Bernice MacNaughton High School PSSC
October 2, 2017, 7:00 p.m.
In Attendance
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance:
Kim Mowat, Wendy Bokhorst-Heng, Dale Hughes, Erin Kelly, Pam LeBlanc, Lisa Buckley, Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck, Luigi Beltempo, Susan Drummond, Martin Daigle, Matt Lusk, Carlos Lavin
Dan Ross; Sarah Short (it was noted that Sarah needs to be informed of our meeting schedule)
Members introducing themselves (Election of Chair, VP, and Secretary)
Members introduce themselves.
Nominations for Chair, VP and Secretary were made. There was no need for a vote as there were no multiple nominations:
Chair: Kim Mowat was nominated by Dale, seconded by Susan. Kim accepted.
VP: Dale was nominated by Kim and seconded by Susan, Kim Dale accepted.
Secretary: Wendy was nominated by Kim and seconded by Dale. Wendy accepted.
Approval of Agenda
Carlos motioned approval of agenda; Dale seconded.
Approval of minutes
Carlos motioned approval of the minutes; Pam seconded.
Public Comments
Lynn noted that no message has gone out to inform the school community about the PSSC meetings. It is on the school calendar, but Mr. Daigle said it can also be included in voice mail messages, indicating that there is a meeting, and that interested persons should contact a PSSC member on an issue they wish to raise/address. Mr. Daigle will create a account so that all requests can go there. PSSC members will be given the password to access this email.
Old Business
Increasing EFI French Electives (Mr. Daigle)
Mr. Daigle provided committee members with a list of official FI courses in NB. The ones that are in lighter tone are ones that are offered at BMHS. The others can be offered; it can be added without any approval sought. However, he noted that if we offer too many courses that are similar, the spread of students may be too thin, putting the actual running of the course in danger. E.G. if we offer World Issues and Canadian History, we are spreading out the students and then the course offering is at risk.
Co-op education will be offered in French next year. This is new in the province.
There are online options as well. The online options are only announced in September, because it depends on teacher availability – which is not known in June.Having these online course options helps for students who need one more FI course.
Lynn asked if we could approach the provincial government to ask for students taking Grade 11 FI biology in Grade 10 to count towards their Grade 11 FI requirements. Mr. Daigle noted that, as a PSSC we cannot approach the government, but as parents we can. We could also approach our DEC representative or the MLA.
A number of members noted that students seem to be unaware of the way French courses are counted in their FI requirements, and as a result, they end up being short in grade 11 or 12, and are not able to graduate with their EFI certificate.
The policy is in place like this because it has to do with contact time to have it consistently experienced through high school. This policy is supposed to be reviewed in the next two years, along with overall grad requirements.
Dale and Kim suggested that specific time for FI students should be allocated at the course selection info night in order to address FI student issues only. There should be clearer information on the course selection sheet in this regard as well. Mr. Daigle offered to create an information pamphlet containing this information. The pamphlet could also contain information about why the FI certificate is important (e.g. for scholarships).
Kim requested that students graduating in FI be acknowledged at graduation.
Lynn made the point that if we are going to do FI, we have to do it in a way that students will be successful.
Mr. Daigle will create a survey asking students about courses they would be interested taking in French for their FI requirement. The survey will go to all grade 10, 11, 12 students.
Survey will be conducted by early November; results will be presented at our December meeting.
Post Secondary Preparedness (Mr. Daigle)
Mr. Daigle outlined some things that are happening for post secondary preparedness with respect to careers and education:
–Oct 17, AARAO fair. Grade 11 and 12 students are bused to the coliseum, parents can go at night. Universities and businesses and colleges are there, presenting what courses they are offering and what requirements are needed for specific careers. This is an opportunity for students interact with the presenters and relevant players.
–Oulten College and NBCC will be putting on a number of information events related to specific fields, such as health services. The District is paying for one bus to have students go there. Information about different fields they offer and specialists who work in the field will be available to students. This will happen once per month.
–Mr. Harris is doing a presentation for Grade 12 students regarding how to look for universities, how the application process works, and so forth.
–Grade 10s are getting a career-focused course
–Issues such as anxiety, life choices, life skills, etc., are part of the Grade 10 curriculum; that is new.
–2nd semester – there will be a speaker invited to speak with students about how to deal with these issues and to face greater challenges in life.
–Grade 9 advisory teachers students basic higher academic skills (e.g. notetaking, organizing, time management) as well as dividing students into different groups to work on skills in math or literacy for support or enrichment purposes.
Mr. Daigle He is open to suggestions regarding other speakers and topics. He requested that such suggestions be directed his way.
This is now a closed item.
New Business
Sharing and prioritizing objectives/goals for 2017-2018.
Members individually submitted their ideas.
-course selections – FI
-cover issues for all students (FI, English, high achievers, etc.) (guiding principle)
-parent engagement
-paving the parking lot
-integrating new BMHS residents
-communicating with the PSSC
-after school enrichment options
-mental health awareness
-information sessions on the use of drugs, etc.
-cell phone usage during class hours – unplugged days -
-school spirit
Members then individually ranked their top 5 choices. The bolded ones are the top three selected.
Principal’s Report
The school administration is now planning for the rest of the year, working on the School Improvement Plan.
Teachers have indicated they want more Professional learning on:
-The triangulation of data/evidence
-How to support student with mental health issues
-How to use the new grading software
PLEP planning as well is starting to get underway.
Sports are doing well – the school football team experienced their first win; there are 29 girls involved in girls’ football.
Dale raised the question about how are teachers able to manage all the requirements put on them. In addition to teaching and experience in curriculum objectives, they are also to have knowledge of managing concerns like mental health in the classroom.
Mr. Daigle describes some of the supports the teachers have in the school (ESS, ISD, etc.). The ISD has access to some records from the hospital. Teachers are being coached.
Teacher’s Report
Mr. Lusk noted a number of important dates coming up:
Oct 19- Progress reports are going home for students who are struggling in a particular area, missing assignments, or behavior issues. This is the first time these interim reports will not be going to all students.
Nov 1 - Take your kid to work for grade 9 students.
Nov 2 - Teacher/parent interviews
Nov 17 - Report cards will be sent home
NBTA bowling tournament is coming up in Fredericton
Nov 3 - Friends of the Highlanders event
Student’s Report
None. Student rep will be elected tomorrow.
9:03 meeting adjourned.
Next meeting November 6.