Council Members Present: Lisa Thomas,Lynn Harbeson,Melissa Schellenberger,David Henke, Meg Hiser,
Barbara Murray
Regrets: Eileen Timberlake,Michael Clark, Charles Ringle,
Others Present: Fr. Bob St. Martin,Lisa Reed, Steve Smith
Opening Prayer
Lynn Harbesoncalled the meeting to order at 7:00. Father Bob said the opening prayer. Father said that we need to do everything for the building up of the body of Christ.
Approval of Minutes
Members reviewed the minutes from the April meeting. Melissamade a motion to approve the minutes. Meg seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Committee Reports
Buildings and Grounds
Dan Schmelz couldn't attend the meeting, but he sent the notes from the May 3rd Building and Grounds meeting. Lynn went over the notes.
- They still need to find a new person to do the gutters.
- They are working on the details of the handrails project.
- Part of the property has been sprayed with weed killer.
- Tony has started working on a maintenance check list.
- They are looking into being able to turn on the lights in the choir loft from the sacristy.
Faith Formation
Lisa Reed was present to deliver the report from the Faith Formation Committee. She passed out the April 6th meeting minutes and shared notes from the meeting.
- 75 people attended the Holy Door Pilgrimage to St. Meinrad.
- We will have another seminarian join us this fall - Br. Antony Maria Minardi, a Benedictine monk from Marmion Abbey in Aurora, IL. He has prior experience in youth ministry and Michelle will be working with him weekly. Deacon Brandon Bigam will be under the supervision of Fr. Bob for the upcoming school year as he continues his studies on pastoral ministry and homiletics.
- There are four new members of the Faith Formation Commission that will be at the June meeting and will start participating in July.
- This summer Faith Formation will offering the following: Financial Peace University, Emotional Virtue for high school and college youth, and Breakfast Club for middle school youth.
- Michelle is interested in purchasing access to the website which has Catholic content. It is $139 a month. They would need to have internet access to use it in Faith Formation classes, which they are looking into.
Finance Committee
Steve Smith was present to deliver the report from the Finance Committee.The April statement was attached to the agenda, as well as the proposed budget for the upcoming year.
For April:
- We had a April loss of $7,672in April due to collections being low.
- We are at 93% of budget compared to 92% of budget last year.
- There's a $33,735 profit for the year. We are hoping to have some leftover for future projects.
- Total expenses are within $6,000 of budget.
- The fiscal year ends in June.
For the proposed budget for 2016-2017 year:
- The finance committee has been working on the budget for the last 3 months.
- There's a 2% drop in the total budge from last year because of decreased collections.
- Budget items in bold can't be changed, they are set by the deanery.
- Youth and Faith Formation is going to be done by one person, so youth money was moved to the religious ed expense
- Salaries increased because of new position.
- Michelle going to become Pastoral Associate.
- The staff might go to 2 1/2 days a week. Fr. Bob said that 2 1/2 days is not enough, he is thinking of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as full time, and Monday and Friday as half days, so that the office will be open all week. Fridays tend to be slow.
- A parishioner passed away and left St. Mary's $117,617 in his will. Rena will deposit next week. Fr. Bob did not mention it to the Finance Committee because he wanted to make sure everything was set. The family wanted it to be somewhat anonymous.
- The budget doesn't reflect any withdrawal from the endowment.
- David moved to approve the budget. Melissa seconded it. The budget for fiscal year 2017 was approved.
Liturgy Committee
There was no representative from the Liturgy committee. Fr. Bob said the Corpus Christi will have a procession unless it's raining.
St. Anne’s
There was no representative from St. Anne’s.
Youth Committee
There was no representative from the Youth Committee.
Old Business
Candidates for Parish Council - Jim Evrard, Chuck Hess, Dawn Hublar.
- Lynn shared that Fr. Bob made several calls asking people if they wanted to serve on the council.
- Since there are only three, there will not be an election.
- We need to communicate the new members to the parish.
- We need their profile information and to invite them to the June meeting.
- Melissa needs Jim Evrard's number. Fr. Bob will look up Jim's number since the number in the office is not good.
- Melissa talked to Dawn and told her to have her profile to the office by May 10.
- Lynn said he would be happy to call the three new members and invite them to the June meeting.
- Melissa will send Lynn the phone numbers for the new members.
Windows in church
- Fr. Bob said they are still waiting on the letter from the person from St. Louis who inspected the stained glass. The person said it would take a couple of months to write up the whole thing.
- Lynn will follow up to put on the agenda for the next meeting.
New Business
2016-2017 Budget Review
- Budget was approved during Finance Committee presentation.
Endowment Fund review
- Lynn will follow up and check back and report.
- Rena has a folder in the office.
Connected in the Spirit
- Lynn asked whether the Connected in the Spirit meetings were finished.
- Fr. Bob said the meetings were finished and in the hands of the Arch Diocese.
- In our cohort with St. Joe Corydon, Most Precious Blood and St. Peter's, we recommended a partnership to work more closely together.
- We will hear the answer in the Fall.
We will elect next year's officers at the June meeting.
Closing prayer was said by Fr. Bob.
The meeting was adjourned by Lynn.
Next Meeting: Wednesay, June 15th @ 7:00 pm