STT200-105, Summer 2015


Instructor:Tao He

Office:C402 Wells Hall

Phone:(517) 432-2355


Office Hours:Wed and Th3:30p.m.-5:00p.m. or by appointment @ C402 Wells HallLecture:M W Th 7:00 p.m.-8:50p.m. @ 1234Engineering Building

Course web page:( Pages List→STT200 Section 105)

Help room:TBA (Location and hours will be posted on Department webpage)

Text: De Veaux, Velleman and Bock, Intro Stats, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, Inc., Addison Wesley, 2008. We intend to cover selected parts of Chapters 2-23

Course Description: A first course in probability and statistics covering data analysis, probability models, random variables, estimation, testing of hypotheses, confidence intervals, simple linear regression.The material may be divided into three units: 1) Descriptive statistics, 2) Probability and 3) Statistical Inference

Lecture: The lectures are used to present basic ideas. STT200 is a survey course of the most practical and commonly encountered statistical concepts and methods. The course is taught at an elementary mathematical level (college algebra).

Prerequisite: Math 103 or designated score on mathematics placement test.

In-class activities: There will be thirteen 10-minute in-class activities (in the Monday and Wednesday classes)

Quizzes: There willbe four 30-minute quizzes designed to help prepare students for exams. Quiz dates are as follows:

Quiz1:Thursday, May 21

Quiz 2 : Thursday, May 28

Quiz 3 : Thursday, June 11

Quiz 4 : Thursday, June 25

Exams: There will be two 1-hour mid term exams and a 2-hour comprehensive final exam. Exam dates are as follows:

Exam 1 : Thursday, June4

Exam 2 :Thursday, June 18

Final : Thursday, July2

Note: All exams and quizzes are “closed book” and “closed notes”. Formula sheets will be provided. The exams and quizzes will contain questions concerning text material and problems, classroom examples and discussions. No make-ups are given without a verifiable medical excuse.

Calculator:TI-83 or TI-84 is highly recommended.

Suggested Problems: There are some exercises that illustrate some of the ideas presented in class. Your solutions to these problems will not be collected or graded, but it’s very important to do them. They will be announced at the beginning of each week. Extra credits will be given.

Grades: Points are earned through thirteen in-class activities (10 points each), two midterm examinations (50 points each), final examination (100 points), four quizzes (25 points each). So the total number of points is 430. Your grade will be converted into a percentage and be determined by the following grading scale:

90-100% 4.0 85-89% 3.5 79-84% 3.0

73-78% 2.5 65-72% 2.0 60-64% 1.5

55-59% 1.0 0-54% 0.0

Important Dates:

1) 5/18/2015 First day of classes.

2) 5/20/2015 Open adds end.

3) 5/25/2015 Memorial Day-University closed.

4) 5/29/2015 Last Day to Drop with 100% Refund

5) 6/10/2015 Last Day to drop with no grade.

6) 7/2/2015 Last Day of Classes

Tentative Schedules

Week of / Chapters / Monday / Wednesday / Thursday
May 18 / Ch.2-5 / Lecture / Lecture / Lecture
Quiz 1
May 25 / Ch.6,14 / Memorial Day
Univ. Closed / Lecture / Lecture
Quiz 2
June1 / Ch.14-16 / Lecture / Lecture / Review
Exam 1
June 8 / Ch.16-19 / Lecture / Lecture / Lecture
Quiz 3
June 15 / Ch.19-21 / Lecture / Lecture / Review
Exam 2
June 22 / Ch. 23,7 / Lecture / Lecture / Lecture
Quiz 4
June 29 / Ch. 8 & Review / Lecture / Review / Final Exam

The instructor reserves the right to make any changes she considers academically advisable. Changes will be announced in class. It is your responsibility to keep up with any changed policies.

Version: 5/15/2015