How to use this sports development template
Sport England has a key role in promoting the development of sport and creating a world-leading community sport environment of clubs, coaches, facilities and volunteers.
This document explains what is meant by the phrase “sports development” and what we are looking for in support of your application to this programme.
Sports development is about your organisation looking to the future and creating a plan to keep its facilities and sports users, or working towards new and better opportunities to take part in sport. This is sports development and this is what we need you to tell us about.
We have provided a template to help you set out your plans for your project and what you want to achieve.
When you have completed it, we will better understand:
- How our grant will improve sport at your project
- How you are working towards running more games because the facilities are new and improved and will enable more sessions
- How the improved facility will help provide more opportunities for sport, such as a new junior or women’s team.
We need you to explain on the template how the investment
will benefit sport. A worked example has been included to help guide you on the type and level of information we are
looking for.
Sports development plan
URN:Organisation name:
(* Applicants should complete the URN and Organisation name details above)
This Sports Development plan should be based on the facility improvements for which you are seeking a grant. The plan will rely on people and other resources to help your project deliver sporting activity.
Sporting Objectives / How will you achieve this objective / What resources will you require to deliver this objective? / What are the implications for accessing these resources? / What are the timelines for delivery / How will you measure success (quantitative, i.e. numbers and frequencies)Example - New junior girls section / Create new girls junior teams / New coach(es), marketing / Arrange courses, pay for courses, school visits / 6 months / 12 new members, 1 new team established
For further support please refer to the Running Sports website ( ) Planning Your Clubs Future Quick Guide