/ West Virginia Division of Natural Resources
Earl Ray Tomblin, Governor Frank Jezioro, Director
News Release: Jan. 31, 2014

Facebook: WV Commerce - State Parks

Hoy Murphy, Public Information Officer 304-957-9365
Contact: Valerie Williams, Assistant Manager, Chief Logan Lodge 304-855-6100

Irish pirate Grace O’Malley portrayed at Chief Logan Lodge, March 17, 2014

LOGAN, W.Va. - Pirate Queen Grace O’Malley was a fearless 16th century woman. A child of a wealthy seafaring family of the western coast of Ireland, she became a notorious leader, rebel, matriarch and yes, pirate. Karen Vuranchwill portraythis Irish lass on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2014, at Chief Logan Lodge in Logan County.

Dinner and show is $25 per person and the meal features corned beef and cabbage, marinated chicken and plenty of side dishes and desserts. The dinner and “Grace O’Malley” show begins at 6 p.m.Special room rates are also available. Overnight guests are invited to a Manager’s Reception at Session’s Lounge from 5–6 p.m. for drinks and snacks. Room rates include express breakfast the following morning.

To learn more about Chief Logan Lodge, events and deals, visit or call 304-855-6100.To receive West Virginia state park updates via Facebook, click “Like” at

About Karen Vuranch

Storyteller, actress, and writer Karen Vuranch is known for her traditional storytelling, plays based on oral history, and living history presentations of famous American women.

She is known nationally for her work and has toured extensively throughout West Virginia and the United States. She regularly performs in Chautauquas, which are summer performances presented by state Humanities Councils featuring scholar/actors portraying historical characters. She has participated with troupes from across the country. Her repertoire of famous American women includes novelist Pearl S. Buck, labor activist Mother Jones, humanitarian Clara Barton, Indian captive Mary Draper Ingles, Civil War soldier and spy Emma Edmunds, Irish pirate Grace O'Malley, Wild West outlaw Belle Starr, the First Lady of Food, chef Julia Child, Hollywood gossip columnist Louella Parsons and her newest character, beloved children's author Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Karen studied theater at Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio, and at the University College Galway in Galway, Ireland. She has an M.A. in Humanities from West Virginia Graduate College and teaches Introduction to Theater and Speech and Appalachian Studies for Concord University. She performs regularly for conferences, banquets, schools and arts events.


Photo courtesy West Virginia Department of Commerce

Chief Logan Lodge will host a special St. Patrick’s Day performance March 17 featuring Karen Vuranch as Irish pirate Grace O’Malley.