Activities NOT Permitted / 8Attendance Policy / 11
Attitudes / 6
Breakfast and Lunch Prices / 15
Bus Line Rules / 7
Bus Policy / 11
Cafeteria Rules / 7
Calendar / 3
Car Rider Line Rules / 7
Classroom Rules / 6
Code of Conduct / 5
Corporal Punishment / 8
Daily School Schedule / 12
Disciplinary Actions / 8
Discipline / 6
Dress Code / 10
Faculty and Staff / 2
Grades and Grading Policy / 14
Grading Scale / 14
Hallway Rules / 6
Head Lice Policy / 13
Mascot and School colors / 4
Medication at School / 14
Mission Statement / 4
Non use of Corporal Punishment / 9
Parent Policy / 16
Parent-Teacher Conferences / 11
Playground Conduct / 7
School Visitors / 13
Snack Prices / 15
Snack Time Rules / 7
Student Check-Out Policy / 11
Suspension School / 9
Tardy Policy / 13
Telephone Use by Students / 13
Transportation and Parent Parking / 12
Pine Grove Elementary
Faculty and Staff
Principal ------Heath Murry
Secretary ------Sandra Winston
Staff Developer ------Wendy Coleman
Instructional Facilitator ------Debbie Stephens
Pre K – A ------Niki Campanale
Pre K – Para-professional ------LaShonda Hubbard
Pre K – B ------Joan Pugh
Pre K – Para-professional ------LaKeishia Williams
Kindergarten – A ------Amy Irvine
Kindergarten – B ------Stephanie Thomas
Kindergarten – C ------Tanyonicka Black
First Grade – A ------Laura Smith
First Grade – B ------Leslie Burnside
First Grade – C ------Amie Jones
Second Grade – A ------Emily Pullig
Second Grade – B ------Amanda Barham
Second Grade – C ------Jackie Kitchingham
Third Grade – A ------Angela McMillan
Third Grade – B ------Kayce Waller
Third Grade – C ------Farrar Martin
Fourth Grade – A ------Doris Cromwell
Fourth Grade – B ------Kayla Naff
Fourth Grade – C ------Kristie Moore
Fifth Grade – A ------Jana Wilmore
Fifth Grade – B ------Cheyenne Ward
Physical Ed. ------Marilyn Hatch
Physical Ed. ------Todd Briley
Library/Computer ------Rose Clayton
Transition Teacher ------Teri Carson
Inclusion Para-professional ------Donna Owens
Inclusion Para-professional ------Rosheka Lee
Transition Teacher ------Shadonna Bethea
Inclusion Para-professional ------Laura Boatright
SE Resource – A ------Jody Waller
SE Para-professional ------Stephanie Brooks
SE Resource – B ------Amber Estess
SE Para-professional ------Crystal Rea
SE Teacher ------Crystal Brandon
SE Para-professional ------Ramona Robinson
Title I Para-professional ------Mary Armont
Cafeteria Manager ------Karen McKoin
Cafeteria Technician ------Anita Powell
Pine Grove’s Mission Statement
Preparing students for tomorrow’s world.
Pine Grove’s Motto:
“Learning that lasts a lifetime.”
Pine Grove’s Mascot: Bear
Pine Grove’s School Colors: White, Navy Blue, and True Red
It is the philosophy of Pine Grove Elementary Faculty that every student is entitled to a safe and secure environment in which to learn and grow. The school’s discipline code was developed to ensure such an environment and to protect the rights of each individual. In order to protect and secure these individual rights, the school must have rules and regulations, which are to be followed by all students.
All students at Pine Grove Elementary will be held accountable for their behavior on campus and on the way to and from school. Every staff member at Pine Grove Elementary is responsible for the control and conduct of our students while the students are legally under the supervision of the school. Every student will be expected to obey all Pine Grove Elementary staff members immediately, and without any uncivil reply in word, attitude, or action. Students who display inappropriate behavior will receive corrective disciplinary action.
It is the philosophy of Pine Grove Elementary Faculty that learning is the responsibility of each individual student. For students to be able to learn, they must come to school prepared for the day’s work. It is therefore important that they have the materials and tools necessary for daily work: pens, pencils, notebooks, paper, workbooks, etc. We feel that it is the responsibility of parents to see that their child is present at school each day on time. When students are late or picked up early, it disrupts the whole class.
1. Students who attend Pine Grove are expected to exhibit the attitude of courtesy, respect, and general good manners taught at home and school.
a. Students are expected to be helpful and courteous.
b. Students are expected to address adults and school personnel as Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss.
c. Students are expected to use phrases such as “Please”, “Thank You”, ‘Excuse Me”, “Good Morning”, “Yes Sir”, “No Sir”, etc.
2. Students are expected to show support and respect to their teachers, classmates, and school.
1. Appropriate discipline is necessary to a successful learning environment.
2. Discipline will have as its primary objective to change the misbehavior to allow learning to take place
3. No student will be allowed to behave in such a manner as to prevent other students form learning.
4. All discipline will be imposed according to the Morehouse Parish School Board Policy.
1. Be prepared. Have all you need for class. Dress appropriately
2. Encourage others to follow rules and use kind words.
3. Act responsibly. Follow your teacher’s directions and follow classroom rules.
4. Respect others. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
5. Safety first. Keep hands and feet to yourself. WALK.
1. Be prepared. Have everything you need when you leave your room. WALK.
2. Encourage others. Walk quietly on the right side of the hall at all times.
3. Act responsibly. Stay in line. Wait your turn.
4. Respect others by moving through the hallways quietly.
5. Safety first. Walk keeping your hands and feet to yourself.
1. Be prepared. Get everything you need when you go through the line.
2. Encourage others. Show appreciation and respect to our cafeteria staff.
3. Act responsibly. Use inside voices and stay in your seat until dismissed.
4. Respect others. Use good table manners.
5. Safety first. Keep hands and feet to yourself. WALK. Sit at the table properly.
1. Be prepared. Have everything you need in your backpack when you leave your room.
2. Encourage others, by going directly to the cafeteria and sit quietly at your
assigned table.
3. Act responsibly. Enter and exit the cafeteria quietly and listen for your bus
4. Respect others. Talk in a soft voice only.
5. Safety first. Keep hands and feet to yourself. Follow safety rules on the bus.
1. Be prepared. Have everything you need when you leave your room. WALK.
2. Encourage others. Attitude is everything.
3. Act responsibly. Stay in line without talking and playing.
4. Respect others. Listen for your name; let others be able to hear their name.
5. Safety first. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
{All car riders will be picked up at the car rider line located on the side of the school near Bonita Rd. Baptist.}
1. Be prepared. Purchase your snack quickly and quietly.
2. Encourage others. Use kind words.
3. Act responsibly. Only go to the cafeteria if you have snack money to spend.
4. Respect others. Talk in soft voices. Wait your turn.
5. Safety first. WALK in the cafeteria at all times
1. Be Prepared. Have everything you need when you leave your room. Walk.
2. Encourage Others. Attitude is everything.
3. Act responsibly. Students must stay within the boundaries of their play ground area and in the sight of the duty teachers.
4. Respect others. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
5. Safety first. Keep hands and feet to yourself. Use playground equipment wisely. NO ROUGH PLAY!
1. THROWING OR SHOOTING OF OBJECTS at anytime on the school campus or classrooms. (This is grounds for suspension.)
2. USE OF PROFANE LANGUAGE and/or obscene gestures, pictures, drawings, etc.
4. Intimidation, extortion, harassment, and/or bodily harm to any student. NO BULLYING!
5. Possession of a lethal weapon, including knives.
6. Bringing a radio, tape recorder, or any other item is specifically prohibited without permission of the principal. When going on field trips the teacher will determine what is allowed to be brought. The school will not be responsible for any lost items on field trips.
1. Each teacher is responsible for making classroom rules. It is the student’s responsibility to obey those rules. Each teacher is encouraged to handle discipline in their classroom; however, repeated offenses of breaking the rules will result in the student being sent to the office.
2. Some of the consequences for breaking class rules may include but is not limited to the following:
a. Time-Out
b. Loss of recesses and/or snack
c. Assignments
d. Withholding of special privileges
e. Temporary removal from the classroom by the teacher
f. Visit to the principal’s office
g. Corporal punishment
h. Suspension by the principal
Corporal punishment will be administered according to the following school board guidelines:
1. In the principal’s office
2. With a designated paddle
3. With an adult witness present
4. No more than three licks to the seat of the pants
1. Parents must come by the school office to sign a non-use of corporal punishment form.
2. Parents must have a conference with the principal at the time of signing the form
3. A copy will be given to the parent at the time of signing. (Ask for a copy if you do not receive one.)
4. A new form is required each school year.
5. Suspension will be substituted for corporal punishment.
6. If at any time the parent changes their mind and DOES want corporal punishment, they must submit this request in writing to the office.
1. Students age 12 and older may be sent to the Suspension School located at the Student Service Center on Martin Luther King-South.
2. Parents and students must meet with the Suspension School administrator the first morning of suspension.
3. Teachers will send lesson plans to the suspension school.
1. Student work will be sent home and student will be given reasonable time to make up work.
2. This will be counted as an in-school suspension.
3. 1st suspension is for 1-3 days as issued by the principal. Each subsequent suspension is for three days for each suspension occurrence.
Pine Grove Elementary Dress Code/Uniforms
Uniform colors will be khaki pants, shorts, skirts, and/or capris
with white, navy, or red (not burgundy) polo shirts.
1. Uniform style pants only. No pockets sewn on the outside of the pants. No jean or corduroy material. No cargo pockets or carpenter rings.
2. Pants must be hemmed and worn on the waist. Leggings, wind pants, sagging, and tight clingy material will NOT be allowed.
3. Jeans on jean day must conform to the uniform rules. No words or pictures should be on the jeans. No carpenter rings, fringe, studs, or rhinestones.
NO cargo pockets.
4. Shirts must be polo or oxford type shirts. No blouses allowed. Only Pine Grove T-Shirts will be allowed. Undershirts must be solid white. Shirts must be tucked in beginning in 2nd grade.
5. NO overalls will be allowed.
6. Shorts, skorts, and skirts must be no more than 3 inches above the knee.
7. Female students may wear capris will be allowed as long as they are not tight fitting down the leg and fit the uniform dress code.
8. Belts must be worn with pants/shorts that have belt loops. Black, Brown, Navy, or Khaki color belts only. No large belt buckles. No words written on belts. No long tails allowed. Pants with belt loops that have been cut off will not be allowed. No sequins on belts or buckles.
9. Socks must be worn. Neutral or uniform colors only.
10. Shoes must be closed in (toes and heels). No sandals, flip flops, mules, slides, wedges, or bedroom slippers may be worn. This is a safety precaution.
11. Light-weight outerwear must be in the school uniform colors with no graphics or printing. Examples of light-weight outer wear are sweaters, windbreakers, sweatshirts, vests, and light-weight jackets. Shirts may not be worn as light-weight jackets. No ponchos or shawls.
12. Heavy weight coats and jackets must button or zip all the way up and down. NO pullover jackets, hoodies, or coats. Heavy weight coats may not be worn in the classroom.
13. Boys and girls must wear their hair in a standard acceptable style. Hair in rollers, excessive teasing, beehives, hair in the face, or any other style that is detrimental to the student’s performance of the normal school activities is prohibited. No student shall wear a hair style which is distracting to other students in the performance of school learning activities. No student will have eyebrows into which designs have been cut or made. No student shall wear hair into which designs have been cut except for one part in the hair in a conventional manner. Hair should be clean and well groomed. (New Parish Policy 2011-2012) No distracting colors (orange, blue, purple, etc.), styles, or patterns. Naturals will be accepted if neat. Keep hair out of the face.
14. The wearing of hats, caps, or headdress of any type will be permitted only for specific health reasons as prescribed by the treating physician, for the practice of a religious custom or belief. (New Parish Policy 2011-2012)