NIH SF424 Resources Template
Notes: Please delete all instructions and examples before uploading this form. In the form below, identify the facilities to be used for each of the sections (Laboratory, Animal, Computer, Office, Clinical and Other). If there is no applicable information, please write N/A. Where appropriate, include information concerning their capacities, pertinent capabilities, relative proximity and extent of availability to the project. Please describe only those resources that are directly applicable to the proposed work.
Please delete the examples before beginning, leaving only the headings in bold, and delete this blue text before PDF conversion and uploading.
Exclusive use of 2500 sq. ft. of contiguous laboratory and office space in the newly completed X research complex at University of Buffalo. This includes a dedicated tissue culture facility with 2 laminar flow hoods and 2 rooms used exclusively for microscopy. Main laboratory contains benches for 15 workers, 1 fume hood, 4 sinks, house vacuum, reverse osmosis water system. Exclusive use of a cold room, shared use of warm room, dark room, 2 equipment rooms and X-ray film processor. A mini-hood dedicated to 125I handling in the Biochemistry Dept. is used by my laboratory.
Mice and rabbits are housed in state-of-the-art Lab Animal Medicine Facility, renovated in 2007 located one floor below our laboratory with BSL2 containment. Facility is run by two licensed veterinarians and has a large technical staff that will raise antibodies and perform animal infection studies for a fee, and also will train individuals in proper animal handling, dissection, anesthetization and euthanasia techniques.
All microscopes (see Equipment page) are controlled by Macintosh G4 or G5 computers. In addition, most individuals have laptop computers; there are two Macintosh computers and a PC-Windows machine for general use, and 3 PC-Windows machines controlling various instruments. All connect by EtherNet to Tufts central computer system, with access to Internet. GCG software on Tufts computer can be accessed. In addition, we have network access within Tufts to Flo-Jo flow cytometry software, OpenLab image analysis software, and GeneSpring array analysis software.
120 sq ft office adjoins laboratory, used exclusively by P.I. 120 Sq. ft. office for Secretarial Assistant.
NOTE: This space is an excellent place to discuss the institutional/intellectual environment available for your project, as is now required. See example below:
Washing of glassware and preparation of media is provided by Departmental employees: all of these employees account for their time on an hourly basis. Mechanical and electrical repairs are handled by the Maintenance Dept. A storeroom containing most plastic ware and small laboratory items is available on campus where we purchase some of our supplies. Sharing of equipment owned by other labs is encouraged, and we take advantage of this attitude on a daily basis.
Departmental members include Drs. X, Y, and Z, all of whom work with pathogenic microorganisms or on some topic important to infectious diseases. We have extensive and friendly interactions with these labs at all levels, and this has contributed greatly to our success. We have close scientific relationships with Drs. A and B, a mammalian cell membrane biochemist and cytoskeleton experts respectively in the Physiology Dept. I am a member of the University at Buffalo Research on X, which funds many pilot project grants, has an active seminar series, and has a professionally-supervised fermentation facility that we have used for large scale protein-purification and for the preparation of competent cells.