide guidance to transition from noncredit to credit
/ Offer information workshops to explain steps to credit classes, such as applying for financial aid, taking the placement test, enrolling in classes, etc.
Offer test taking workshops to prepare noncredit students to succeed in credit classes / Ongoing
Ongoing / Hourly counselor
Dedicated faculty member to develop and facilitate workshops.