Southeast Europe Saker falcon Network
Funding application form
Deadline for submission of applications for funding:31January 2011
Applicant name:
Organization name:
Date submitted:
BACKGROUND(max. 500 words):
Guidelines and conditions for funding:
- Proposals for conservation and research on Saker Falcon Falco cherrug will be considered.
-Preference will be given to studies that generate data to increase our understanding of the ecology and conservation of Saker Falcons.
- SESN funds individuals, scientific and nature conservation organizations.
- Eligible countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine.
- We welcome field research which is part of master or PhD thesis studentship.
- We expect most allocations to be in the region of £2000 but will consider applications up to a maximum of £5000.
- We shall retain 10% of funding costs until a written report is received.
- Studies should be directed towards producing publishable results in scientific and ornithological journals or, if appropriate, the results of the work should be submitted to the Falco(the Newsletter of the Middle East Falcon Research Group)for publication.
-SESN retains the right to publicise or otherwise use the results of this work to promote the conservation of Saker Falcon.
- Successful applicants work at their own risk, and the SESN accept no responsibility for any loss or injury arising from this work.
- Applicants will conform to all relevant national and international laws.
- As our financial support comes from Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD), it must be acknowledged in all reports and papers written as result of the work.
- The logos / abbreviations of EAD and SESN mustappear in any press releases resulted from the project.
- Applications for funding should be sent by email to or by post to Dimitar Ragyov, Central Laboratory of General Ecology – BulgarianAcademy of Science, Sofia 1113, Yurii Gagarin str. 2.
- Successful applicants will be acknowledged until 28February 2011 and the money transfer will be done about 10 days latter.
- Date of submission of final report is 30 September 2011.
- The report must be written in a professional manner including the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements and Reference.
- Funded projects might be continued / extended in following years depending on the results of the previous year.
I accept these conditions.
Signature of the applicant:
About SESNSoutheast European Saker falcon Network is a group of organizations located in westernmost Saker falcon breeding range. The network include scientific and conservation, nongovernmental and academic institutions, working on raptors research and conservation.
It was spontaneously created in 2006 after an International Saker Falcon Workshop held in Sofia (Bulgaria), organized by Central Laboratory of General Ecology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and financially supported by International Wildlife Consultants (UK) Ltd on behalf of Environmental Agency of Abu Dhabi.
To implement science based conservation in order to prevent local Saker Falcon extinctions, stop further population decline and maintain a favorable species population status.
SESN Objectives:
- To bring together scientists and wildlife conservationists interested in Saker Falcon research and conservation in Southeast Europe;
- To implement surveys for better understanding of Saker Falcon population status and ecology;
- To identify and prioritize the factors caused species decline;
- To implement adequate conservation measures and suitable management techniques.