Leadership Summit 2010


April 24, 2010

  1. Introductions
  1. Concerns and Challenges
  1. Managing Volunteers & Board Members
  2. Volunteers
  3. Volunteer Commitment
  4. Volunteer and Board Engagement
  5. Volunteer Enforcement
  6. Burnout
  7. Board Member and Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition
  8. Qualifying Board Members and Volunteers
  9. Paid Help/Support
  10. Member Retention, Acquisition, and Involvement
  11. Strategic Planning
  12. Succession Planning
  13. Bigger Picture/Integration
  14. Strategy
  15. Rebuilding Strategy
  16. Planning Ahead
  17. Processes and Procedures
  18. Implementation/Priorities
  19. Value Proposition
  20. Competition from other organizations in the area
  21. Leveraging AMA as a Brand
  22. Communication Styles
  23. “Over-Communication”
  24. New Skills
  25. AMA Presidents LinkedIn Group (not a concern)
  1. What do you do if you have a non-contributing Board Member?
  1. Some Chapters have wiped out the entire Board and started from scratch.
  2. Others have addressed and weeded out immediately
  3. Best to remove a bad board member promptly. Other weak members can be given a second opportunity
  1. Succession Planning
  1. Is Key…needs to be part of Chapter’s DNA
  2. Term Limits - 1 yr with 1 yr as elect or 2yrs with one year training successor, etc.
  3. Each Board Member has a replacement candidate in place
  4. Nomination Committee helps formalize the process
  5. Interview process- sets expectation that this is a job, even if unpaid
  6. Make sure that candidates know up front how much of a time commitment is expected. Some chapters have Board Members sign commitment forms, and other Chapters are a verbal contract.
  7. Other Chapters the President is completely responsible for filling the Board Positions.
  8. Respect of president and rest of board will help drive performance
  9. For every Board position have a VP and a VP Elect
  10. Job Descriptions clearly explain what is expected of board members/volunteers
  11. Chicago Term Format: 18 Month Term….First three months start in April….12 Months of Board Programming Year Service….Three Months helping to transition incoming board member into their board position.
  12. Long-term planning avoids a “Stop and Start” Mentality
  13. Co-VP vs. One Single VP – determined that a Co-VP doesn’t work well. No clear ownership. Co-Directors can work if roles are clearly defined.
  14. Making sure to communicate value of being on the Board
  1. Board Meetings
  1. At least monthly / Some weekly
  2. Board Rave - focus on one topic
  3. 80% Attendance Expected – remove/replace if can’t maintain this participation level
  4. When are Board reports due before meeting? 7 days, 10 day, Friday before, verbally at board meeting, etc.
  5. Best to focus board meetings on strategic issues, not tactical issues of a program
  6. Making sure that goals, etc. are measurable
  7. Red light, yellow light, green light...red take 5 minutes to talk about issue, yellow 1 minute, and green move on and don’t take time on issue.
  8. President-Public Face – should the president be a speaker at other organizations or be getting press discussing marketing matters?
  1. President-Elect
  1. Change President-Elect’s Role/Description at IH Level
  2. President-Elect the final sign off on programming decisions, etc.
  3. President-Elect - Dual duties or not? President should have P-elect participate in all planning so they will know what they need to do in their term
  4. Have President-Elect head up CEA Entry – President completes Executive Summary
  5. President-Elect attends committee meetings to get a feel for who would be a good candidate for future board positions
  1. MeetingWizard.com
  1. Can use automatic replies
  2. Enables Board to be able to determine availability
  1. Value and Recognition of Board Members
  1. Simple thank you
  2. SendOutCards.com – online cards sent by USPS
  3. Volunteer appreciation event (also invite bosses)
  4. Board members can attend events for free
  5. Recommendations on LinkedIn Page
  6. Announce new Board – Newsletter, Luncheon, etc.
  7. Inaugural Ball- (Kickball Game) – Old Board vs. New Board
  8. Pass the torch party – Networking event at local baseball team
  9. Networking events – Putt-Putt golf, etc.
  10. Family BBQ
  11. Discounts
  1. Coupons for free events
  2. Board members get to attend all events for free with the exception of signature events
  3. “At cost” to Board Members – Use a discount code
  4. Two guests for free
  1. Membership Retention
  1. Community Outreach program…volunteer teams working with local non-profits – Engagement
  2. Central Marketing Hub - Competing with other organizations – Act as the information hub for all marketing related events in NYC area …position AMA as “THE” Marketing Organization…give member rates to other Marketing Organizations and vice versa…value to members are savings/discounts to all events, including outside organizations events…
  3. Content must be relevant. Membership retention begins with great programming, speakers, etc…sponsorship will follow.