As your Town Officials, we are hoping you can provide some direction on how we can focus our time and energy to better serve the Town. Please take a few moments to respond to the questions below. Also add any comments on current or future concerns you feel need to be addressed by the Town. Results will be tallied, summarized and included in the Annual Report. Please submit your survey in person, by mail, e-mail, or with your tax payment by December 31, 2007. Thank you for your valuable comments. You can write on the back of this page.

1. What do you like most about living in Liberty?

1.  rural character with a feel of independence

2.  small town where everyone knows everyone

3.  natural beauty, natural resources, etc.

4.  central location and within commuting distance to numerous larger communities

5.  a combination of the above, explain

6.  other, explain

2. What would you do to preserve what you like most about living in Liberty?

3. As an example, would you be willing to assist the town to develop a comprehensive plan? What would you like this plan to include, an inventory of Town attributes, a vision of Liberty’s future, other?  yes  no Comments

4. Assessing is becoming very time consuming. There is the continual need for new mapping, pictures, sketches, and revaluation of remodeled/restored homes, differentiation of mobile homes and pre-manufactured homes, business valuations, and concerns of rapidly increasing sales prices. Should the Town hire a professional Assessors Agent to assist the town's board of assessors? [NOTE: Liberty’s website now includes tax information for all properties.]

 yes  no Comments

5. The fee submitted with a Planning Board application is $25.00 and no fee is charged with submission of an “Intent to Build” form. The fees haven't changed in a number of years and many Towns charge higher fees, should Liberty follow suit?  yes  no Comments

6. What incentives would convince you to join the Fire Department?

Choose all that may apply:

1.  Understanding different ways to be a member

2.  Discount on property taxes

3.  Pay for all services performed, not just fire calls

4.  Understanding options for time commitment and training required for different roles

5.  Other: Please describe

7. Do you believe that Marshall Shores use should be for Liberty residents only?  yes  no Comments

8. If the Town developed a “Community Emergency Response Team” CERT comprised of citizens to assist in major emergency events, would you like to be a member?  yes  no Comments