Dr Peter FermieInver Court
Dr Celia DawsonLondon
Dr Carolyn GilliesTel: 0208741 7471
MBCHBFax: 02088347312
Dr Louise Cavanagh
Dr Robert McLaren
Vanessa Andre and Jenny Platt
Hammersmith and Fulham CCG
23 March 2015
Dear Vanessa and Jenny,
Thank you for a very productive meeting last week. We found it really positive.
You told us that the CCG have pledged to complete their review of care in nursing homes by the end of June 2015 and in the meantime have committed to Chiswick Nursing Centre (CNC):
- One session of geriatric consultant time each week (Dr Ivan Walton).
- Help from a psych team to bring the records of all current patients at CNC up to date with particular regard to documenting the instigation and continuation of unlicensed anti-psychotic drugs.
- A skills audit and accelerated access to adequate training of CNC nurses.
- Access to the district nurse team where clinically necessary.
- An extension to the ICP multi-disciplinary working group.
We believe that this input could make a real difference to the care that we offer our patients in CNC. We also think that we can really maximise this input if we could be resourced to provide enhanced GP care, over and above the level of GMS care. I enclose a copy of a letter that we have sent to Ganymede Ltd who run CNC to this end.
If Ganymede will fund the proactive health care, we would aim to generate some meaningful outcomes over the 12 week period and would be able to feed the lessons learnt into the planned review of nursing home care. In particular, we feel it would be helpful to involve the ICP lead, Sally Martin, to assist with producing some definitive evidence. CNC have commented how useful they have found the ICP work in conjunction with positive GP engagement, enabling actions that arise from the ICP meetings to be put into place.
When we met with Steve Winter from CNC this morning he expressed a view that we share that it would be useful for the three parties, the CCG, CNC and PMC to meet together. In the absence of this and in the interests of openness we are sharing this letter with CNC and in turn are sharing with you a letter that we are sending to CNC.
We envisage the process to start with a meeting in the next week or so between our Dr Cavanagh and Dr Walton and are set up for a speedy roll out.
This letter may raise a number of questions and we promise to be responsive so that we do not lose unnecessary time.
We hope that the last few months have demonstrated the standards that we adhere to at Park Medical and that all sides can see the benefits of working in partnership.
My direct line is 020 8741 7472 if you need it.
David Sellers.
Practice Manager