Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Custody Visitors’ Group Meeting


Monday 11th December 2017

1.2 / Introductions and apologies
Insp. AB, Cambridgeshire Constabulary
AW, ICV – North
JT, ICV – South
PR, ICV – North
JB, ICV – North
GW, ICV – North
JC, ICV – North
FC, ICV – North
AD, ICV – North
JL, ICV – South
AB, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC)
JA, Police and Crime Commissioner (sickness)
JR, ICV – South
AL, ICV – South
PH , ICV – South
CM, ICV - South
JM, ICV – South had difficulties connecting via skype.
2.2 / Minutes and actions of previous meeting 11th September 2017
An update on item 4.1, the draft report is now with the Constabulary for accuracy checking, the final report should be published in February 2018.
AW asked about item 4.2, and reiterated ICVs would be interested in shadowing visits to Norfolk, when governance arrangements are in place.
3.9 / Mental Health and Police Custody
ICVs were shown a video by “The Mental Health Cop” explaining the changes to the Mental Health Act (MHA) relevant to ICVs, followed by a run through of the ICVA bitesize training on Mental Health and Custody.
The aim of the training was help ICVs understand their role in reporting on key mental health issues in Custody and stimulate discussion on the situation locally.
A concern was raised that it was difficult to report on issues relating to mental health in custody without first knowing what should be done. AB reassured that no one, not even the professionals knew it all, there would be a checklist to help ICVs and referred to the general ethos that if something feels wrong or is done well – report it.
JT asked if detainees could decline transport in a police vehicle if detained under s.136 of the Mental Health Act (MHA). Insp. AB reassured that transport in a police vehicle was discouraged, and only used if it would benefit the welfare of the detainee.
Insp. AB talked through the positive impact of the Mental Health Nurses in the Force Control Room (FCR), and noted how this is having a ripple effect on frontline staff.
The ability of partners to provide support was discussed, and it was noted often this has a huge impact on the police. It was felt this act was a positive step towards pushing partners to do more. The reports that ICVs can provide are fed back to the Commissioner and ICVA and are used to hold partners to account and try to effect local and national change.
AW added that when looking to establish the treatment of a detainees, ICVs should always be guided by the Detention Officer (DO), or other relevant professional so as not to further distress someone. If a visit is not advised then access is assumed to their custody record in line with ICVA’s code of practice.
ACTION: AB to circulate links to videos and checklist.

ACTION: AB to organise someone from Constabulary or similar to talk about Mental Health at a future ICV meeting or training session.
4.14 / Matters arising from visits:
Health Care Provision: There should be a Health Care Provider (HCP) available at Parkside and Thorpe Wood 24 hours a day. Actual coverage has been close to 80%. Insp. AB explains that the supervisor for the HCPs has been open and engaged, and explained issues with staff shortages through sickness and vacant posts.
Positive work is being done to remedy this. Often an HCP is taken from Parkside to Stevenage where there is a bigger suite deemed to be in greater need. JT asked about penalty clauses and highlighted the risk to detainees. Insp. AB assured ICVs that where HCPs are unavailable, and detainees show signs of being unwell detainees are taken to hospital or an ambulance is called, and the Constabulary does not consider police custody the right place for someone who is sick.
Translation Service: The Big Word service is still patchy. AW was told it is beneficial for the company to have interpreters travel a long way as it made them more money. AB understood delays in accessing an interpreter were due to recruitment issues and in the event of a breach The Big Word would pay for a suitable freelance interpreter.
Insp. AB stated the service has improved and work is being done to monitor the contract. JL asked if volunteer translators could be used and there may be a pool of suitable people contactable via the university. It was not known if the contract allowed this, but Insp. AB informed they did need to be certified to a particular standard in order to allow an efficient investigation.
ACTION:Insp. AB to check what certification is needed by translators.
ACTION: AB to check on could volunteer interpreters be used.
General maintenance: There is some minor issues at Parkside which have not been fixed as there is a wait for a contractor to carry out the works. Most minor things can be completed quickly. However some need an external contractor. JT asked to give the contractor a hurry up as some of the risk are potentially hazardous to detainees.
Works to deal with temperature issues have been carried out and seem to have worked. ICVs pointed out good proactive work by custody staff to manage issues and ensure detainees were at a comfortable temperature.
The deep clean has been delayed due to staff scheduling issues, and will now take place in March and every 6 months after this. It was also noted following new cleaning staff at Parkside there had been an improvement in cleanliness reported by ICVs. This is to be fed back to the staff member responsible.
Response to previous matters arising
ICVs agreed they were happy that this format of talking through matters arising is suitable and no issues are being missed. AB informed ICVs that the discussions helped inform JA and help him hold the constabulary to account.
Form completion by Custody Staff
AB asked that custody staff always complete the form and provide relevant comments – more than “all ok” or “noted”. ICVs did always try to ensure this was completed, but often custody staff busy.
AB updated ICVs that a new form layout was being discussed with Beds and Herts to ensure we all collected the same data. It would still provide details of the visit time etc, and space for comments for individual detainees and general comments. We are looking to have extra space to record details of the detainee’s gender, age and ethnicity / language spokento be able to identify if some demographics were not speaking to ICVs and if we could do more to support conversations with them.
Positive Feedback: There is regularly positive feedback from ICVs and detainees about staff. There are always fed back to the Inspector as it is important to recognise positive work as well as any potential issues.
JT gave positive feedback about the improved storage of religious items. GW gave feedback from a detainee who said how marvellous the custody staff had been and that they must have been aware the ICVs were coming. When informed ICV visits were unannounced the detainee was amazed.
Insp. AB thanked ICVs for their feedback and said how important this is to the staff.
5.5 / Updates from the OPCC / Constabulary:
HMICFRS / HMIP – update: the draft report is now with the Constabulary for accuracy checking, the final report should be published in February 2018.
Virtual Courts: There is a trial taking place in Parkside for people detained on warrants during the daytime. There has been some teething problems however this is to be expected. There are no extended hours yet and the trail will be extended to Peterborough in January. Insp. AB confirms that detainees in Parkside could be seen virtually by a court in Peterborough and vice-versa.
JL suggested having the court staff and custody staff visit each other’s locations to better understand the process. Insp. AB said that ICVs would also be welcome to see and now would be a good time as given the project was still at pilot stage there was capacity for the virtual courts officer to accommodate visit. There is also the current positive that when not being used in the virtual court capacity this officer adds additional resilience to the custody team.
ID Cards: AB informed ICVs that he plans to have new ID cards made to ensure they were all consistent and up to date. This would also mean relevant permissions for doors could be added so that ICVs are not locked outside of meetings. Cards and photos can now be sorted by reception so the process should be simpler.
Shadow visits: AB would like for arrange for the PCC, the incoming Deputy PCC, the OPCC Chief Executive and the Assistant Chief Constable to shadow ICV visits to get a better understanding of the role. ICVs were happy to accommodate this and AB will liaise with JT and AW to programme this in.
6.3 / Recruitment & Training
Recruitment update: 7 new ICVs have been interviewed and accepted. They are currently undergoing vetting and will have a 6 month probation period where they will visit with experienced and existing ICVs.
Proposed dates for January: Both the 20th Jan & 27th Jan are options to run training sessions for new ICVs. Existing ICVs would be welcome to attend as “refresher” training, but are asked to be mindful this may be covering group they know well. Existing ICVs would likely have a very valued input and would be welcome to attend part of the session if they did not want to attend it all. Some new ICVs from Bedfordshire would likely attend as well.
Regional conference: There is a regional ICV conference planned for Saturday 21st April in Bedfordshire. Some of the planed agenda items include: TACT provision, National Appropriate Adult Network(NAAN), Home Office / Immigration, and more.
7.2 / A.O.B
In addition to the next planned meeting on the 5th March 2018, AB put forward additional future dates of:
-Monday 4th June 2018
-Monday 3rd September 2018
-Monday 3rd December 2018
ICVs are asked to give feedback on any issues with these dates, if no issues are raised AB will confirm them to all ICVs.
Date of the next meeting: Monday 5th March 2018
Printed copies of the agenda and any papers will be available at the meeting


Appropriate Adult / AA
Accredited Mental Health Practitioner / AMHP
Chief Inspector / C/Isnp
Detained Person / DP
Detention Officer / DO
Force Medical Expert / FME
Health Care Provider / HCP
Independent Custody Visitor / ICV
Independent Custody Visiting Association / ICVA
Inspector / Insp.
Liaison and Diversion Service / LaDS
Mental Health Act / MHA
National Appropriate Adults Network / NAAN
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner / OPCC
Police and Crime Commissioner / PCC
Terrorism Act / TACT

Contact: Alasdair Baker E:

T: 01480 42 5815 M: 07736 224 684