This form is to assist titleholders to apply to NSW Trade and Investment to suspend or abandon (plug and abandon) a petroleum well.
Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991
Petroleum (Onshore) Regulation 2007
Schedule of Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Production Safety Requirements (August 1992)
NSW Code of Practice for Coal Seam Gas – Well Integrity (Sep 2012)
Information from this form is collected for the purpose of administering the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991. The supply of this information is required by law. Your details will be stored in NSW Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services. Information will be stored and managed in accordance with provisions under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. It will not be used for any other purpose and will not be given to any other third party except where required by law. You may access or correct your personal information by contacting the department
NSW Trade and Investment
OCSG Well Suspension or Abandonment Form OCSG-F07. TRIM V13/3471 INT14/17335
Version 1 – Oct 2014.
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Application for Well Suspension or Abandonment
This form is provided to titleholders in NSW who must seek approval from NSW Trade and Investment (the department) to suspend or abandon (plug and abandon) a petroleum well in conformity with the Schedule of Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Production Safety Requirements published by the Department of Mineral Resources in August 1992 (the Schedule), as amended from time to time, title conditions and the Code of Practice For Coal Seam Gas – Well Integrity (September 2012).
Well Suspension
The objectives of petroleum well suspension are:
· To enable the temporary suspension of a well that facilitates the recommencement of operations, prevents deleterious cross flow between zones and leakage to the surface;
· To ensure wells are at all times left in a condition that minimises risks to the environment and health and safety.
A well must not be suspended without prior departmental approval.
When is a well suspended?
A petroleum well is suspended when:
For an exploration well
· All activity in the well has ceased (such as drilling, casing, cementing, perforating, logging, testing, measurements etc) for a period longer than 14 days and the well hasn’t been abandoned or converted to another approved purpose; and
For a production well:
· Production has ceased for longer than 3 months and measurement equipment, safety mechanisms and casing are still in place.
Timeframes for seeking approval to suspend a well
An application to suspend a petroleum well must be lodged
· a minimum of 28 days prior to a planned suspension, or
· as soon as is reasonably practicable for an unplanned well suspension (but prior to well suspension occurring).
In the event of an emergency, a petroleum well may be suspended without the prior approval of the department. However, the petroleum well must not be left in an unsafe condition – even temporarily.
An emergency is defined as:
· An imminent or actual serious risk to the health and safety of workers or the public, or
· An imminent or actual risk of material harm to the environment (as defined under s147 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997), or
· An imminent or actual risk from a natural hazard e.g. fires, floods and adverse weather conditions.
As soon as practicable after the emergency, if a well is to be suspended on an ongoing basis, approval must be sought from the department.
Well Abandonment
A well must not be abandoned (plugged and abandoned) without prior departmental approval.
Application to the department must be within 3 months of the last drilling or testing activity unless the well is converted to another approved purpose.
An emergency does not warrant abandonment (plug and abandonment) of a petroleum well without prior approval of the department.
1. The completed and signed Application for Well Suspension or Abandonment must be addressed to “NSW Trade and Investment”, marked “Attention: Senior Inspector for Petroleum”.
2. Forms can be submitted via one of the following options:
· Mail: NSW Trade and Investment,
PO Box 344,
Hunter Region Mail Centre, NSW 2310
· Email: Completed and saved PDF applications can be submitted to
· In Person: NSW Trade and Investment,
Office of Coal Seam Gas,
516 High Street, Maitland NSW 2320
· Fax: (02) 4931 6790
3. Information in support of the application or any additional information which does not fit within the form should be attached and forwarded with the original application form.
4. Keep a copy for your records.
For further information on lodgement please call (02) 4931 6738 or
NSW Trade and Investment
OCSG Well Suspension or Abandonment Form OCSG-F07. TRIM V13/3471 INT14/17335
Version 1 – Oct 2014.
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Application for Petroleum Well Suspension or Abandonment
Well Suspension / Well AbandonmentPart A - Title Details
Title Number:
Part B – Details of Titleholder
Principal titleholder Name:
ACN: (if applicable):
ABN: (if applicable):
Primary Contact Person:
Postal Address:
State: / Postcode:
Contact Details: / Phone: / Mobile:
Fax: / Email:
Part C – Details of Operator
Operator Name:
Operator’s ACN:
(if applicable):
Operator’s ABN:
(if applicable):
Primary Contact Person:
Postal Address:
State: / Postcode:
Contact Details: / Phone: / Mobile:
Fax: / Email:
Part D – Primary Contact
Name of primary contact (a natural person) at the operation:
Company name:
ACN: (if applicable)
ABN: (if applicable)
Business address of the operator:
State: / Postcode:
Postal Address:
State: / Postcode:
Contact Details: / Phone: / Mobile:
Fax: / Email:
Part E – Well Details
Well Name:
Well Number:
Well Status:
Well Type: / Coal seam gas / Other
Conventional oil or gas
Well classification: / Frontier hole / Pilot/appraisal well
Production well / Stratigraphic drill hole
Location of well: / Field name:
Nearest Town:
Coordinates of Wellhead: / Eastings: / Northings:
Latitude: / Longitude:
Total depth drilled:
Spud date:
Downhole Survey / To be included as an Appendix.
Note: Please use the Australian Requirements for Submission of Digital Exploration Data V4.2 August 2013 as a guideline for minimum reporting standard.
Part F – Application for Well Suspension
Not Applicable (Proceed to Part F – Application for Well Abandonment)
Reason for Proposed Well Suspension:
Proposed Well Suspension Period: (dd/mm/yy) / From:
Proposed Well Suspension Program: / To be included as an attachment.
The program should include information on:
· Safety
· Emergency Response
· Environment
· Operations
· Well Barrier Elements and their details
· Details of site safety signage and fencing
· Vegetation management
· Site Inspection (including leak detection)
· Proposed Suspended Well Schematic (Please attach)\
Part G – Application for Well Abandonment
Not Applicable
Date of last drilling: (dd/mm/yy)
Date of testing activity: (dd/mm/yy)
Reason for Proposed Well Abandonment:
Is Well proposed for conversion to water well / Yes / No
If Yes – note separate application to the NSW Office of Water is required. Contact NOW -
Proposed Well Abandonment Program: / To be included as an Attachment.
The program should include information on:
· Safety
· Emergency Response
· Environment
· Operations
· Cementing
· Leak detection (bubble test) prior to wellhead removal
· Proposed Abandoned Well Schematic (Please attach)
1. The wellhead is to be removed and casing cut off a minimum of 1.5m below GL after the completion of cementing operations.
2. A wellhead marker plate is to be installed on the casing stub. Marker plate to include the following details:
a. Well name and number
b. Operator's name
c. Total depth
d. P&A date
e. Spud date
3. After a well has been abandoned the following is required to be submitted to the department:
a. Daily Reports for the abandonment
b. Cementing Report
c. Photo of the Well ID Plate installed on the casing stub
d. Record of any pressure tests undertaken
e. Completed copy of the Abandonment Record
Part H – Attachments
List attachments:
Part I – Authority
The name and signature of the titleholder, or the person authorised to sign on behalf of the titleholder, is required as follows:
If the titleholder is a natural person:
I [insert name – print]
hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge, I am the titleholder and that the information supplied in support of this Application for Well Suspension or Abandonment is true and correct.
I make this declaration knowing, under the Crimes Act 1900 (Section 307B), that knowingly giving false or misleading information is a serious offence; and under the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 (section 135) that any person who inserts false particulars in any records directed or required by or under this Act to be furnished or made or supplies any false information when directed or required under this Act to supply any information is guilty of an offence.
[Click within signature box to insert image]
NSW Trade and Investment
OCSG Well Suspension or Abandonment Form OCSG-F07. TRIM V13/3471 INT14/17335
Version 1 – Oct 2014.
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NSW Trade and Investment
OCSG Well Suspension or Abandonment Form OCSG-F07. TRIM V13/3471 INT14/17335
Version 1 – Oct 2014.
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Position: / Date: (dd/mm/yy)If the titleholder is a corporation:
I [insert name – print]
hereby declare that I am authorised to sign this declaration on behalf of
Company name / ACN:
I further declare that to the best of my knowledge this company is the titleholder and that all the information supplied in support of this Application for Well Suspension or Abandonment is true and correct.
I make this declaration knowing, under the Crimes Act 1900 (Section 307B), that knowingly giving false or misleading information is a serious offence; and under the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 (section 135) that any person who inserts false particulars in any records directed or required by or under this Act to be furnished or made or supplies any false information when directed or required under this Act to supply any information is guilty of an offence.
[Click within signature box to insert image]
NSW Trade and Investment
OCSG Well Suspension or Abandonment Form OCSG-F07. TRIM V13/3471 INT14/17335
Version 1 – Oct 2014.
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NSW Trade and Investment
OCSG Well Suspension or Abandonment Form OCSG-F07. TRIM V13/3471 INT14/17335
Version 1 – Oct 2014.
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Position: / Date: (dd/mm/yy)2
NSW Trade and Investment
OCSG Well Suspension or Abandonment Form OCSG-F07. TRIM V13/3471 INT14/17335
Version 1 – Oct 2014.
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