(Regional Research Station, Agwanpur, Saharsa)
Ref: 312/2017/AAS/Agwanpur Ph. No.7004752100 (M)
Date: 14.11.2017 WLL 06478290164
Agromet Advisory Bulletin for Kisanganj
(15th to 19th November 2017)
Medium Range Weather Forecast
DateWeather parameters / 15.11.17 / 16.11.17 / 17.11.17 / 18.11.17 / 19.11.17
Rainfall(mm) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Max.Temperature (0C) / 29 / 28 / 26 / 27 / 27
Min.Temperature (0C) / 16 / 20 / 18 / 17 / 18
Total Cloud cover / Partial cloudy / Cloudy / Cloudy / Clear sky / Clear sky
Max. R.H (%) / 70 / 70 / 70 / 70 / 70
Min. R.H (%) / 30 / 30 / 30 / 30 / 30
Wind speed (km/hr) / 05 / 05 / 05 / 05 / 05
Wind direction / Easterly / Easterly / Easterly / Easterly / Easterly
Medium and low land rice / · Rice crop is at maturity stage. Leave the cut material on the ground for moisture removal for few days. Thresh and dry the grains before storing.Berseem / · Sow improved varieties of Berseem like Pusa Vikash, Bundel and of Jai- Kent. Seed rate -25kg/ha. Seed should be treated with Thiram @ 2 gm/kg seed.
Wheat / · Farmers are advised to procure good quality seeds of wheat and start sowing in the prepared fields having optimum moisture. Seed rate: - 125 kg seed per hectare. Recommended cultivars PBW-343, PBW-443, K-9107, HD-2733, HD-2824, HUW-206, HUW-468, CBW-38, DBW-39. Before sowing seeds should be treated with Bavistin or Thiram @ 2-2.5 g per kilogram of seed.
Toria / · September sown toria must be intercultured for getting good yield. If it is at flowering stage then stop intercultured operation
Potato / · Planting of potato is advised. Kufri jyoti, Kufri ashoka, Kufri pukharaj, Kufri chandramukhi, Kufri badhsha, Kufri lalima,Kufri sinduri, Kufri arun, Kufri girdhari, Kufri sadabahar,Kufri pusker, Rajendra alu 1, Rajendra alu 2 and Rajendra alu 3, varieties are recommended.Seed rate@25-30q/ha and line to line distance of 50-60cm and plant to plant 15-20cm are advised. Application of 200-250 q/ha FYM, 75 kg nitrogen, 90 kg phosphorus and 100kg potash is advised during land preparation.
Rabi Maize / · Sowing of Maize is advised. Varieties like –DHM117, Saktiman,1,2,3,4; Laxmi, Rajendra Shankar Makka 1 and 2 should be sown at a distance of 75 x 20 cm, seed rate 20 kg/ha for getting optimum yield. Before sowing of seed should be treated with Thiram@2gm/Kg seed.
Winter planted Sugarcane / · Present weather conditions are suitable for planting of winter sugarcane. Before sowing farmers are advised to ensure optimum soil moisture for better seed germination. Row to row spacing should be 90 cm. Potato, mustard, gram, pea, wheat etc. may be taken as intercrop .
Lentil / · Sowing of lentil is advised. Mallika , Arun , KLS-218, HUL-57, PL-406 varieties are recommended. Seed rate@30-35 kg/ha for small grains and 40-45 kg/ha for large grains and line to line distance of 30cm is advised. Application of 20 kg nitrogen, 45 kg phosphorus, 20 kg potash and 20 kg sulphur/ha is advised before sowing. Seed should be treated with rhizobium culture (5packets/hectare).
Pea / · Rachna, Malviya mater-15, Aparna, Harbhajan, Pusa prabhat varieties of pea are suggested for sowing in north Bihar. Seed rate @75-80kg per hectare and planting distance of 30x10 cm is advised. Seed should be treated with Rhiozbium culture (5 packets /hectare). Application of 20kg nitrogen, 45 Kg phosphorus, 20 kg potash and 20 kg sulphur per hectare is advised during land preparation
Sunflower / · Sowing of sunflower is advised. Mordane, Surya, CO-1, Pairadevik are composite varieties of sunflower and BSH-1, KBSH-1, KBSH-44, MSFH-1, MSFH-8 and MSFH-17 are hybrid varieties .Seed rate@8kg/ha for composite varieties and 5kg/ha for hybrid varieties are advised.
/ · Transplanting of mature seedlings of cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli may also be done in raised bed. Recommended spacing should be maintained. Nursery preparation should be started for late crops seed should be properly treated before sowing in nurseries
· In bhindi and brinjal, if fruit and shoot borers infest, apply Emamectin benzoate @ 1g/ 2L or (Profenfos 40% EC+ Cypermethrin 4% EC) 44% EC @ 2.5 ml/L of water.
· In case of Yellow Vein Mosaic disease of bhindi, spray any systemic insecticides, like Imidacloprid 17.8%SL @ 0.5ml/L or Malathion 50EC @2.5ml /L of water.
Animal Husbandry / · Provide one full spoon of salt with their food in morning and evening regularly
Niru Kumari
Technical Officer