First Nations, Metis and Inuit Artist Information
General websites:
This site allows you to search multiple musical artists. Current, easy to search.
Visual art - Canadian
A website focused on Aboriginal Art in Canada. Discusses history of Aboriginal art and gives many examples of Aboriginal artists in Canada.
Aboriginal Writers festival website - many from Sask - many years of biographies
Residential school artists
Artist / Web link / Genre / Characteristics of art / Characteristics of artist / Possible themesJohn Arcand /
/ Music / John Arcand continues to play traditional Metis songs that were passed on by his father and grandfather.
He has composed over 390 original tunes. / Metis
Plays the fiddle
Debden, Sk (Big River Area of Saskatchewan
Known as the “Master of the Metis Fiddle” / Identity
Carl Beam / Visual / CP4.8.11 Demonstrate understanding that overlapping objects is a way to show their placement in space
Print Making / Ottawa / Social Identity
Taking Action
Jackson Beardy / / Visual Art / Inspired by stories of First Nation people, translating myths and legends from oral tradition into visual representations. / Indian Group of 7
Garden Hill First Nation Manitoba / Community
Sask Voices
Henry Beudry / / Visual / Realism
Traditions / Poundmaker Reserve
Great-grandson of Poundmaker / Social Identity
(connects with gr. 4 Social studies)
Maureen Belanger / / Drama / Ile-a-la Crosse
Isaac Bignell / / Visual / CP. 4.8.7
Demonstrate the ability to perceive visual details, and include details to enhance depiction of plants, animals, people, and objects. / Cree painter / Saskatchewan Voices
Brian Bird / / Visual Art / Hide tanner
Quill worker
Kathie Bird / / Visual Art / Water medium
Stained Glass
Poetry / Prince Albert, Sk / Community
Blackburn /
/ Paintings & bead work (portraits & earrings) / Beadwork & paintings - family & culture inspiration
Quillwork / Born: Patuanuk
Raised - CHoiceland
Dene / SK Voices
Catherine Blackburn / / Visual / Leask
At TMSS OSAC tour spring 2016 / Identity
Sask voice
Black Rain /
/ Music / Prince Albert
Ahtahkakoop / Social issues
Jim BlueBear / / Visual / Dance Regalia,
Chest Shields, chokers / Kinistin First Nation
Work displayed at Wanuskewin Park
David Bouchard /
/ Visual
Literature / Author and illustrator of children’s books / Gravelbourg Sk
Metis Children’s Author / Social Identity
Bob Boyer / / Visual Art / CP 4.8.6 Identify and use geometric and organic shapes and forms: symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes and forms
CP4.8.6 Investigate the use and effects of formal and informal patterns, and create patterns through techniques such as repetition
Blanket Paintings / Metis Artist / Patterns
Taking Action (harmful impacts of colonial process)
Katherine Boyer / / Visual / Regina
At TMSS OSAC tour spring 2016 / Identity
Sask voice
Jim Brady / / Drama / Story telling
Breach of Trust /
/ Music / Heavy metal / La Ronge SK
Maria Campbell / / Drama
Primarily an Author / Weaving modern dance, storytelling, and drama together with traditional Aboriginal art practices / Edmonton, but educated in SASK / Community
Tantoo Cardinal / / drama / ALBERTA
Jason Chamakese /
/ Music
Native American Flute / Peacefully, relaxing melodies / Pelican Lake First Nation
Plains Cree / Environment
Joseph Charles / La Ronge
Kennetch Charlette /
/ Drama -
Actor and director / Movies - Big Bear,Dear America, The Scarlett ‘A’, Pocahontas: The Legend, Lucky Shot (Filmed in Waskesiu) / Sandy Bay
Peter Ballantyne First Nations / Social Identity
Marcia Chickeness / / Visual / Poundmaker / Taking action
Eddie Cobiness / / Indian Group of 7
Constant Reminder-
Seth Constant
Cole Constant
Ethan Constant
Rene Constant /
/ Rock and Roll, Blues and Country / Contemporary music
Covers of popular music / James Smith / Pop Culture
Saskatchewan Voices
Crown Paka
Tyler Bear / / Hip Hop / Producer and Emcee / Flying Dust First Nation in northern Saskatchewan / Saskatchewan Voices
Pop Culture
Social Identity
Ruth Cuthand /
/ Visual art
Beaded art / Beading
Beaded portraits of infectious agents significant to indigenous people / Cree/Scottish artist with
Prince Albert
Lives and works in Saskatoon / Pop culture
Mitch Daigneault /
/ Music / Country Music / Battleford SK
Harry W. Daniels / / Actor
Social Activist / Regina / Taking Action
Leah Dorion / / Visual / Pop Art Gr.5
Women & children
colourful/patterns / Metis Artist
Prince Albert,SK
Teacher, painter, artist, illustrator / Pop Culture
SK voices
LLoyd Dubois / / Visual Art / Acrylic Paint / Pasqua First Nation
Also teaches literature at U of R / Patterns
Eekwol (Lindsay Knight) / / Music / Hip-hop
Indigenous culture and struggles, violence, addictions / Muskoday / Taking action
Social Identity
Flloyd Flavel / / Drama / Poundmaker
Lorin Gardypie /
/ Drama / Taking Action
David Garneau / / Visual
Performance Art / Figure and Ground
Death / Teacher at U of R / Identity
Pop Art
Dallas Gordon / / Visual Art
Dance / Eagles
Sweat Lodges / Gordon’s First Nation
Carol Greyeyes / Drama / Cree actress
Aboriginal Theatre Program at the U of S / Taking Action
Michael Greyeyes /
/ Drama
Dance / Actor
Ballet Dancer / Qu’Appelle Valley, Sk
Plains Cree
Muskeg Lake First Nations / Social Identity
James Isbister / / Visual / Saskatoon / Taking action
InfoRed (Brad Bellegarde) /
/ Music / Hip-hop song about residential school experience
Storytelling through hip-hop / Regina / Saskatchewan voices
Social Identity
Tom Jackson / / Music
Drama / One Arrow (Batoche) / Community
Alex Janvier / / Visual Art / Javier paints both the celebrations and celebrations that he has encountered in his life / Indian Group of 7 / Taking Action
Robert Jerome /
/ Visual Art / Carving
Pen and Ink / La Ronge SK / Environment
Delvin Kennedy (Kanewiyakiho) / Dance / Hoop dancing / Cree
First Nations and Métis cultural consultant with Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools / Saskatchewan voices
Clarence Kapay / / Visual Art / Spirituality
Connecting self to animal.
CP4.7.1 Pose questions about Saskatchewan and determine ways to investigate the questions individually and/or collectively through visual art (e.g., How could we use the land or geography of Saskatchewan, or our neighbourhood, as inspiration for our art work? Where will we find our research information? How have other artists represented similar ideas?)
CP4.7.5 Create the illusion of three dimension through drawing observations of the Saskatchewan Environment. / First Nations
Day Star First Nations / Environment (gr. 3)
Identity (gr. 6)
Chester Knight / / Music-
Country, Alternative,
Rock / Singer
Song writer
Music Producer
Guitar, Drums / Muskoday / Social Identity
Taking Action
Daniel Knight / / Drama / Muskoday (PA)
Little Island Cree /
/ Music / Traditional hand drum group / Island Cree Nation near Loon Lake SK / Identity
Terrance Littletent / / Dance / Hoop dancing / Cree - Kawacatoose First Nation
Storytelling through dance
Began when he was 8 yrs old / Saskatchewan voices
The Local Onlyz / / Music / Hip hop / Regina
Michael Lonechild / / Visual / Acrylic painter
Quick dry
Build up of texture
CP4.7.3 Use research, including guided Internet search, as part of the inquiry process
CP4.7.4 Discuss how artists are often influenced by cultural and artistic traditions, consider incorporating heritage or artistic conventions in own work / White Bear (Carlyle)
Youngest and fastest rising Cree Artist / Place
Taking action (Memories of Reserve bob and fast disappearing lifestyle)
Environment (blending of man with Nature)
Mary Longman / / Visual / Gordon First Nation
Fort Qu’’appelle / Social issues
Carll Machiskinic / / Visual Art / Drawing
CP4.8.10 Use contour lines to draw people, animals, and objects / Kawacatoose First Nation / Environment
Johnny Marceland / / Visual / Birch Narrows / Identity
Sask voices
G. Ray Mccallum /
/ Visual / Belongs to Artslink A group of residential school artists
Oil painting and beading
Difficult to find examples of his work, but a good interview. / Waterhen
Simone McLeod / / Visual / Pencil, ink, charcoal, and pastels
Human portraits & wildlife / Cree - Ojibway , female, born in Winnipeg
Member of James Smith Cree Nation / Environment
Andrea Menard / / Music / Metis
Jazz singer
Angelique Merasty /
/ Visual / Birch Bark Biting
CP4.7.3 Use research, including guided Internet search, as part of the inquiry process
CP4.7.4 Discuss how artists are often influenced by cultural and artistic traditions, consider incorporating heritage or artistic conventions in own work
CP4.8.11 Demonstrate understanding that overlapping objects is a way to show their placement in space / Ojibwa / Pattern (symmetry)
Gr. 4 Math
Sally Milne / / Visual / Stanley Mission / Social issues
Taking action
Chad Morin / / Visual / Meadow Lake / Identity
Sask voices
Norval Morriseau / / Visual / CP4.8.1 Demonstrate imaginative use of the elements of art including line, colour, texture, shape, form, space / Indian Group of 7
Norman Moyah / / Dance / Regalia maker / Thunderchild First Nation
Blaine Nokusis / / Visual / Peepeekisis
Yvette Nolan / / Drama / Prince Albert / Social Issues
Taking action
Daphne Odjig /
/ Visual / CP4.8.7 Demonstrate the ability to perceive visual details, and include details to enhance depiction of plants, animals, people, and objects.
CP4.7.3 Use research, including guided Internet search, as part of the inquiry process
CP4.7.4 Discuss how artists are often influenced by cultural and artistic traditions, consider incorporating heritage or artistic conventions in own work
Realism, cubism, and expressionism / Indian Group of 7 / Taking action
Fara Palmer /
/ Music / Pop, R&B, folk and rock
Singer, Songwriter / Cree, Saulteaux / Taking Action
Social Identity
Pop Culture
Donny Parenteau / / Music / Country music
fiddle, mandolin, harmonica, guitar
Bully Free Activist / Born & Raised Prince Albert, SK
Singer, song writer & activist / SK voices
Taking Action
Kevin Pee-Ace / / Visual / Circles
Face-less people
Bold, saturated colours / Yellowquill
Kelvington / Patterns
Curtis Peeteetuce / Drama and Music / Celebrates Aboriginal theatre language, culture and history through theatre
* incorporate Aboriginal culture through comedy, drama, music, and dance theatre / Beardy’s & Okemasis First Nation / Sask voices
Social Identity
Lloyd Pinay /
/ Visual / Sculptor / Peepeekisis First Nation / Environment
Jim Potrais / / Visual / CP4.8.7 Demonstrate the ability to perceive visual details, and include details to enhance depictions of plants, animals, people and objects / Moose Jaw / Place
Jacob Pratt /
/ Hoop dance
Music - Native flute / Sculpture
Prints / Creative Director of Wambi Dance located in Regina / Pop culture
Sherry Farrell Racette / / Visual / Textiles, beadwork, embroidery, children’s books, painting / Manitoba
Lives in Regina / Environment
Saskatchewan Voices
Carl Ray / / Indian Group of 7
Red Bull - led by Edmund Bull /
/ Northern Original style / Drum Group / Little Pine First Nation by North Battleford
Cree / Saskatchewan Voices
Lawrence Roy /
/ Dance / Hoop Dancer / Saskatoon
Educator / Patterns
Community (Ceremony/Pow wow)
Saskatchewan voices
Taking action (bringing awareness to dance style)
Buffy Saint-Marie /
/ Music
Visual / Protest (anti-war) songs, powwow rock, FN rights, and environment.
Digital visual artist. Plays with digital elements while making social commentary. / A long, varied career, both solo and with bands. Born in SK, adopted by an American family. / Saskatchewan Voices
Social Identity
Joseph Sanches / / Indian Group of 7
Allen Sapp / / Visual / Nature/animals
FN people
Traditional ways
CP4.7.1 Pose questions about Saskatchewan and determine ways to investigate the questions individually and/or collectively through visual art (e.g., How could we use the land or geography of Saskatchewan, or our neighbourhood, as inspiration for our art work? Where will we find our research information? How have other artists represented similar ideas?)
CP4.7.5 Create the illusion of three dimension through drawing observations of the Saskatchewan Environment.
CP4.7.6 Describe various sources of ideas for visual art such as memory, research, observation, feelings or imagination. / Canadian Cree Painter
Jan. 2 1928-Dec.28, 2015
North Battleford, SK / Environment
SK Voices
Ernie Scoles / / Visual / Artwork reflects own Cree Heritage
Paintings resemble his relationship with nature
CP4.8.10 Use contour lines to draw people, animals, and objects / Born in Cumberland House, Sk
Member of the Barren Lands Indian Band / Environment
Richard Shorty / Visual / Line Quality
Split-u shape
Contour lines
CP4.8.10 Use contour lines to draw people animals and objects
CP4.8.1 Demonstrate imaginative use of the elements of art including line, colour, texture, shape, form, space / Yukon / Environment
Social Identity
Caryl Skauge / / Visual / Sylvania
Currently exhibiting at TMSS library. / Identity
Sask voice
Joey Stylez / / Music / Rap music
Explores Native American culture through urban mainstream fashion and music
Raps about aboriginal youth in residential schools
Social , political and economic struggles that young aboriginal men face / Singer-songwriter
Fashion designer
Moosomin First Nations / Social Identity
Dana Standinghorn / / Visual Art
Sculptor / Sweetgrass First Nation
Lives in North Battleford, Sk / Patterns
Gordon Tootoosis /
/ Drama / Acting
Role of One Stab in the movie Legends of the Fall and wicked Albert Golo
Voices in Animated movies Open Season and Pocahontas / Cree and Stoney Decent
Known for preserving his culture and to telling his people's stories
Poundmaker Reserve, Saskatchewan
Spent time in residential schools / Taking Action
Isiah Tootoosis / / Drama / Film / Child Actor
Poundmaker Cree Nation
Relative of Gordon Tootoosis / Social Identity
Lyndon Tootosis / / Visual / Poundmaker / Taking action
T-Rhyme / / Music / rapper / Northern Sask
Dennis Joseph Weber / / Visual art / Oil, Pastel, Pencil, Charcoal
Horses, History, Portraits / Prince Albert / Identity
Jerry Whitehead / / Visual / James Smith / Taking action
Morgan Wood /
Slideshow: Elements of Art: Morgan Wood:
/ Visual / Hands Off My Genes - pair of jeans with porcupine quills in them
“Takes a found object and makes it her own” / Stony Mountain Cree / Identity
Sask Voices
Winston Wuttunee / / Music / Drum
Storytelling / Red Pheasant First Nations / Identity
Saskatchewan Voices
Linda Young / / Visual / Onion Lake