Application for a Connect AfricaScholarship
Personal InformationFull Name of Applicant / Citizenship
Category of Scholarship
Date of birth / Gender / Present professional status
Current academic institution / Name of Mentor/Supervisor: / Contact Details of Mentor:
Educational Background
Qualifications / Field of study / University / Year / Distinctions
Work Experience, Courses and Conference Participation(within the last 3 years)
Name of event / Details / Dates
Name of Award / Description / Dates
- Please describe your current scientific research role:
- Please provide a short description of yourcurrent scientific research project:
- Please provide a motivation of why you are applying for a Connect Africa Scholarship:
- What are the objectives of your trip? Please provide details of your proposed timeline.
- Please provide more detail on your scientific training needs and how this trip will be of benefit to you?
- Have you applied to any other organisation(s) for funding for this trip?
(If YES, please give details)
- Please list any publications that you may have or are currently working on.
In order to complete this application please submit the following supplemental documents:
- 3 letters of recommendation:one should be from your current mentor. If you will be visiting a different institution, you will also need to submit a letter of support from your host. All individuals should be familiar with your work.
- budget
- budget justification
- CV
- If attending a course or conference please provide details of content of the event
Statement by Applicant
I certify that the above information is correct, and that I am conversant with the conditions under which the scholarship will be awarded.If awarded the scholarship I agree to submit a 1‐2 page report on my trip and give permission for AHRI and affiliates to use trip reports and media for publicity and marketing purposes.
Date:Signature of applicant:
Statement by Supervisor
I hereby approve of the submission of this application for funding.
Date:Signature of Supervisor:
Evaluation of applicant according to merit / Outstanding / Very Good / Good
Summary report:
Convenor SRC:
Signature: / Date:
OBJECTIVE (is the aim realistic and of importance) Grade 1-5 (1=poor, 5= outstanding) / NEED (will the trainee really benefit and is there a potential for a long-term impact on candidate) Grade 1-5 (1=poor, 5= outstanding) / QUALITY OF APPLICANT (is the candidate suitable) Grade 1-5 (1=poor, 5= outstanding) / QUALITY/CONTENT OF PROPOSED TRIP Grade 1-5 (1=poor, 5= outstanding) / OVERALL (please add up scoresReviewer 1.
Reviewer 2.
Reviewer 3.