This profile offers information about the performance of a program in the context of its basic purpose and key features.

Name of Institution

Institution: University of Southern Indiana

Program Accreditor: Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA)

Institutional Accreditor: Higher Learning Commission

Date of Next Comprehensive Program Accreditation Review: September 2023

Date of Next Comprehensive Institutional Accreditation Review: August 2026

To learn more about the accredited status of the program, click here:

Program Context and Mission

Program Mission: The Sport Management program’s mission is to prepare undergraduate students for a wide range of positions within the sport industry. The program’s faculty strives to create an active learning environment that encouragesstudents to be engaged, ethical, competent sport management professionals. The department’s teaching foundations value both theory and practice as students participate in experiential learning, community service, and peer and professional networking. These experiences are invaluable to graduates as they enter into the multi-faceted sport industry as future leaders. Efforts will also be directed at preparing all students to fully participate in a diverse global society.

Program Goals: Program Broad Based Goals: Students in the BS/BA Sport Management program within the Department of Kinesiology and Sport will obtain a breadth of understanding in sport within and across diverse populations and apply this understanding in academic and professional settings.

1.Provide a core curriculum that allows students to acquire knowledge, skills and dispositions specific to sport management.

2.Facilitate the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills throughout the


3.Facilitate the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively, both verbally and in writing, in leadership roles in various professional settings and work effectively with diverse groups and organizations

4.Display an understanding of the role and impact of growing and changing technologies on sport experiences of individual and communities and on sport management service delivery.

5.Develop an appreciation of how sport can promote equity and social justice at the global, national, regional, state and local levels.

Operational Effectiveness Goals: Program effectiveness is evaluated utilizing a variety of operational outcome measures. The Sport Management program’s operating goals and the evidence to support the goal will be used to measure program effectiveness.

1.To recruit, hire and retain diverse, high quality faculty and staff.

2.To recruit and retain quality students to meet local and global demands for our graduates.

3.To provide students with the opportunity for professional growth.

4.To develop and maintain partnerships and community outreach opportunities with local business and organizations.

Brief Description of Student Population: 124 undergraduate students, 32 Master’s Students

Admissions Requirements: 2.5 Cumulative GPA; SAT score of 820; ACT score of 17 for USI Admissions Requirements. Once students have been accepted into the University they can declare a Sport Management major.

Indicators of Effectiveness with Undergraduates As Determined by the Program


This profile offers information about the performance of a program in the context of its basic purpose and key features.

Name of Institution

Institution: University of Southern Indiana

Program Accreditor: Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA)

Institutional Accreditor: Higher Learning Commission

Date of Next Comprehensive Program Accreditation Review: September 2023

Date of Next Comprehensive Institutional Accreditation Review: August 2026

To learn more about the accredited status of the program, click here:

Program Context and Mission

Program Mission: The Sport Management program’s mission is to prepare undergraduate students for a wide range of positions within the sport industry. The program’s faculty strives to create an active learning environment that encouragesstudents to be engaged, ethical, competent sport management professionals. The department’s teaching foundations value both theory and practice as students participate in experiential learning, community service, and peer and professional networking. These experiences are invaluable to graduates as they enter into the multi-faceted sport industry as future leaders. Efforts will also be directed at preparing all students to fully participate in a diverse global society.

Program Goals: Program Broad Based Goals: Students in the BS/BA Sport Management program within the Department of Kinesiology and Sport will obtain a breadth of understanding in sport within and across diverse populations and apply this understanding in academic and professional settings.

1.Provide a core curriculum that allows students to acquire knowledge, skills and dispositions specific to sport management.

2.Facilitate the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills throughout the


3.Facilitate the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively, both verbally and in writing, in leadership roles in various professional settings and work effectively with diverse groups and organizations

4.Display an understanding of the role and impact of growing and changing technologies on sport experiences of individual and communities and on sport management service delivery.

5.Develop an appreciation of how sport can promote equity and social justice at the global, national, regional, state and local levels.

Operational Effectiveness Goals: Program effectiveness is evaluated utilizing a variety of operational outcome measures. The Sport Management program’s operating goals and the evidence to support the goal will be used to measure program effectiveness.

1.To recruit, hire and retain diverse, high quality faculty and staff.

2.To recruit and retain quality students to meet local and global demands for our graduates.

3.To provide students with the opportunity for professional growth.

4.To develop and maintain partnerships and community outreach opportunities with local business and organizations.

Brief Description of Student Population: 124 undergraduate students, 32 Master’s Students

Admissions Requirements: 2.5 Cumulative GPA; SAT score of 820; ACT score of 17 for USI Admissions Requirements. Once students have been accepted into the University they can declare a Sport Management major.

Indicators of Effectiveness with Undergraduates As Determined by the Program


2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15 / 2015-16 / 2016-17
5 / 23 / 17 / 31 / 25 / 20

Note: Includes those with a second major of Sport Management.

2.Completion of Educational Goal (other than certificate or degree – if data collected) N/A

# of Students Surveyed:# Completing Goal:

3.Average Time to Certificate or Degree

1-Year Certificate: _____2-Year Degree: _____ 4-Year Degree: _3.6____

4.Annual Transfer Activity

Year: _Fall 2016___ # of Transfers: _8____ Transfer Rate: _26%____

5.Graduates Entering Graduate School

Year: _Class of 2016____ # of Graduates: _8____ # Entering Graduate School: __5___

6.Job Placement (if appropriate)

Year: _Class of 2016____# of Graduates: _8___ # Employed: _7___

7.Licensure/Certification Examination Results: N/A

8.Additional Indicators, if any: N/A

Form developed by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. © updated 2015