
Iowa ASCD Executive Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, November 16, 2015

8:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.

with breakfast served at 10:00 A.M.

Location: Drake University – Olmstead Center, 2nd Floor (2875 University Ave, Des Moines, IA 50311)

Parking: You may park on the street at no cost. If you want to park in the lot by Olmstead or in the lot across the street, you will need to print a parking ticket to put in your front window. Iowa ASCD is charged for the ticket so please only print once.

·  If attending only one day: This ticket will be appropriate for all day on November 16.

·  If attending both days (meeting and conference):

·  The password is IA ASCD

Zoom Access: I know Katy Evenson has requested attending virtually. Access the meeting on your computer at or by phone at +1 646 568 7788 (US Toll) or +1 415 762 9988 (US Toll). The meeting ID is 817 985 412.

Dress: To work! To learn!

RSVP: Regrets only to Lou Howell at or 515.229.4781

Preparation for Meeting:

●  Review documents prior to the meeting. You can access them at the end of this agenda.

●  Think about where we want Iowa ASCD to be in three years – and what it will take to get there!

Directors: Diane Campbell, Jason Ellingson, Katy Evenson, Lou Howell, Rita Martens, Becky Martin, Ottie Maxey, Leslie Moore, Sara Oswald, Susan Pecinovsky, Randy Peters, Elaine Smith-Bright, Kym Stein, Veta Thode, Kevin Vidergar, Jeff Watson, Chris Welch, Jan Westerman-Beatty,Amy Wichman, Amy Whittington, Sue Wood, Pam Zeigler

Attending via Zoom: Katy Evenson

Not Attending: Veta Thode (hip replacement)

Focus on Our Group Norms: Listen for Understanding, Speak to Be Truthfully Understood, Confront the Tough Challenges, Come Prepared, Have Fun, Start on Time and End on Time, Value Diversity, Honor Confidentiality


Also available on Iowa ASCD website:

I. Welcome (8:30 A.M.) (President, Becky Martin)

◦  Review of Agenda and Group Norms

◦  Welcome

II . Business Meeting (9:30 A.M.) (President Becky Martin)

·  Approval of Summer Retreat Board Meeting Minutes (Leslie Moore) (See Below)

·  Approval of Financial Update (Jeff Watson)

·  Approval of Recommendation for Digital Books – 24/7 (Lou Howell) (See below)

·  Approval of Affiliate Award Application (Lou Howell) (See below)

·  Approval of Biennial Plan (Lou Howell) (See below)

·  Discussion of Nominations (Kevin Vidergar)

III. Building the Future (10:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. with working breakfast) (President Becky Martin)

·  Intended Outcome: Based on Review of our Mission/Vision/Beliefs and “Common Reality” created at the Summer Retreat via updates, continue to craft a 3-year Strategic Plan that allows us to learn, teach, and lead as we support the success of educators and students in Iowa.

·  Activity: President Becky Martin will lead us in work to craft the 3-year strategic plan – 2016-2019.

·  Tools:

·  Strategic Plan for 2013-2016 is located at

·  Strategic Action Draft for Advocacy (2016 – 2019) – includes 4 major activities – supporting adoption of ESEA and other state/national bills supporting learning; developing capacity of educators and the community they serve to advocate for learning; development and implementation of Iowa ASCD Legislative Committee; and achieving support for the Whole School-Whole Community – Whole Child (WSCC) through alignment with Learning Supports of the Iowa Department of Education (See below)

VI. Adjournment (12:30 P.M.) (President, Becky Martin)

Iowa ASCD – Agenda for November 16, 2015 (8:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.)


Iowa ASCD Executive Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, July 23, 2015 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.

Viterbo University

Directors Present: Diane Campbell, Jason Ellingson, Lou Howell, Becky Martin, Leslie Moore, Sara Oswald, Susan Pecinovsky, Elaine Smith-Bright, Veta Thode, Jeff Watson, Chris Welch, Jan Westerman-Beatty, Amy Whittington, Pam Zeigler

Unable to Attend: Katy Evenson, Diane Campbell, Rita Martens, Ottie Maxey, Randy Peters, Cindy Swanson, Amy Wichman, Sue Wood, Kevin Vidergar, Kym Stein

Becky Martin welcomed the Board at 9:00. Lou Howell reviewed the group norms and Becky led the opening team building activity.

Jason Ellingson moved and Sara Oswald seconded approval of the April Board Minutes. Motion carried.

Jeff Watson shared the Financial Update with the board, including a summary of events’ profit and loss. We currently have $48,724.11 after paying upcoming expenses. Jason Ellingson moved and Veta Thode seconded approval of the Financial Update. Motion carried.

Lou Howell recommended approval of new/re-elected/appointed Board Members of Iowa ASCD:

o  Elaine-Smith Bright – Co-director of Advocacy (Replaces Pam Vogel, who moved out of state)

o  Katy Evenson - Director of Members at Large

o  Sara Oswald - Director of Members at Large

o  Becky Martin - President and Co-chair of Summer Institute

o  Kevin Vidergar - Past-President

o  Pam Zeigler - President-Elect

o  Randy Peters - Director representing Regent Universities (Replaces Elaine Smith-Bright, who has retired from Drake University)

o  Amy Whittington - Fall Institute Chair (replaces interim Lou Howell)

Jason Ellingson moved and Susan Pecinovsky seconded approval of above listed changes to board member representation.

The Board discussed proposed changes to the Iowa ASCD constitution. Jason Ellingson moved and Susan Pecinovsky seconded approval of proposed changes. Motion carried.

The Board discussed proposed changes to the Iowa ASCD operating procedures. Proposed changes were accepted as well as 1) change presenter’s “fees” to “honoraria,” 2) At all of our events, two presenters registration fee will be paid, 3) Additional presenters (after the first two per session) staying for the conference/meals will be charged regular conference price. Susan Pecinovsky moved and Amy Whittington seconded approval of proposed changes to the operating procedures. Motion carried.

Board members reviewed, signed, and submitted their Conflict of Interest statements.

President Becky Martin shared a plan-on-a-page summary of our vision/mission/core values & beliefs/strategic goals/actions and guiding philosophy as well as a planning calendar of Iowa ASCD events.

Strategic Plan Updates by Board Members

·  Action 1 of Strategic Plan - Innovation and Leadership in Teaching and Learning

Events planning groups then brainstormed challenges and assistance needed for their specific event.

For Fall Academy, Tammy Heflebower is the main speaker. The Board decided to set the following fees: Early bird: Member $275 Non-member $320; Late bird: Member $325 Non-member $370.

Amy Whittington shared the Fall Institute update. September 22 8:30-3:30 Lester Laminack is the presenter and the cost is $150 for members $195 non-members. His new book is coming out in September and is included in the registration cost.

Curriculum Leadership Academy will be held April 21-22, 2016 with Rick Wormeli as the main speaker. Speakers for breakout sessions will be sought. Let Pam Zeigler know if you have suggestions for breakouts and advisory board members for this event.

Jan Beatty-Westerman shared the Higher Education update. She moved to offer the opportunity to the Iowa Council of Professors of Educational Administration (ICPEA) members (Iowa’s principal/special education supervisor and superintendent/AEA chief preparation programs) to display flyers announcing new cohorts at Iowa ASCD events. Veta Thode seconded. Motion carried.

Lou Howell shared about Mentoring, including Emerging Leaders. Diane Campbell and Jason Ellingson are drafting a framework to support our work with ASCD emerging leaders. See Action Report for further details.

Lou Howell shared the update about Curriculum Leads. If you wish to be listed as a support person for a certain area on the website, let Lou know - see:

Jason Ellingson shared the Partnerships update. Please review the Action Report for details.

Next year’s Summer Institute will be held June 21-22, 2016 at the Airport Holiday Inn. See the Action Report for details about this year’s conference.

·  Action 2 of Strategic Plan - Membership, including Communication

Lou shared the Action Report for membership. Current membership is 1,519. It was decided the month of February will be the membership drive month. See additional details in the Action Report.

For the technology update, Chris Welch shared some with Board members new changes to the Iowa ASCD website. All members have an Iowa ASCD email address. If you would like information on using this email address, check with Chris Welch on process/passwords/set up/autoforwarding.

Lou Howell shared information on 24/7 Books on Line. See Action Report for details.

§  Action 3 of Strategic Plan – Advocacy and Influence

Susan Pecinovsky shared that Elaine Smith-Bright will replace Pam Vogel as the Co-Director of Advocacy and Influence. We have applied for the ASCD Advocacy and Influence Grant for $6900. This year’s Advocacy Workshop will be held on February 11, 2016 at Embassy Suites.

Becky Martin challenged us to think about events and how to connect and support them.

Kevin Vidergar moved to adjourn and Susan Pecinovsky seconded. Motion carried.

The next Board meeting will be September 21, 2015 at 1:00 at Drake.

Iowa ASCD – Agenda for November 16, 2015 (8:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.)

Action Report / Report for Action 2 of Strategic Plan
Topic: Digital Resources – 24/7 Books
Date of Report: November 16, 2015
Chair/Designee: Lou Howell
Action 1: Innovation and Leadership in Teaching and Learning (Programs/ Events, Partnerships)
§  Kevin Vidergar – Co-Chair/Past President
§  Cindy Swanson – Co-Chair
§  Events Chairs
§  Veta Thode– Fall Academy
§  Kym Stein – Summer Institute
§  Sue Wood/Pam Zeigler – Curriculum Academy
§  Amy Whittington – Fall Institute
§  Members at Large
§  Diane Campbell
§  Katy Evenson
§  Partnerships, including Mentoring
§  Jason Ellingson
§  Rita Martens – DE
§  Jan Beatty – Higher Education
§  Lou Howell – Executive Director (ad hoc)
§  Chris Welch - Technology (ad hoc)
§  Amy Wichman – Membership (ad hoc)
Action 2: Membership, including Communication
§  Amy Wichman (Chair)
§  Randy Peters – Higher Ed
§  Pam Zeigler - President-Elect
§  Leslie Moore – Secretary
§  Sara Oswald - Member at Large
§  Chris Welch - Technology
§  Lou Howell – Executive Director (ad hoc)
Action 3: Advocacy and Influence
·  Susan Pecinovsky (Co-Chair)
·  Elaine Smith-Bright (Co-Chair)
·  Ottie Maxey – Member at Large
·  Pam Zeigler – President-Elect
§  Lou Howell – Executive Director (ad hoc)
§  Kevin Vidergar (Past President)
§  Jeff Watson (Treasurer)
§  Lou Howell - Executive Director
§  Pam Zeigler (Chair)
§  Members at Large
§  Ottie Maxey
§  Diane Campbell
§  Lou Howell (ad hoc)
§  As needed / Board Action Needed: (Delete those not appropriate or highlight one appropriate)
o  Discussion for Decision and Action
“I recommend that we support Option ____ for the Digital Resources provided to our Iowa ASCD members.
Option 1: Do not renew the resource (not recommended by Lou Howell)
Option 2: Renew our participation for $500 for 2016 for Resource Bundle 7 (presently offered).
Option 3: Renew our participation for $500 for 2016 for Resource Bundle 7 as well as extend our participation with the new Bundle 8 at $12,000.
Option 4: ______
Ensuring Learning: Provide specific example(s).
·  Allows access to 30 books for all members of Iowa ASCD
Summary of Information:
This is a value-added opportunity extended to all members.
A webinar was provided at 4:00 P.M. on November 2 to refresh members’ use of the digital books. It was very informative. A recorded version is available on the Iowa ASCD website.
Dordt College required their educational leadership graduate students to joing Iowa ASCD in order to have access to these books. This was a revenue benefit for us of $1980 (44 candidates x $45).
We provide a review by Sandy Merritt of a book from the library each month.
All new members receive access to the library when they join.
Access “clicks” for the first year are as follows:
·  January – 506
·  February – 189
·  March – 122
·  April – 65
·  May – 54
·  June – 261
·  July – 199
·  August – 41
·  September – 128
·  October – 117
We are able to renew this resource for 2016 for $500. This is highly recommended.
We also have the option of getting an additional set of resources for $12,000 based on our membership. See resource list below. An additional bundle will be available in late November.
Additional Information Attached: See below the list of books for Bundle 8 – all published in 2014.

Iowa ASCD – 2015-2016

Publication / Authors / Description
ASCD 2014 Supplement (Bundle 8)
The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners, 2nd Edition / Carol Ann Tomlinson / The updated second edition of the best-selling classic explains differentiated instruction, provides proven instructional strategies, and illustrates how real teachers are applying differentiation principles and practices.
Encouragement in the Classroom: How do I help students stay positive and focused? (ASCD Arias) / Joan Young / Explore practical ways to foster humor, mindfulness, resilience, curiosity, and gratitude for a positive classroom that engages students and enhances their learning.
Engaging Minds in English Language Arts Classrooms: The Surprising Power of Joy / Mary Jo Fresch (Michael F. Opitz and Michael P. Ford, eds.) / College and career readiness standards demand reading, writing, and speaking proficiency from students. Learn research-based strategies that engage students in all facets of English Language Arts.
Engaging Minds in Science & Math Classrooms: The Surprising Power of Joy / Eric Brunsell and Michelle A. Fleming (Michael F. Opitz and Michael P. Ford, eds.) / This book is brimming with ideas and activities that are aligned with standards and high expectations to engage and motivate all learners in STEM classrooms.
Engaging Minds in Social Studies Classrooms: The Surprising Power of Joy / James A. Erekson (Michael F. Opitz and Michael P. Ford, eds.) / Tomorrow’s world-class citizens are in our schools today. Explore these unique research-based ideas to bring learning and joy into your social studies classroom.
Engaging Minds in the Classroom: The Suprising Power of Joy / Michael F. Opitz and Michael P. Ford / Learn how to use research-based practices in your classroom that can truly engage students and help them be joyful, confident learners.
Engineering Essentials for STEM Instruction: How do I infuse real-life problem solving into science, technology, and math? (ASCD Arias) / Pamela Truesdell / A straightforward look at how to begin addressing the “E” in STEM instruction in a way that’s engaging, motivating, and linked to key content, standards, and 21st century skills.