Liverpool City Region - Skills Capital Investment Fund

2015-16 and 2016-17

Strand 1 (Round 2) - Sites and Premises

Expression of Interest Application Form

Please complete and submit this Expression of Interest form in accordance with the accompanying Guidance Note and Prospectus (available on the Skills Capital page of the Local Enterprise Partnership website:

Please select the relevant box to state which element of the Sites and Premises Strand this Expression of Interest application is for (select one box only):


Version 1–05.08.15

Strand 1A: Capital Innovation
(For innovative smaller scale capital development or re-configuration projects. Minimum total project value £300,000)
Strand 1B: Larger Re-development
(For larger re-development schemes to enhance, improve or extend eligible facilities - this could be re-configuration or new build. Minimum total project value £1,500,000)


Version 1–05.08.15

Section 1: Applicant Contact Information
Contact Name and Job Title:
Contact Telephone:
Contact Email:
Delivery Partners (if applicable): / a


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Version 1–05.08.15

Section 2: Project Details
Title of Project: / maximum 20 words
Total Project Cost: / £[ ]
Grant Requested: / £[ ] Percentage [ ] of total project costs
Project Description: / b
maximum 250 words
Location of Project
(inc post code): / c
Has the project previously been considered by the Skills Funding Agency or other funding bodies? / Delete as applicable:
If Yes, state the outcome and any subsequent changes made to the project.
maximum 250 words
Project priority, with 1 being the highest (NB only applicable if submitting more than one project under Strand 1):
Section 3: Economic Benefits
Note: In the responses to the questions in this section, it is important to include quantifiable targets and measures, as appropriate, to assist with an objective assessment of the application.
Explain how the project meets the criteria and evidence requirements set out in the Economic Appraisal Section of the Guidance Note (3.2). In particular, applicants should provide evidence of how their project fits within the economic context of the Liverpool City Region and meets the skills for growth and skills capital investment priorities set out in the Skills Capital Investment Fund Prospectus.
Applicants are reminded not to exceed the maximum word limit of 750 words and to support their case using robust quantifiable and achievable measures.
Maximum 750 words
In addition, complete Table 1 below to show the predicted job creation resulting from the project.
Table 1 Job Creation resulting from the project*
2015/16 / Number
2016/17 / NVQ Qualification Level / Salary £ (if range use average) / Job Duration
(Full Time / Part Time)
Direct Jobs Created Permanent
Direct Jobs Created Temporary i.e. Construction
Direct Jobs Safeguarded
(*Please include any assumptions and workings out used to arrive at these figures e.g. job multipliers used).
Section 4: Educational Benefits
Note: In the responses to the questions in this section, it is important to include quantifiable targets and measures, as appropriate, to assist with an objective assessment of the application.
Explain how the project meets the assessment criteria and evidence requirements set out in the Educational Appraisal Section of the Guidance Note (3.2). In particular, applicants should provide evidence of how their project will meet the needs of learners and communities in response to the priorities set out in the Skills Capital Investment Fund Prospectus.
Applicants are reminded not to exceed the maximum word limit of 750 words and to support their case using robust quantifiable and achievable measures.
Maximum 750 words
In addition, complete Table 2 and Table 3 below to show the number of learners that will benefit from the project.
Table 2: Principal Learner benefits from the project
Learner Category / Learner numbers before project
[1] / Learner numbers after project
[2] / Change in learner numbers
= [2-1]
Adult Skills Classroom-Based
16-18 Apprenticeships
Adult (19+) Apprenticeships
Adult Skills Workplace
Table 3 Ancillary learner benefits from the project
Learner Category / Learner numbers before project
[1] / Learner numbers after project
[2] / Change in learner numbers
= [2-1]
14 – 16
16-19 EFA
Higher Education (HEFCE) Learners
If applicable, any other learners (stating funding source)
Section 5: EstateBenefits / Technical Detail
Detailed Project Description / Provide a technical summary of the project, including what physical works will take place, the scope and nature of these works and the specific area of your overall estate to which they relate (e.g. ground floor).
(NB Also enclose with the application relevant design information to at least RIBA Stage 1, including floorplan and elevation details).
maximum 750 words
Estate Need: / d maximum 250 words
Floor Area Improved/Rationalised by Project m2: / e For Further Education College Applicants:
Complete Table 4 below to show the area of the entire estate in condition A, B, C and D before and after the project Note this table is designed to reflect the improvement in condition attributable to the Skills Capital Fund project only. Where estates condition will be improved by an ongoing current project, this improvement should be accounted for in the “before project” column and an explanation provided in the “Floorspace variation” section below.
Table 4: Proposed building condition improvement
Condition of Estate BEFORE project (m2 and %) / Condition of Estate AFTER project (m2 and %) / Change in condition (m2 and %) of estate as a result of the project
m2[1] / % / m2[2] / % / m2[2-1] / %
A: / A: / A:
B: / B: / B:
C: / C: / C:
D: / D: / D:
Total: / Total: / Total:
Gross Internal Area of Project (GIA) m2 / Complete Table 5 below to identify the size and nature of the proposed skills project. Where a skills project is part of a larger project (for example a training facility within a larger building), then provide information relating solely to the training facility.
Table 5: Gross Internal Area (GIA) Affected by the Project
GIA (m2) before project / GIA (m2) affected by project / GIA (m2) after project
[ ]m2 / New build/ acquired GIA: / []m2 / [ ]m2
GIA to be refurbished: / [ ]m2
Vacated/ demolished GIA: / [ ]m2
Floorspace variation / The City Region will be supported by the Skills Funding Agency, which will review the floorspace information provided above and for Further Education Colleges check its consistency against previous eMandate returns and capital applications.
In cases where the data supplied above differs from that reported in eMandate and/or previous capital applications submitted to the Skills Funding Agency, the City Region requires clarification and an explanation of potential floor-space anomalies. Complete Table 6 below to confirm how the ‘before project’ areas and condition
categories are derived for this application.
Table 6: Building Condition Variations
Information Source / Condition Category GIA (m2)
A / B / C / D / Total
eMandate reported position / []m2 / []m2 / []m2 / []m2 / []m2
Pre-project figures reported in capital applications to the Agency / []m2 / []m2 / []m2 / []m2 / []m2
For applicants with approved CCIF projects - Post project figures reported to the Agency / []m2 / []m2 / []m2 / []m2 / []m2
Pre-project figures reported for this proposed project / []m2 / [ ]m2 / []m2 / []m2 / []m2
Please explain and justify all variations in the current and historically reported areas and associated condition categories.
Any significant changes should be supported by surveys undertaken by independent qualified surveyors.
Section 6: Financial - value for money and affordability
Project Funding/ Finance: / f
Complete Table 7below to show how the project is to be funded/ financed.
Table 7: Funding/Financing of Proposed Project
Project funding/financing / Capital cost (£000)
Private sector / £ [ ]
City Region Skills Capital funding / £ [ ]
Applicant contribution (cash reserves) / £ [ ]
Loan finance / £ [ ]
Disposal proceeds / £ [ ]
Other public sector grants / £ [ ]
Other / £ [ ]
Total / £ [ ]
Additional comments: for example, if disposal proceeds are to be used, please explain current status of disposal.
Capital Spend Profile: / g
Amount of project costs incurred in 2015-16: £[ ]
Amount of project costs incurred in 2016-17: £[ ]
Value for Money and Efficiency Savings: / Applicants must accompany their Expression of Interest with an investment appraisal (Excel format) for their preferred option and a base case (do the minimum) option. Applicants should use the latest version of the Skills Funding Agency’s investment appraisal model available in the guidance note for this process, including assumptions and supporting guidance notes.
Complete Table 8 below to show the cost and net present value (NPV) of each option:
Table 8: Comparison of Options
Option / Cost (£000) / NPV (£000)
Proposed project
Base case
The investment appraisals should include estimates of any premises costs and operating savings arising from the project over a 20-year period.
Complete Table 9 below to show the estimated premises costs and savings over a 20-year period for the proposed project:
Table 9: Premises costs and savings
Proposed Project
Savings/Cost (£000) / Base Case
Savings/Cost (£000)
Premises costs [1] / £ [ ] / £ [ ]
Premises savings [2] / £ [ ] / £ [ ]
Difference [1-2] / £ [ ] / £ [ ]
If the costs exceed the savings by more than 5 per cent of the total project cost then explain how the project will enable the applicant to reduce its overall premises costs per square metre over the investment period; or in exceptional cases, for example where the applicant proposes to build additional space to accommodate new provision, why the project is unable to contribute to lower premises costs (£/m2).
maximum 100 words
Affordability: / Based on the applicant’s financial plan, which includes the project, confirm the applicant’s financial health grade in:
  • 2013/14[Outstanding/Good/Satisfactory/Inadequate]
  • 2014/15[Outstanding/Good/Satisfactory/Inadequate]
  • 2015/16[Outstanding/Good/Satisfactory/Inadequate]
  • 2016/17[Outstanding/Good/Satisfactory/Inadequate]

Section 7: Project management
Indicative Programme for Completion: / h
maximum 100 words
Anticipated Start Date
Anticipated End Date
Details of any planning consents in place
Section 8: Risk
Risk and Mitigation: / i
maximum 200 words
Section 9: Declaration
Declaration: / I certify that the information provided in this Expression of Interest Application is complete and correct.
This project has not been thesubject of a successful capital funding application to the Skills Funding Agency or received any other public capital funds.
In signing this application, I confirm that the project complies with EU State Aid rules and as applicants we will further evidence this with the Full Application.
(ApplicantChief Executive):
Print Name:


aDelivery Partners – Sub contractors on the Register of Training Organisations and in receipt of Skills Funding Agency funding for education and training via an established prime contracting arrangement are not eligible to apply within their own right but can form part of a prime contractor consortia application as a delivery partner.

In this case, please be clear on the roles and responsibilities of the main applicant and each delivery partner.

bProject Description – Provide a brief descriptive summary of the proposed project, including the scope and nature of development and/or refurbishment works. Note: the City Region may publish a summary of this at a later date.

cLocation of Project – Provide the address of the proposed project, including post code.

dEstate Need – Explain how the project relates to the applicants estate strategy and strategicbusiness planning objectives. Outline what the applicant intends to achieve, including the key drivers for the project. Make it clear the extent to which the proposed project will meet estate need and how it links to the case for benefits to learners and economic growth. NB for Other Approved Training Providers, this question on the form will be particularly important to evidence estate need clearly, given the absence of eMandate data for non-Further Education College sites and premises.

eFloor Area Improved/rationalised by Project m2 – Information should be consistent with most recent eMandate submissions, updated where necessary assuming completion of successful capital investment. Quote both area (m2) and percentage. For Further Education Colleges, building condition information should relate to the whole college estate as opposed to one campus. If successful at the expression of interest stage, Further Education College applicants providing building condition data which varies materially from the most recent eMandate submission, without a robust explanation, will be required to provide an independent building condition survey to the City Region prior to submitting a detailed application.

fProject Funding/Finance – Complete the table to show how the applicant plans to fund/finance the project. Normally, the City Region will require projects to at least match its grant by double (that is, Skills Capital Investment Fund grant, 33.33 per cent: applicant contribution, 66.67 per cent). Where applicants do not consider the ‘double-match’ affordable, then they must provide a financial plan, which includes the project, using the Agency’s model financial plan templateinSection 5 of the guidance note.

We expect applicants to maximise disposal proceeds and this may be after March 2017. Applicants should provide supporting evidence for any third-party project funding, including loan finance, disposal proceeds and other public sector grants.

gGrant Profile – Applicants should base figures on the anticipated cost profile.

hIndicative Programme for Completion– Provide an outline of project management arrangements. Show key milestones and timings relating to key aspects of the project (planning, procurement, contract award, project completion, and acquisition/disposal). This section must include anticipated start and completion dates for the project in the relevant box.

iRisk and Mitigation – Highlight potentials risks to the project (such as risks relating to funding, programme, costs, value for money, site acquisition/disposal and procurement). Identify the likelihood and impact of each risk. Identify risk mitigation measures.


Version 1–05.08.15