Meeting Report – 14th July 2016
MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES – The posters on the PPG noticeboard that were inadvertently removed have now been put back. Ronnie Godfrey confirmed that our report on the local plan is now there.
DATA SHARING WITH FCH – Linking of computer systems is being looked at. OHC is moving to EMIS in August 2016, the majority of practices will be on this system. There is a section on EMIS for pharmacists. OHC is part of a federation in South Tandridge that includes Lingfield, Godstone and Caterham. The federation is looking for a GP willing to do a 'front door' type of assessment at A&E as patients still present at hospital who should really be seen by their doctor. The Frailty Unit, piloting with First Community Nurses will be going live in August 2016. Data sharing with primary care service, community care service and social care services is being piloted.
MEET AND GREET SESSIONS IN WAITING ROOM – It was agreed to do another meet and greet session in the waiting room. The session at the mother and baby unit is to be organised in a little while as they are too busy at the moment.
FUND RAISING GROUP – Only 1 lady offered to help with fund raising. There has been a complaint made about the size of an advert on the small screen. Ronnie Godfrey will look into the expiry date of the contract so that it can be taken down.
NEW RECEPTION MANAGER - Vanessa Skinner, the new Reception Manager was introduced to the PPG. Vanessa explained her role which is to manage the reception team and their relevant training, help with complaints and importantly being on the front-line having a very 'hands-on' role.
TALKS UPDATE – The July talk on anaesthetics was very informative. The next talk on 11th October will be given by Dr. Maybrey about the anatomy of the human body which we will promote at Oxted School as it may appeal to students. We discussed different ways to promote the talks. A future talk will be given by Dr. Jones about child health. We are waiting to hear about sponsorship of future talks by Tandridge Health and Wellbeing Board.
NEWSLETTER UPDATE – Articles such as use of public defibrillators, LINK's wheelchair for OHC, flu, next talk, travel vaccinations, new reception manager and book and choose were suggested for the next newsletter.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS – We asked if patients were notified about Dr.Morley's retirement. This has been done on the website and will not be done directly as it is a costly and time consuming exercise.
The next meeting is Thursday 15th September 2016 at 7:00pm.