Contact: Susan Lingle
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Washington County Hospital
This October, Washington County Hospital (WCH) is proud to participate in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point. (Male breast cancer incidence is small but it is important to know that the disease can affect men as well.) The good news is that many women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early. A report just released by the American Cancer Society states that, “death rates from breast cancer in the United States have dropped 39% between 1989 and 2015.” This trend can be related to women having their screening mammograms done annually.
- The American Cancer Society recommends that women age 40 and older should have a mammogram every year and should continue to do so for as long as they are in good health.
Total breast health is the key to early detection. Early detection of breast cancer is maximized through a combined approach of monthly self-examinations, a thorough physical examination by a physician, and a mammogram.
A mammogram is a special breast X-ray that can detect 90 percent of cancers – even before a lump can be felt. While this makes mammograms a very important tool in early detections of breast cancer, they are not perfect. Approximately 10 percent of breast cancer can be missed. A woman should not ignore something she feels just because she had a normal mammogram.
WCH offers Digital Diagnostic and Screening mammography services in our Women’s Health Suite. The Mammography Department is accredited by the ACR (American College of Radiology). All mammography studies are performed by Registered Mammography technologists. All diagnostic services that are needed are performed the same day if indicated by the Radiologist from Clinical Radiologist, S.C., who specializes in Breast Imaging. The patient is then able to speak with a Radiologist at time of exam. Most Diagnostic exams will have results that day and the patient will know if any further procedures are needed. Screening exams will have results within one or two business days. WCH is also available to complete Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsies if determined necessary by the Radiologist.
For more information about the Breast Health Services offered at WCH please call the Radiology Department at 618-327-2323.
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