Appendix VIII


VIII.B.4Faculty Exit Interview Instrument


Appendix VIII.B.4

Name of Former Faculty Member:

Name of Interviewer:

Date of Interview:

Time Interview Began:

Time Interview Ended:




April 2001

Committee on Affirmative Action

Copyright, 2001, JohnsHopkinsUniversity

All Rights Reserved


The interview will be introduced to the former faculty member by one of the designees of the Dean’s office. The purpose of the exit interview will be explained to the faculty member, and he/she will be assured that all information will be held in confidence and that no respondent will be identified individually, although summary information will be provided to the Committee on Affirmative Action and ultimately to the School’s Advisory Board periodically.

Exit Interview Conduct

Who should be interviewed?

Tenure-track and non-tenure track individuals in the professorial ranks


We recommend 6 months to a year after leaving the institution, based on policies at other institutions. It also seems logical that better information might be obtained once there is some time and distance between the individual and the former institution.


We recommend collecting and analyzing exit interview data, both quantitative and qualitative, as a way of providing information on the school climate to aid in the retention of faculty, particularly with respect to diversity of gender and race/ethnicity.


Former faculty would receive a cover letter describing the areas to be examined in the interview. The exit interviews would be conducted over the telephone by one of a small group of individuals selected by the Dean’s office (most likely senior faculty in administrative positions) who are outside of the departing faculty member’s department.

Exit Interview Format

Open-Ended Queries


1.Can you tell me the top two or three reasons why you left your position?

2.If you went directly to another position, did you seek that position or were you approached first?

3.About what proportion of your time did you spend in research or professional practice, expressed as a percent?

Was that an ideal amount, or would you have preferred less or more?

If less or more, what proportion of your time do you think would be ideal?

About what proportion of your time did you spend in teaching and advising, expressed as a percent?

Was that an ideal amount, or would you have preferred less or more?

If less or more, what proportion of your time do you think would be ideal?

About what proportion of your time did you spend in service (to the department, School, University, and your profession, such as editorial boards, journal reviews, and study sections), expressed as a percent?

Was that an ideal amount, or would you have preferred less or more?

If less or more, what proportion of your time do you think would be ideal?

4.Overall, did you meet the expectations and progress you set for yourself?

In what ways?

If no, why not?

5.Were any concerns or deficiencies in your performance identified during the development of your career at Hopkins by your department chair or senior faculty?

If so, did you have enough time and resources to remedy them?

6.Were you generally satisfied with your experience at Hopkins?

If not, did you express any areas of your dissatisfaction to your chair or supervisor(s) before leaving or making the decision to leave?

7. Were you satisfied with the level of expertise of your colleagues?

If not, why not?

8.How would you compare your level and number of responsibilities in such areas as service, teaching, and advising to those of your colleagues in your department or area? Did you have less, more, or about the same?

9.How would you compare your opportunities to receive department or school resources to those of your colleagues in your department or area? Did you have less, more, or about the same?

10.How would you compare your opportunities for collaboration to those of your colleagues in your department or area? Did you have less, more, or about the same?

11.Do you feel there were any significant changes in the school or departmental environment while you were at Hopkins?

If yes, can you tell us about those changes?

12.What advice would you have for other faculty members beginning in similar positions at Hopkins?


13.How would you compare your opportunity to receive mentoring to those of your colleagues in your department or area? Did you have less, more, or about the same?

14.For tenure track faculty: Were the expectations for a promotion decision (positive or negative) made clear to you?

Did you and your department chair discuss these expectations?

For non-tenure track faculty: Were the expectations for your responsibilities made clear to you, say, in teaching, advising, or research?

Did you and your department chair discuss these expectations?

15.How many times a year, on average, did you meet in a formal sense with your department chair or division head to discuss your status and progress?

16.How many times a year, on average, did you meet in a formal sense with any senior faculty member in your department (in addition to your chairperson) to discuss your status and progress?


17.On a five-point scale, with five representing too much and one not enough, how much do you feel was expected of you with regard to teaching?

18.Did you feel you had the resources and tools to be an effective instructor?

19.Did you seek advice and assistance from colleagues with regard to teaching?


20.On a five-point scale, with five representing too much and one not enough, how much do you feel was expected of you with regard to conducting research or professional practice?

21.Did you feel you had the resources and tools to be “top notch” in your area?

22.Were you a doctoral student here?

Were you a postdoctoral fellow here?

23.If so, was your faculty appointment in the same department in which you were a student or post-doc?

24.If so, do you feel that being a student or post-doc here posed any barriers to your work as a faculty member here?


25.On a five-point scale, with five representing too much and one not enough, how much do you feel was expected of you with regard to providing service to your department and the school?

26.Did you feel you had the resources and tools to be a productive and contributing member of the department and school community?


27.If one of the major reasons you left was because your partner was dissatisfied with his or her professional opportunities in the area, was there anything Hopkins could have done to address those issues?

28. If one of the major reasons you left was because your partner was dissatisfied with his or her quality of life, was there anything Hopkins could have done to address those issues?


29.Is there anything else you want to tell me about your experiences at Hopkins?


Appendix VIII.B.4

MPH Capstone Projects

Closed-ended questions

I’m going to read you a list of factors that may have influenced your decision to leave the School. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 representing a major influence on your decision to leave Hopkins and 1 representing a minor or nonexistent influence on your decision to leave Hopkins, how much did this influence your decision to leave the School?


__Job dissatisfaction

__Didn’t feel valued

__Lack of recognition for accomplishments

__Lack of challenge

__Termination, or expected termination

__Lack of connection with goals/activities of div./dept.

__More challenge elsewhere

__More money/resources elsewhere

__More recognition/higher rank elsewhere

__More job security through tenure

__More job security through more certain funding stream

__Better job benefits elsewhere

__Prefer to do more teaching

__Prefer to do more research

__Prefer to do more professional practice

__Stress/effort associated with external funding support

Professional development

__Inadequate mentoring

__Difficulties with mentor

__Expectations for promotion not clearly defined

__Lack of collaborative opportunities

__Lack of financial support

__Lack of administrative support

__Lack of empowerment


__Lack of opportunities to participate in educational programs

__Teaching responsibilities too burdensome

__Lack of service opportunities

__Service responsibilities too burdensome


__Poor management of school

__Poor management of department

__Poor management of division/center

__Difficulties with chair

__Lack of input in decision-making in group/dept./school

__Lack of communication within group/dept.

Personal reasons

__Negative interpersonal environment


__Relocation due to family reasons

__Family responsibilities

Other reasons


Appendix V.B.2