CoLRiC sixth form college survey 2016/17
CoLRiC first undertook a sixth form college survey in 2006/07. This was followed by a second, very successful survey two years ago, in 20014/15. At that time, it was hoped to re-establish the survey on a more regular basis to provide sixth form colleges with a helpful measure of their own situations and a useful indicator of sector trends over time. We are therefore now repeating the survey carried out two years ago.
The areas covered in this survey are the same as those in the 2014/15 survey. These were amended from those covered in the 2006/07 survey following a consultation with CoLRiC sixth form college members in January 2014.
Returning the results
When you have completed the survey, please return it to Sue Woolmer, CoLRiC Administrator, at the address below. Alternatively, the survey can be completed online (see CoLRiC website for details). The deadline for responses is 31st January 2017.
Results will be treated as confidential; no individual college will be named in the final report.
1. College information1.1. College name
1.2. Student numbers (FTE):
2. Library/LRC information
2.1. Please provide a brief description of the set-up of your service:
2.2. Is it a merged service with IT or with reprographics?
2.3. How many sites does it operate from?
3. Budget
Total Library/LRC service budget (excluding staff costs)
4. Opening times
4.1. Total opening hours per week (during term time)
4.2. Total opening hours per week (holiday time)
5. Staffing
5.1. Number of staff with a professional library/information qualification (FTE)
5.2. Number of staff without a professional library/information qualification (FTE)
6. Physical environment
6.1. Floor area in m2 (estimate)
6.2. Number of study spaces (non-computing)
6.3. Number of computer seating study spaces
(Please indicate if this includes spaces other than in the Library/LRC)
6.4. Number of separate silent study spaces
6.5. Number of separate group study spaces
7. Services
What facilities or services does the Library/LRC provide (for example, video viewing, photocopying, printing, binding, inter-library loans, selling stationery)?
(Please indicate quantities where relevant)
8. Resources
8.1. Total number of catalogued items
8.2. Total number of print books
8.3. Total number of text books (some Libraries/LRCs issue class texts)
8.4. Total number of eBooks
8.5. Total number of online database subscriptions
8.6. Total number of periodicals subscriptions
8.7. Total number of other items (eg DVDs, music CDs, etc)
9. User education
9.1. % of full time students attending/completing an induction session
9.2. % of part time students attending/completing an induction session
9.3. What other user education sessions are provided by LRC staff (for example, 1 to 1; class delivery; drop-in).
(Please indicate quantities where relevant)
10. Usage
10.1. % of eligible students who are borrowers
10.2. % of eligible staff who are borrowers
10.3. Average daily visits
(Please indicate how this figure is calculated. Is it by head counts at a set time or by a patron counter incorporated into a security system)?
10.4. Average weekly issues - borrowing
11. Technology/ILT
11.1. Which VLE do you use?
11.2. Who is responsible for the VLE in your college?
11.3. Do you have WiFi in the Library/LRC?
11.4. What mobile devices are available in the Library/LRC (for example, laptops, netbooks, tablets)?
(Please indicate quantities where relevant)
11.5. Does the Library/LRC have a social media presence (for example, Facebook, Twitter, blog)?
11.6. Do you use a computer booking system? If so, which one?
11.7. Do you use eBooks? If so, please list which suppliers/platforms you use
12. Please use the space below to add any extra comments or explanatory notes regarding your responses.
Please could you provide contact details in case of a query and to let you know of the findings:
Name: / Job title:Email: / Telephone:
When completed, please return to Sue Woolmer, CoLRiC Administrator:
email: ; Tel: 07505 434069; Fax: 02031 371546
Post: 83 Ducie Street, Manchester M1 2JQ
Thank you very much for your support