HealthProm is a well-respected charity. This standing brings with it a need for us to be attuned intellectually and culturally with our supporters, partners, beneficiaries and funders. Working at the highest level is the only way to ensure that the changes we make to the lives of families we support are sustainable, so we need to ensure that our Board is also geared up effectively and actively to support this approach. This is where you can help.
We have just agreed an innovative new five-year strategy and want to ensure we have the expertise and resources necessary to deliver it.
We are aiming to strengthen the Board as well as to plan for the succession of long-standing members. We are looking in particular for trustees with the following expertise:
- the use of social media to communicate our messages and to support fundraising
- experience of business and banking in countries of the Former Soviet Union
- legal advice relevant to our operations and compliance with charity law
There are exciting and demanding challenges ahead but we have the passion, belief and ambition to meet them. If you share our belief and commitment to improving the lives of communities living in challenging circumstances, I very much look forward to hearing from you and perhaps, welcoming you onboard.
Simon RayChair of HealthProm
15 December 2017
About HealthProm
HealthProm works to ensure that vulnerable children have the best start in life.
Established in 1984, our mission is to work together with local partners to promote health and social care for vulnerable children and their families in countries of the former Soviet Union and Afghanistan.
For more details see our website
The role
Trustees will join a small and active trustee Board supporting the effective delivery of HealthProm’s current programmes and guiding its future strategy and direction.
Time commitment
Every trustee is expected to prepare for and participate in HealthProm Board meetings in person or by skype (currently four per annum, each lasting three hours and held in London), and may also be asked to serve on one of its sub-committees.
Trustees may also be asked to support staff in certain projects, initiatives or areas in which they have specialist skills, knowledge or experience.We are looking for a trustee ready to take on the role of Boardsecretary.
HealthProm trustee appointments are unpaid but travel expenses will be reimbursed.
Overall Objective
Withothertrustees,to beresponsiblefortheoverallgovernanceandstrategic directionofHealthProm,developingthecharity’saims, objectivesandgoalsinaccordancewith thegoverning document,legalandregulatoryguidelines.
Key Responsibilities
- Totakepartinformulating andregularlyreviewing thestrategicaimsofHealthProm, and evaluatingperformanceagainstagreed targets
- ToensurethatthepolicyandpracticesofHealthProm areinkeeping withits objectives andits memorandumandarticlesofassociation(andany variations thereto)andthat theseare carriedoutbymanagement.
- Toensure complianceofHealthProm withstatutory andlegalrequirements
- ToensurethatHealthPromfunctions withinthelegal andfinancialrequirementsofthe Charities Commission and Companies House andstrivestoachievebestpractice
- ToensurethattheincomeofHealthPromis spentsolelyfor thepurposesas laidoutinits objectives
- Toact inthebestinterestofHealthProm at alltimes
Main duties
- To assist the Chair as an active member of the Trustee Board in exercising its responsibilities and functions
- To participate in meetings of Trustees, whether Board or committee meetings and in other exchanges as needed, ensuring HealthProm’s policies and concerns are reflected in their deliberations
- To be familiar with the operations of HealthProm to ensure that a critical and informed view can be maintained, and participating in appropriate training sessions.
- To contribute specific skills and contacts to support HealthProm.
- To promote HealthProm to as wide an audience of donors and beneficiaries as possible
Code of Conduct
Itistheresponsibility oftrusteesto:
- Beawareof the contents of, and act withinthe organisation’s governingdocumentand thelawasitapplies to HealthProm.
- Act inthebestinterestofHealthPromasa whole–considering what isbestfor theorganisationanditsbeneficiariesandavoiding bringing HealthProminto disrepute.
- Manageconflicts ofinteresteffectively–registering, declaring andresolving conflictsofInterest. Not to gain materially orfinanciallyunlessspecifically authorisedtodoso.
- Respect confidentiality –understanding whatconfidentiality means inpracticeforHealthProm,itsboardandtheindividuals involvedwithit.
- Have a soundandup-to-date knowledgeofHealthPromandhowitworksand of theenvironmentwithinwhichit operates.
- Attendmeetingsandotherappointmentsin person or by Skypeorconsiderother ways ofengaging withtheorganisationif regularly unabletoattendtrusteemeetings.
- Preparefullyformeetings andallworkforHealthProm–readingpapers,queryinganythingyoudon’tunderstandor don’t agree with andthinkingthroughissuesingoodtimebeforemeetings.
- Activelyengageindiscussion,debateandvoting inmeetings– contributing positively,listening carefully, challenging sensitivelyandavoiding conflict.
- Act jointly andacceptamajoritydecision–making decisions collectively,standingby themandnotacting individuallyunless specifically authorisedtodoso.
- Workconsideratelyandrespectfully withall–respectingdiversity,different rolesandboundaries,andavoiding giving offence.
Person specification
Youshouldbeabletodemonstrateandprovideevidenceofthefollowingcriteriawithinyourwrittenapplication.Thesewillbeexploredwithyoufurtheratthe preliminary interviewstage,along withtheadditional criteria listedbelow. We are keen to ensure diversity on the Board.
The successful candidates will be able to give evidence of:
- An understanding of, empathy with, and commitment to HealthProm’s vision, mission and values
- Proven experience and expertise in at least one of the following:
•Use of social media in communications and fundraising
•Business experience and acumen
•The legal framework for international charities
- Knowledge of the region in which HealthProm operates
- Understandingandacceptanceofthelegalduties,responsibilitiesandliabilitiesof trusteeshipandanunderstandingoftherespectiverolesoftheChair,Trusteesand Director of Operations
- Theabilitytoworkeffectively as a collegiate member of a boardwhilecontributing anindependent perspective
- Some experience of board or committee membership in a charitable, public sector or commercial organisation
- Links to a network of current and relevant contacts
You should also be able to demonstrate:
- Anunderstandingof,andcommitmentto,thevaluesofaccountability,probityandopenness.
- Anabilitytoprocessdetailandgettotheheart ofanissue.
- Confidentandeffectivecommunicationskills witha rangeofaudiences and ability to act as an ambassador for the organisation.
- Awillingnesstodevotethetimeandeffortrequiredtoeffectivelydischargethedutiesofthisrole.
- The Timetable
Theclosingdate forapplications is22 January 2018
Pleasealsonote thefollowing dates:
- Preliminaryinterviews –5 February 2018
** remember to please advise us about any dates that are really not convenient for you when your application is submitted
- Informal meetings with the Director of Operations and the Chair – 19 February 2018
- Interviewswith the selection panel–22 February 2018
How to apply
Toapplyforthisrole,pleaseprovide thefollowing:
- a supporting statement,explaining howyoubelieve yourskills andexperiencematch therequirements oftherole,directly addressingthepersonspecification,
- a shortintroductory statementdemonstratingyourmotivationfor this role,
- acomprehensive CV includingdetailsofyourachievements ineachrole,andincluding detailsoftworeferees.
All of these documents shouldbeforwardedby email to Simon Ray at
If you would like an informal and confidential discussion about the role please contact Simon on 020 8236 0120 or Olga Johnson (HealthProm trustee) on 07961 410831.