The International Research Foundation
for English Language Education
(Last updated 12 August 2017)
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Choi, W. (2016). Willingness to communicate in English: A microsystem model in the Iranian EFL classroom context. TESOL Quarterly, 50(1), 154-180.
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Clément, R., Baker, S. C., & MacIntyre, P. D. (2003). Willingness to communicate in a second language: The effects of context, norms, and vitality. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 22(2), 190-209.
de Saint Léger, D., & Storch, N. (2009). Learners’ perceptions and attitudes: Implications for willingness to communicate in an L2 classroom. System, 37(2), 269-285.
Donovan, L. A., & MacIntyre, P. D. (2004). Age and sex differences in willingness to communicate, communication apprehension, and self‐perceived competence. Communication Research Reports, 21(4), 420-427.
Freiermuth, M., & Jarrell, D. (2006). Willingness to communicate: can online chat help? International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 16(2), 189-212.
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Ghonsooly, B., Khajavy, G. H., & Asadpour, S. F. (2012). Willingness to communicate in English among Iranian non-English major university students. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 31(2), 197-211.
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Kang, S. (2005). Dynamic emergence of situational willingness to communicate in a second language. System, 33, 277-292.
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Kissau, S., McCullough, H., & Pyke, J. G. (2010). Leveling the playing field: The effects of online second language instruction on student willingness to communicate in French. CALICO Journal, 27(2), 277-297.
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Lu, Y., & Hsu, C. F. (2008). Willingness to communicate in intercultural interactions between Chinese and Americans. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 37(2), 75-88.
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MacIntyre, P. D. (2007). Willingness to communicate in the second language: Understanding the decision to speak as a volitional process. Modern Language Journal, 91(4), 564-576.
MacIntyre, P. D., Babin, P. A., & Clément, R. (1999). Willingness to communicate: Antecedents & consequences. Communication Quarterly, 47(2), 215-229.
MacIntyre, P., Baker, S. C., Clément, R., & Conrod, S. (2001). Willingness to communicate, social support, and language learning orientations of immersion students. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 23, 369-388.
MacIntyre, P. D., Baker, S. C., Clément, R., & Donovan, L. A. (2002). Sex and age effects on willingness to communicate, anxiety, perceived competence, and L2 motivation among junior high school French immersion students. Language learning, 52, 537-564. doi:10.1111/1467-9922.00194
MacIntyre, P., Baker, S., Clément, R., & Donovan, L. (2003). Talking in order to learn: Willingness to communicate and intensive language programs. Canadian Modern Language Review, 59(4), 589-608.
MacIntyre, P. D., Burns, C., & Jessome, A. (2011). Ambivalence about communicating in a second language: A qualitative study of French immersion students’ willingness to communicate. The Modern Language Journal, 95(1), 81-96.
MacIntyre, P. D., Clément, R., Dörnyei, Z., & Noels, K. A. (1998). Conceptualizing willingness to communicate in a L2: A situational model of L2 confidence and affiliation. The Modern Language Journal, 82(4), 545-562.
MacIntyre, P. D., & Doucette, J. (2010). Willingness to communicate and action control. System, 38(2), 161-171.
Macintyre, P. D., & Legatto, J. J. (2011). A dynamic system approach to willingness to communicate: Developing an idiodynamic method to capture rapidly changing affect. Applied Linguistics, 32(2), 149-171.
Maftoon, P., & Sarem, S. N. (2013). Gender and Willingness to Communicate. Iranian Journal of Language Issues (IJLI), 1(1), 23-32.
Mahdi, D. A. (2014). Willingness to Communicate in English: A Case Study of EFL Students at King Khalid University. English Language Teaching, 7(7), 17-25.
Mahmoodi, M. H., & Moazam, I. (2014). Willingness to Communicate (WTC) and L2 Achievement: The Case of Arabic Language Learners. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 98, 1069-1076.
Matsuoka, R., & Evans, D. R. (2005). Willingness to communicate in the second language. Journal of Nursing Studies, 4(1), 3-12.
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Peng, J. (2007). Willingness to communicate in an L2 and integrative motivation among college students in an intensive English language program in China. University of Sydney Papers in TESOL, 2(1), 33-59.
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Rahmatollahi, M., & Khalili, G. F. (2015). Relationship between intermediate EFL learners' communication apprehension, willingness to communicate, and speaking ability. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 4(6), 23-32.
Reinders, H., & Wattana, S. (2011). Learn English or die: The effects of digital games on interaction and willingness to communicate in a foreign language. Digital Culture & Education, 3(1), 3-29.
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Roach, K. D. (1999). The influence of teaching assistant willingness to communicate and communication anxiety in the classroom. Communication Quarterly, 47(2), 166-182.
Roach, K. D., & Olaniran, B. A. (2001). Intercultural willingness to communicate and communication anxiety in international teaching assistants. Communication Research Reports, 18(1), 26-35.
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Sallinen‐Kuparinen, A., McCroskey, J. C., & Richmond, V. P. (1991). Willingness to communicate, communication apprehension, introversion, and self‐reported communication competence: Finnish and American comparisons. Communication Research Reports, 8(1), 55-64.
Subtirelu, N. (2014). A language ideological perspective on willingness tocommunicate. System, 42(1), 120-132.
Tannenbaum, M., & Tahar, L. (2008). Willingness to communicate in the language of the other: Jewish and Arab students in Israel. Learning and Instruction, 18(3), 283-294.
Ushioda, E. (2008). Motivation and good language learners. In C. Griffiths (Ed.), Lessons from good language learners (pp. 19-34). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Ushioda, E. (2009). A person-in-context relational view of emergent motivation, self and identity. In Z. Dörnyei & E. Ushioda (Eds.), Motivation, language identity and the L2 self (pp. 215-228). Tonawanda, NY: Multilingual Matters.
Waldeck, J., Kearney, P., & Plax, T. (2001). Teacher e-mail message strategies and students' willingness to communicate online. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 29(1), 54-70.
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Yashima, T. (2002). Willingness to communicate in a second language: The Japanese EFL context. The Modern Language Journal, 86(1), 54-66.
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Zarrinabadi, N. (2014). Communicating in a second language: Investigating the effect of teacher on learners' willingness to communicate. System, 42, 288-295.
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