Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
October 5, 2016
Homeland Security and Emergency Management’s Accomplishments
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
HSEMD coordinated the state’s response to the HPAI outbreak within Iowa that began in April 2015. The outbreak caused the loss of more than 31 million birds. This coordination involved the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the United States Department of Agriculture as lead agencies as well as numerous local, state, federal and poultry industry partners. After the avian influenza outbreak came to an end, HSEMD worked with IDALS and other agencies involved in the response to determine what improvements could be made and to plan for future outbreaks. Pre-planning for a future outbreak included the purchase of foaming equipment which will allow for birds to be euthanized very quickly after a confirmed diagnosis. Equipment has been pre-positioned throughout the state and local fire departments have been training on the operation of the equipment.
Disaster Response
During SFY 2016 HSEMD began recovery work for the June 20-25, 2015, disaster, while continuing recovery work for 17 disasters dating back to 2007. It will take several years to complete all work associated with these open disasters.
Alert Iowa
HSEMD launched the statewide emergency notification system, Alert Iowa, in October 2014. At the close of SFY 2016, 89 counties were using the system to provide emergency notifications to residents.During SFY 2016, the Alert Iowa system issued 3.6 million individual notifications, on a number of subjects, including severe weather, road closures, and during the avian influenza outbreak was used to reach out to owners of backyard poultry flocks near infected facilities.
Reduce the Size of Government
The Department has been able to reduce its size 47% since 2011. This has been accomplished through natural attrition of the work force as well as a reduction in force. The work load is being absorbed via a reorganization which seeks to further streamline operations and increase the interaction amongst divisions within the department.
Prepositioned Response Assets
Over the past few years, HSEMD has improved the state’s disaster response capability by prepositioning vital equipment throughout the state. At the end of SFY 2016, 32 pumps were ready to be deployed at locations throughout the state. The pumps are pivotal tools for fighting floods, so proximity to disaster areas enables local emergency management to more quickly respond. In addition to the pumps, HSEMD has prepositioned 17 generators throughout Iowa to increase the speed and accessibility of these resources during times of disaster.
In FY 2016, HSEMD participated in the state cyber working group. This group is responsible for the creation of the state cyber response plan. Local and state agencies have been able to increase the security of their networks through a joint program from HSEMD and Iowa’s chief information officer. Currently 45 state agencies, 47 counties, five cites and 16 school districts participate in the monitoring of 35,000 systems. Reports indicate a 50% reduction in vulnerability since 2010.
FY16 Highlights
- $1.3billion expended in Public Assistance funds since 2008, $320 million expended in the Hazard Mitigation Grant program, with an additional $117 million expended from state matching funds.
- In SFY 2016, HSEMD had revenues totaling $246,882,550. Of this, $2,229,623 was from state appropriations, $203,045,122 was from federal grants, $11,591,833 from the Executive Council and $30,015,972 was from other sources.
- State appropriations accounted for .90 percent of revenues, while 82.12 percent came from federal disaster and non-disaster grants, 4.69percent from the Executive Council for the state share of disaster assistance costs, and 12.14 percent from other sources, such as nuclear power plants. HSEMD passed through $236,574,871, or 95.82 percent, of federal, private and state funding to fund local emergency management and recovery activities.
- 15,354 First Responders trained in emergency management & homeland security
- 100% of city and county response organizations are compliant with National Incident Management System training
- 99% of county emergency management commissions have emergency response plans that meet standards
- 98% of county emergency management commissions have emergency recovery plans that meet standards