WiSET member business meeting
Theda Care Appleton, Wisconsin
October 7, 2016
MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER: Dan Kremmer our President – Elect called the meeting to order. Dale Davis our President was unable to attend due to an unexpected long surgery he was assisting in.
Thank you to:
Dan proceeded to thank our outgoing President Dale Davis for his service to our society. A round of applause was given. Alicia Weiske who works with Dale will deliver his thank you gifts. It was announced that our Secretary and Treasurer positions will be combined as of today. Dan gave a great big thank you to Kelly and Stephanie at Theda Care for hosting the meeting this year. We all know how much goes into hosting a meeting so a big applause was given by all the members. Dan also thanked all of the vendors and speakers, without their support we would not be able to have our meetings. All the members were reminded to visit the vendor booths and when we see the speakers personally thank them.
Todd from Lakeside Neuro Care Limited is one of our new members. Their clinics are located in Oshkosh, Berlin, Fond du Lac, and Ripon. Welcome Todd.
Our meeting host Theda Care has job openings. Cassidy from their Human Resources department has a booth set up today so if you are interested in a position you can stop by to see her. Also all job openings are posted on our WiSET website
Points that were raised were that it is important that our society follow the “ Roberts Rules of Order “ Meaning of these rules are, parliamentary procedure is based on the consideration of the rights of the majority, of the minority, ( especially a large minority greater than one-third ), of individual members, of absentee members, of these groups taken together. Another point that was brought up by the members was that it is important that our society follow our By-Laws. It was also announced that our society will work on getting Webinars on our website and electronic payment accessibility. Our scholarship winners for this year were announced and they were Mary Kelbel and Marcia Davidson. We proceeded to have a discussion on education at our meeting, a motion was made by Rich Strigel to keep our meeting topic filed related. Our time should not be used for non-field related subjects such as lobbyists. The discussion lead to the topic of licensure. It was brought up that non-related filed topic could be scheduled at our evening social or at our lunch time business meeting if time allows. Kelly Hackbarth stated that not all members may agree with a licensure for our society but it would help to keep us informed and our profession safe. Several other members pointed out that ACE credits are to be used for educational purposes, like for instance this meeting was worth 6.75 credits and if we had non-field related subjects for our meeting topics we may not get as many ACE credits. We had an informal vote and it was concluded that our WiSET meetings should be used for all subjects, not just for field related subjects. Great door prizes were donated by Theda Care and were won by Danielle Pierce and Maribeth Haller. The winner of the Sam head peanut M&M count was Lynn Wolf. We have a tentative Milwaukee host for our 2017 WiSET meeting, pending their hosting sites approval. Dan gave a big thank you to all the members for attending and hoped that we have this big of attendance in 2017!
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, and was first and second.